Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 940: :The first is the strongest

Then the two secretly left the others and took a shortcut to the entrance of the Yinfengjihuo cave. Then they lie in ambush at the entrance of the most commonly used Yinfengjihuo cave. They were lucky enough. Later, Qingyang and others chose The entrance is also here.

The two of them did not have a wind and fire order, and they all relied on their own defense to resist the yin wind and the extreme fire. Fortunately, they were all Jindan cultivators, and their endurance was much stronger than that of the foundation cultivators. I have persisted until now, but the continuous yin wind and extreme fire blowing from the cave are not so easy to bear. The two of them have suffered all here, and they are a little unable to hold on. If Qingyang and others come later for a while, They said no, and they gave up.

After Qingyang and his party came in, the two Jindan cultivators acted first and decisively used a large number of magic charms to attack Qingyang and the others, hitting them by surprise. The effect of the raid was still obvious. Qingyang and his party were more or less injured. The more serious Fu Chang and Xiao Yuhan even lost most of their combat power and could only barely protect themselves.

Seeing the effect of the surprise attack, the two Golden Core cultivators rushed out at the same time, one rushed to the real fireman, and the other rushed to Qingyang and the others, intending to destroy these people in one effort.

It was the second-tier golden core monk who rushed towards Qingyang and others. According to the normal strength comparison, a first-tier golden core monk could block the attacks of four or five perfect foundation-building monks, while a second-tier golden core monk , Can deal with at least seven or eight foundation-building consummate cultivators, so using this monk's strength to deal with a group of foundation-building cultivators can be said to be wolves entering the flock and killing all quarters.

In fact, the two of them also considered the same, and even divided the scope. The cross-faced monk dealt with the real fire and the five foundation-building monks. This person dealt with the remaining five foundation-building monks. Qingyang's team is not very difficult.

They thought very well, and it is true that the normal situation is true, but now that there is an abnormal green sun, the situation is unpredictable. Seeing the golden core monk rushing towards him, Qing Yang did not dare to neglect, and the five spirit swords were sacrificed at the same time, forming a sword formation instantly to greet him.

These years, Qing Yang’s strength has improved all the way, and now it has reached the level of complete foundation construction. The true essence in his body has increased by many times than before, and the strength of the original spirit has also been greatly improved. In addition, he has been cultivating independently. Horned Ghost King’s concentrating determination is much stronger than the monks of the same rank, even if it is not much worse than ordinary Jindan monks.

Because of this, Qing Yang also became more and more relaxed when using the sword formation. After all, his five spirit swords were only low-grade spirit instruments, and the real essence and spiritual thoughts were less than other spirit instruments when driving. Now that Qing Yang used the Five Elements Sword Formation, it had already reached the level of instant.

With a movement of spirituality here, the sword formation over there has gradually formed. The Five Elements Sword Formation has amazing lethality. After Qingyang's strength increases, the power of the sword formation has been enhanced to the extreme. The huge sword formation has a sky full of sword shadows. , Facing the gold core second-tier monk on the opposite side.

There is also a gap in strength between monks of the same rank. Generally, the shorter the breakthrough time, the worse the strength, the longer the breakthrough time, the higher the strength, and those with a longer accumulation time can even kill the enemy at the higher rank. The reason why the second-tier cultivator of Jin Dan rushed to Qingyang was to pick up soft persimmons, because among the ten foundation-building Consummation cultivators on the opposite side, Qing Yang was the youngest. At first glance, the breakthrough was not long, so he could do it. One hit kills, thus deterring the remaining people.

He did not expect that Qing Yang was not only the weakest among these people, but the strongest among them. The true combat power was even higher than that of Real Man Lihuo. When he discovered the sword formation that Qing Yang had sacrificed casually When the might even the Golden Core cultivator could be injured, it was too late to change his move, so he could only bite the bullet and use the original attack to face the five-element sword formation.

There is no room for fighting between masters. Everything happened between the electric light and flint. In a blink of an eye, the second-tier cultivator of the Golden Core was overwhelmed by the Five Elements Sword Formation, and then only heard a loud bang, the sword formation collapsed, and Qingyang was backlashed. , The blood in the body was tumbling, and he went backwards several steps in a row before he stood firm, and then hurriedly ran the real air pressure to control the boiling blood in the body.

The cultivator on the opposite side screamed, and the magic weapon did not know where it was shot, and his figure also flew upside down for four or five feet, and then fell to the ground with a bang. Looking at him at this time, he had become a blood man, with wounds cut by spirit swords all over his body, and no one was intact.

After all, that person is a golden core monk, and he is the second floor of golden core that has been practicing for many years. Although Qingyang's Five Elements Sword Formation is powerful, his own strength is slightly worse. Although the injury on the opposite person looks serious, in fact They were all skin traumas, and they didn't hurt the root cause.

After a sigh of relief, the man got up from the ground and looked at Qing Yang, his eyes were full of jealousy. A foundation-building Consummation monk beat him so embarrassed by the second-tier Jindan monk. His past experience and There is still something that has never happened before, so that their brother's previous plan will have variables, and it is hard to say whether they can win the wind and fire order in the end.

But this is the end of the matter, and it is impossible to turn around. Let's not say that they have worked so hard, suffered so much, and finally blocked these people. How can they be willing to give up halfway? What's more, at this point, the two sides have already started clashing, even if they want to retreat at this time, the person on the other side probably won't easily agree ~www.readwn.com~ to always decide the winner first.

He knows very well that because of the change of Qingyang, he may not have a chance of winning here, but he can delay as much as possible to create opportunities for the other Golden Core monk. Whether he can win in the end depends on his elder brother. Case. His eldest brother is the fourth-tier cultivation base of the Golden Core. It is easy to deal with the real fire man and a group of foundation-building monks.

Thinking of this, the monk gritted his teeth and moved his mind. The magic weapon that had been hit by the five-element sword array flew to his side again, and then he gathered the true essence in his body to stimulate the magic weapon to its maximum power, with the sky full of light and shadow. Once launched an attack towards Qingyang.

At the same time, four people, Xiying, Xiao Yuhan, Jiang Dahai, and Jiang Dayang, who were relatively close to Qingyang, also gathered towards Qingyang, each offering their spirit weapons to deal with the Jindan monk.

The situation is critical at this time. If you are not careful, it will be the end of the group, so no one dare to be lazy, and finally can win, I hope that most of Qingyang's body, they must share a certain amount of pressure, and can't let Qingyang stand alone against the strong enemy. .

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