Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 933: : 2 consecutive 3

Having settled the cost of refining, Master Shi Han was about to leave, Qing Yang stopped him quickly, and said, "Master Shi Han, don't go away, I have more important things to entrust to you."

"What else does Alchemy Master Qingyang do?"

Master Shi Han is a little puzzled. The spirit tool has also been refined for him. After three days, he will set off to the Yinfengjihuo Grotto. Why should Qingyang stop him if he doesn't make preparations?

Qing Yang didn't sell the guanzi, and said directly: "The next step in building the foundation and perfecting the monk is to consolidate the pill, and the most important thing after the pill is to prepare a magic weapon to take advantage of it. I have prepared the main material of the magic weapon. When I come back from the cave, I will find Master Shi Han to help me refine it. It’s just that the refining of magic weapons is difficult and requires a lot of auxiliary materials, so I would like to ask Master Shi Han to do some preparatory work during this time, so as not to be caught off guard during the refining. "

Refining magic weapons is much more complicated than refining spiritual weapons. Various auxiliary materials are also required. The preparation work is more cumbersome. Especially the materials prepared by Qingyang are rare high-level magic materials in the world, and auxiliary materials are even more difficult to find. , So you need to prepare in advance.

Master Shi Han obviously didn't expect that Qing Yang was looking for him for this. He said in surprise: "You have only completed the foundation and are ready to refine the magic weapons? Magic weapons are closely related to the future strength of high-level monks. The choice of materials is careful."

It’s no wonder that Master Shi Han is curious, because most cultivators start to refine magic weapons after forming pill formation. For one thing, the formation of pill formation is too difficult, and the monks cannot predict when they will form the pill, or even if they will be able to form it in this lifetime. Alchemy is not sure, and spending a lot of materials for refining magic weapons in advance, isn't it a waste of resources? Secondly, it takes a lot of spiritual stones to refine magic weapons. Many foundation-building cultivators are not enough to upgrade their cultivation bases and condense alchemy. How can there be extra financial resources to prepare magic weapons?

Under normal circumstances, when a monk first forms a pill, he will use the magic weapon for a period of time, and only when he finds a satisfactory magic weapon material will he find someone to refine his life magic weapon. It is rare in the entire world of immortal cultivation, like Qing Yang, who prepares the magic weapon materials for his life when he builds the foundation and cultivation base.

Although Qingyang’s cultivation base is much lower than that of Master Shi Han, Master Shi Han has regarded him as a close friend due to his ten-year relationship, so he is particularly concerned about Qingyang matters, and he is worried about Qingyang. I am eager for quick success and quick gains. I hurriedly prepare a tasteless magic weapon when there is no pill formation. This is a waste of energy and a waste of spirit stones. After the pill formation in the future, I can find better materials. situation.

Qing Yang understands that Master Shi Han is kind, and he tells the truth, saying: "Master Shi Han also knows my character. If I am not sure, how can I ask Master Shi Han for help? Don't be busy drawing conclusions beforehand. I'll talk after reading the materials I have prepared."

After finishing speaking, Qing Yang divinely moved, took out a fiery red stone, and placed it in front of Master Shi Han. Master Shi Han, as the top refiner in the Middle Sands, is also a knowledgeable person, feeling the hot breath on the stone, he couldn't help but fall into contemplation.

After a long time, he was surprised and said: "This...this turned out to be a piece of Netherworld Flint. This is a top-notch fire attribute material. It is the main material of the magic treasure that many high-level cultivators dream of. It is extremely popular among Yuan Ying cultivators, you How did a foundation builder get it?"

Qing Yang smiled, did not speak, Master Shi Han just felt it, and then thought of the taboo among the cultivators, he suppressed the curiosity in his heart, nodded and said: "Yes, very good, your share The materials are well prepared, and are fully worthy of your strength. The magic weapon refined with it is absolutely among the best among the monks of the same level, and it adds seven to eight points to your strength. I underestimated you just now. The magic weapon is covered by me."

Master Shi Han had some calculations in his mind, and was about to list the auxiliary materials and costs required for refining magic weapons, but Qing Yang stopped him and said, "Don't be busy with big things, you will look at this again."

After Qing Yang finished speaking, his divine mind moved again, taking out a plate from the talisman, and bringing a plate of yellow-orange-orange sand in front of Master Shi Han.

Master Shi Han was almost dazzled by the yellow-orange-orange sand, his face was full of shock, and he lost his voice: "Yellow pole smoke dust sand? This is the top material for refining earth properties, and it is no less rare than that. The previous Netherworld Flint, these two materials, others can find one that will be enough for him to benefit his whole life. You actually got two in a row?"

Master Shi Han couldn't help being shocked, because these two materials were too rare and were not available to ordinary cultivators at all. How could a foundation-building cultivator in Qingyang, He De, get two of them? One thing can be said to be a fluke, and two consecutive top-notch master materials are too scary.

Qing Yang didn't answer him, but Master Shi Han didn't expect Qing Yang to answer. Private matters like the source of the material would not be revealed to others unless the relationship between the two is extremely close.

Master Shi Han paused slightly, muttering to himself: "One kind of fire attribute material and one kind of soil attribute material can be made into two matching magic weapons. When used together, it is more powerful. With this magic weapon, we may hardly expect you to recite it in the future. It’s just that it’s a little harder to refine this magic weapon~www.readwn.com~ and we need to prepare..."

Master Shi Han was only half talking, and then opened his mouth wide and did not close it for a long time, because he saw a scene that shocked him even more. After taking out the two top magic weapons, Qing Yang on the opposite side did not stop. , And then took out the third one.

This third piece is a light blue bead about the size of a fist. It looks crystal clear and crystal-like. After the baptism of the previous two treasures, Master Shi Han has also calmed down a lot at this time, and is no longer as fussy as before. , But said: "Master Qingyang, how many treasures are there on your body? Don't be so appetite one by one. Take them out all at once. I can withstand the impact. "

Seeing Master Shi Han's unpredictable look, Qing Yang smiled and said: "Master Shi Han, forgive me, it's not that I deliberately sang your appetite, but that the three materials are not put together, and you need to slowly indulge in the talisman. Looking around, now I only have these three, and nothing else."

Hearing Qingyang said that there was nothing else, Master Shi Han was finally relieved. If this goes on, he really doesn’t know if his heart can bear it. A small foundation-building cultivator takes out one after another. Top monks all dream of magical materials, and three at a time, this is crazy, not to mention others, even Master Shi Han himself is a little jealous.

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