Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 938: : Alternate hot and cold

Whether you can enter the Yinfengjihuo Cave is everyone's chance. After you enter, you still have your own affairs. How can you pin your hopes on others? Thinking of this, Real Fire said: "Friends, I'm sorry, I also have to go to this Yinfengjihuo cave. If you really need Red Soul Yunguo and Earthfire Endosulfan, you can stay here and wait a few minutes. The monks inside will come out in a month, as long as they are willing to pay a high price, there will always be someone who will sell these two materials."

This is true. Instead of trying your luck in the Yinfengjihuo cave, it is better to wait outside and wait for the rabbit. There are so many people who are willing to sell elixir. Others may not be able to buy it. For, those big forces will give some face more or less.

Hearing the words of the real fireman, the round-faced monk's complexion suddenly stagnated. He said all his good things, but others refused to give up and turned his face away, but because he had been too humble before and there were so many people around him watching, he could only Waved his hand impatiently, and said, "Forget it, let's go."

Seeing that these people were finally no longer entangled, the real fireman waved his hand at the back, and then the eleven people gathered together and walked towards the depths of the island. Others are unwilling, but what can they do if they are unwilling? These people are not one-minded, and no one dares to act first.

Because once someone makes a bad start, things can't be controlled. If you **** someone else's wind and fire order, can't someone else **** your other things? At that time, it is not just a matter of wind and fire, maybe even your life will be lost, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

Although the monks didn't do anything, Qing Yang and the others didn't dare to be careless, and walked a distance carefully, until they were more than a dozen miles away from those people, everyone was a little relieved.

The previous events gave them a lot of pressure. If they were not careful, their lives would be in danger. Although the group of people are not of one mind, they all have the cultivation base of the Golden Core Realm. If they really stand up, they will only be unlucky in the end. It's them these foundation-building monks.

After leaving those people, it does not mean that they are safe. They can obviously feel that they are always staring at them in the distance or behind the strange rocks, but they are heavily guarded and worried. Attracting other people, those talents did not dare to do it.

As they went deeper, what they saw gradually verified what the boat monk said, there are indeed many entrances to the Yinfengjihuo cave. Every tens of feet, you can encounter a black hole entrance, or behind a strange rock. Either among the rocks, or at the bottom of the pool, or deep in the mist.

At the entrance of the cave, a faint wind blows out, but it has weakened to a certain extent, and it has little effect on the monks. Looking inside from the entrance of the cave, nothing can be seen in the heavy fog. I only feel the wind and heat alternately blowing out, blowing people. The bones were crumbly and weak.

Qing Yang and the others didn't rush into the inside, but continued to move forward. The outer openings were too small, it was not convenient to enter and exit, and they could not open up when there were problems. The Yinfengjihuo Cave has been opened for nearly a month, anyway, it is so long, and I don't care about it for a long time.

They have been walking for two or three hours before stopping next to a pit. There is a huge hole in the pit with a radius of several tens of meters. The yin wind here is much stronger and the surrounding mist is full of mist. , At a glance, is the main entrance and exit of the Yinfengjihuo Cave.

They turned around around the pit and found a lot of traces left by the monks, indicating that many monks entered from here. For monks who came late, this kind of entrance is the safest and quickest. , I don’t know if anyone has walked through other small entrances and exits. Wouldn’t it be a waste of time if I get lost in it?

After confirming the entrance and exit, Qing Yang and the others didn't stay outside for too much time, they cleaned up a bit, and then plunged headlong into the mist of the pit.

In this kind of place, the eyes and ears are not very useful anymore. Observing the surrounding situation depends on divine consciousness. The divine consciousness of the foundation-building consummation monk should be able to cover the range of nearly three hundred meters, but the monk’s divine consciousness is precious and restores. It's extremely slow to get up, and the pill to restore divine consciousness is extremely rare. No one is stupid enough to open up their divine consciousness to the maximum for a long time.

Usually everyone can save while saving, especially when there are many people, they only cover the surrounding area of ​​ten meters with divine consciousness to maintain a basic safe distance. Only when fighting or at a critical moment, will divine consciousness be used. The scope of release is wider to defend against the enemy.

The entrance of this cave leads obliquely to the deepest part of the earth. A group of people use divine consciousness to explore the way. After finding out the direction inside, they walked all the way to the depths. Become hundreds of feet, or even thousands of feet.

Inside the entrance of the cave, it was a little frightening. Only the sound of their walking group echoed in the cave. The surrounding fog was so dense that they could not see anything. They could only cover more than ten meters of the surrounding area with divine thoughts. I don’t know what’s going on around them. , I don’t know if there is any danger, everyone can only gather together as much as possible, so as not to be too late to deal with emergencies.

The deeper you go, the stronger the yin wind around you. I didn’t feel anything at first. When it reached a depth of a thousand meters, the intensity of the yin wind had reached a level that even the foundation-building monks could not bear~www.readwn.com~ The face is as if someone is holding a knife on their face. The bone-chilling cold and heart-wrenching pain are unbearable. After a while, I feel that the piece of skin doesn’t seem to be my own, gradually Lost consciousness.

And the temperature on the ground is getting higher and hotter, hot feet, occasionally a little ignition sprouts from the ground, and when someone walks by, a ball of flame explodes with a bang, giving all the shoes on the foot of the passing person It was burned, and fortunately they were all monks, with strong physical defenses. If they were ordinary people, they would have long been unable to keep their legs.

This is the common ground fire in the world of cultivating immortals. Low-level cultivators often use ground fire refining or alchemy, and the higher level than ground fire is the extreme fire. , Have been used, since it is called the Yinfengjihuo Cave, there must be extremely fire inside.

Although the level of earth fire is lower, it is only relative to the cultivator's alchemy refining device. People can't stand the earth fire refining, and no one can stand it after a long time or a large amount.

The upper part is cold, and the lower part is hot. When it is cold, it reaches its extreme point. When it is hot, it reaches its peak. Alternating cold and hot, one advances and the other retreats, constantly stimulating their nerves and constantly impacting the limits of their endurance. They can be said to be Really enjoy the two heavens of ice and fire.

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