Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 932: :Fire Gourd

In a blink of an eye, only four of the ten wind and fire decrees were left, and finally it was Xiao Yuhan and Xiying's turn. The situation of the two of them was similar to that of Fu Chang and his wife, and they were also ashamed of their pockets. Although each person had allocated tens of thousands of spirit stones during the rampage of the island, it was only later that part of it was used for cultivation in Qingyan City, and part of it was used to purchase Jinjin Pill materials. In this way, they wouldn't have robbed Qingyang of all the work of setting up a boat in order to save five thousand spirit stones.

In the past ten years on the spirit ship, I have only consumed no income. I have been sitting and eating the mountains and the sky. Therefore, the spirit stones on Xiao Yuhan and Xi Ying have long been left. The two of them counted all the miscellaneous things on their bodies, and they only made up 9,000. Lingshi is only enough for a wind and fire order.

In desperation, the two of them had no choice but to be like Fu Chang and his wife, asking for the remaining spirit stones to be repaid after they came back. Xiying and Xiao Yuhan are old friends with Qingyang. Although their brothers have settled accounts, they should still be accommodating. To be accommodating, they also agreed to their terms.

As a result, in addition to Baotan Sanren who had a wind and fire order, the other eight foundation-building consummate cultivators also had a wind and fire order. Qing Yang himself used one of the remaining two wind and fire decrees, but there was one more.

Of course, the Yinfengjihuo Cave is not only accessible to the foundation building monks, Jin Dan monks and even the Nascent Soul monks can also enter, but the number of Nascent Soul monks is too small, and they don’t want to waste time on this matter. Too low, easy to encounter danger, in fact, there are a lot of Jindan monks who go to the Yinfengjihuo cave, and the price of Chi Ling Yunguo and Earthfire Endosulfan Sand is expensive. For many Jindan monks, this is also a rare earning. Opportunity for Lingshi.

Without waiting for everyone to ask questions, Master Shi Han said: "I want to go to the Nether Territory with all my heart. After the position, I will leave Jiuxian City, other things are not important, so this Yinfengjihuo cave will not accompany you on adventures."

True person Heisang also said: "I have been forming a pill for many years, and I am not interested in the things in the Yinfengjihuo cave. Let this opportunity be given to others."

The two Golden Core cultivators both expressed their views, and the real fireman laughed and said: "Since you two are not going, then this last wind and fire order will benefit me. I heard that the Yinfengjihuo cave is full of Yinfeng and Extreme fire, there is a saying that the wind helps the fire to use the power of the wind. No matter whether the wind or the extreme fire, it is extremely beneficial to the fire attribute exercises I practice.

After finishing speaking, the real person Lihuo threw Qingyang Nine Thousand Spirit Stones, and then picked up a wind and fire order from the table, played it a few times in his hand, and put it in his own talisman.

In a blink of an eye, the distribution of the ten wind and fire decrees was completed, and Qing Yang not only gained more than 60,000 spirit stones on his body, but also became a creditor of others. With so many spirit stones in a jar of spirit wine, Qing Yang was also content.

In order to purchase the material for the Jinyang Pill, the spirit stones on Qingyang have been exhausted long ago, but the materials are almost all available, and there is no need to spend a lot of spirit stones on this in the future, but Qingyang has one more important thing to do. When spirit stones are used, they are refining magic weapons.

For other golden core monks to refine magic weapons, as long as they prepare the main materials, other auxiliary materials, and the cost of the refiner, they all add up to not use too many spirit stones, and two or three thousand spirit stones will be sky-high.

But Qing Yang is different from other Golden Core monks. He has prepared four main materials for refining magic weapons. In the future, he plans to refine at least four magic weapons, and these materials are all rare and good things. Refining is more difficult. Maybe you will have to add money to the refiner, and it will take almost 100,000 spiritual stones to refine it all, so he must plan ahead.

Originally Qing Yang planned to wait for the pill formation before considering this matter. Now that he has this windfall, he can plan ahead, and in the future, he will be able to use the magic weapon that he has at hand immediately after the pill formation.

They had inquired about the location of Yinfengjihuo cave long ago. After the transaction was completed, they agreed to officially set off three days later. Everyone left and went back to make preparations. The Yinfengjihuo cave is full of dangers, you may lose your life if you are not careful, you must make full preparations.

Master Qingyang and Shi Han came out together. The two did not say anything on the road. Instead, they went to the courtyard where Qing Yang lived one after another. When they arrived at the reception room, after both sides sat down, Master Shi Han said:" Alchemy Master Qingyang, you asked me to refine the fire-fighting gourd. I have already made it for you. Take a look and see if it is in line with your wishes."

The gourd on the gourd rack among the drunk immortal gourds has matured. This gourd has a slightly fire attribute, so after arriving at Jiu Xian City, Qing Yang picked the drunk fairy gourd from him and asked Master Shi Han to help refine it. For more than half a month, I didn't expect to succeed in refining so soon.

After Master Shi Han finished speaking, he took out a fire-red gourd from the amulet. Its size and appearance were similar to those of Yufeng Gourd, but the color was quite different. On the outside of the gourd, a lot of flame spirit patterns were also engraved. It looks like a beating flame.

The growth period of this gourd is much longer than that of the first wind attribute gourd. Master Shihan is also the top crafting master in the Middle Sands, so the level of this fire driving gourd is much higher than that of the imperial wind gourd, and it has exceeded the best quality. The scope of the spirit weapon has almost reached the level of a magic weapon~www.readwn.com~ Looking at the red gourd in his hand, Qing Yang couldn’t put it down for a while, and played with it for a long time before saying: "Thank you, Master Shi Han, you refined this I’m very satisfied with the fire-fighting gourd. My original plan was to use it to store the Extreme Fire in the Heart of the Earth. I will assist in alchemy in the future. After three days, I will go to the Extreme Fire Cave of Yinfeng. This treasure appeared in time. It is said that the Extreme Fire Cave of Yinfeng. It is full of yin wind and extreme fire. This time, we can take the opportunity to store some of the extreme fire in the heart of the earth."

Master Shi Han humbly said: "When we first came to Ancient Wind Continent, I didn't have any materials at hand. If I can spend more time and energy, I might be able to increase the level of this fire-driving gourd, but you are just an aid in alchemy. Yes, this level is enough."

Qing Yang nodded and said, "Yes, I am a foundation-building cultivator, and the auxiliary supplies for alchemy exceed the category of the best spirit equipment. Compared with other people, it is a bit extravagant."

Although the fire-fighting gourd has a high level, it is only an auxiliary product. The difficulty of refining gas is not very high. Because the main material of the gourd is also provided by Qingyang, so the auxiliary material plus the refining cost, Master Shi Han gave a friendly price In total, only six thousand spirit stones of Qingyang were collected.

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