Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 939: : Usefulness of Wind and Fire

At this time, even the cultivators who built the foundation Consummation could no longer be able to bear the defensive power of their bodies. They hurriedly adjusted the qi within the group to maximize their defensive spirit weapons, or formed layers of truth outside the body. Yuan shield, used to defend against Yinfeng and Extreme Fire.

After everyone took up the defense, the situation improved a lot. Although the wind and ground fire were still uninterrupted, the degree of cold and heat was no longer as strong as before, and they could still bear it with their cultivation base. Just doing this all the time will have a big impact on the strength of the monk, because there is always a part of the true essence and attention in this regard, not to mention the distraction, but also to continue to consume the true essence.

And as everyone continues to go deep into the Yinfengjihuo Cavern, the Yinfeng and the Earth Fire will become more and more intense, and they cannot be resisted by their own defenses. But Qing Yang looked at the Feng Huo Ling on her body, but didn't react at all, as if it were a fake. Qing Yang couldn't help but wonder if she was deceived by that sloppy Taoist?

However, looking at Fu Chang, who was holding the wind and fire order of True Monarch Inviting Yue, the situation was the same as the others, and he was a little relieved. Perhaps they have not yet reached the point where they need to inspire wind and fire orders.

Everyone walked a distance of nearly a thousand feet, the yin wind in the cave became stronger, and it constantly blew on the monks’ true essence shields, making waves of sobs, breathtaking, and the yin wind blowing the true essence The shield kept shaking and denting, almost breaking.

There are also more and more ground fires on the ground. I could only encounter a little bit before. At this time, a cluster will pop up every few steps. If you are not careful, a large group of flames will burst, covering the monks. It is also fortunate that they repaired. To be advanced and deep, can we use means to escape danger at the critical moment.

Although the defensive spirit weapon and the true element shield can block the erosion of the yin wind and the earth fire, the low temperature and high temperature cannot be completely blocked. The continuous infiltration requires the monks to bear it with their bodies. As they continue to deepen, the low temperature and high temperature accumulate to a certain extent. After reaching the level, let alone the foundation-building monks in the team, even the real fire mortal of the Jindan cultivation base could not bear it.

No wonder others say that only Yuan Ying monks can enter the Yinfengjihuo cave, and the cultivation bases below the completion of the foundation can not enter the Yinfengjihuo cave even if there is a wind and fire order. It is not clear inside, just because of the conditions outside. Even if the low-level cultivators came, they didn't dare to enter.

Even so, many people in the team have reached the limit of endurance, especially the poorer casual cultivators, who do not have very good defensive spirit weapons on their bodies, and have endured more than others. If it weren't for the rare opportunity, Maybe he had already given up at this time.

Seeing the situation getting worse and worse, suddenly, the wind and fire on Fu Chang's body shook slightly, emitting a light yellow light, and then the light gradually expanded and slowly enveloped Fu Chang. The cloudy wind that had been raging around him gradually weakened, and the madness before was no longer. It was like a strong wind hitting a dense forest, and the flood rushed to the dam. Although a small amount of cloudy wind will leak in, the amount is not large. Chang can bear it easily.

It is not only the yin wind, but also the ground fire can hardly penetrate this layer of light yellow light. Before they encountered the ground fire erupting, no matter how fast they dodge, they will always burn something, and even their body will be burned, but there is The protection of this layer of light yellow light group, no matter how intense the ground fire erupts, it will be filtered out by the light group, and it is no longer a threat to the monks.

It turns out that this wind and fire order is only triggered when the Yin Wind and Extreme Fire are strong enough to a certain extent. Since the wind and fire order of the True Monarch Inviting Moon is effective, the sloppy Taoist should be fine.

They also stopped and tried it. This wind and fire order seemed to be specially refined to resist the yin wind and the extreme fire. The pale yellow light group could only filter the yin wind and the extreme fire. It had no blocking effect on other things and did not affect the monks. Attack and use other means. But everyone doesn't expect so much, as long as it can block the wind and heat, the others still have to rely on their own abilities.

Seeing that the wind and fire order is effective, everyone is relieved. There is no white flower in the spirit stone this time, and the opportunity is in it. As for whether you can seize it, it depends on everyone's good fortune. Thinking of this, everyone suddenly has confidence and strides. Walked towards the depths of the Yinfengjihuo cave.

They had just taken a few steps, and suddenly two figures flashed out in front of them, and at the same time countless light groups burst above their heads. The real fireman walking in front reacted the fastest. He dodged to the side while shouting: " No good, someone attacked!"

The other people's response was fairly timely, and they did not need to be reminded by the real fire, they all used their own methods to dodge to the side, and at the same time used various means to resist the attack above their heads. Fortunately, in order to resist the yin wind and ground fire in the cave, they had already activated their defensive spirit weapons and shields, so that they would not be caught off guard in a hurry, and more or less avoided some damage.

However, since the opponent attacked secretly, the effect was still very good. Among Qingyang's group, some responded quickly, and of course some responded slowly. This large-scale attack caused a lot of damage, Jiang Dayang and Xiaoyu. The two of Han were seriously injured, and everyone suffered from minor injuries. Only the real person of Agni Huo was in better condition, but he was also very embarrassed and embarrassed.

The sneak attacker obviously didn't intend to let them go ~www.readwn.com~ Before the previous attack was completely dissipated, the two figures dispersed, one went straight to the real fireman, and the other rushed towards Qingyang.

At this time everyone can finally see clearly that the two figures that attacked them were not someone else. They were the two golden core monks who had threatened them when Qing Yang and others first went to the island. Among them, the cross-faced monk was the golden core. The cultivation base of the fourth floor, the other is the second floor of Jindan.

There were too many people onlookers at the beginning, and the two brothers didn't dare to do anything. After Qing Yang and the others left, the more they thought about it, the more they felt lost, and they suddenly became greedy. Since the people of Qingyang dare to come to the Yinfengjihuo cave, there is at least one wind and fire order for each person. These are a huge wealth, not to mention other things. As long as they do this vote, the future will be better. , So the risk is worth it.

More importantly, the cultivation base of the Qingyang group is not high. Except for the first-level golden core monk, all the remaining ten are foundation-building monks, and one of them is the middle golden core, and one is the golden core monk. In the early days of the golden core, as long as one of them blocked the golden core cultivator, the remaining one could kill the Quartet, and the probability of winning was more than 70% to 80%.

The harvest is big and the danger is small. Such a good thing is rare in a thousand years. If it is missed, there will be no chance. So the two of them discussed it and decided to take a risk.

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