Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 941: : Critical situation

On Qingyang’s side, let’s not talk about it. On the other side, Real Huo almost used the strength of a sucker to block the first round of the cross-faced monk’s attack. His opponent was the cultivation base of the fourth layer of Jin Dan, and Real Huo only had gold. At the first level of Dan, he didn't have the ability to kill the enemy beyond the ranks. Facing the attack of the cross-faced cultivator, he could only use his best efforts to resist, and there was no luck at all.

After a round of attacks, Mortal Agni was forced to retreat more than ten feet. His face was pale, his body was cold and sweaty, and his eyes were staring at the opposite side. He still had a lingering fear. Although he was not injured, the shock was not small, even him. I don't know how many more attacks I can catch.

The cross-faced monk on the opposite side also had a slight surprise on his face. Although he did not use his full strength in the previous attack, it was an attack from the fourth layer of the Golden Core. He thought that even if he could not severely injure the opponent, he would at least be slightly injured. Yes, I didn't expect that Real Man Agni would retreat all over.

However, through the contact in the previous round, he has also found out the details of the real person. The strength is slightly higher than that of the ordinary Jindan 1st cultivator, but the height is limited, and it does not deviate from the normal category. As long as he is willing to use his heart, it will not take a moment. In three quarters, the opponent can be completely taken down.

He was about to make a big push, and attacked the real person again. At this time, Qing Yang used a five-element sword formation to kill his second brother. His second brother was a Jindan second-tier cultivator, but he was beaten so embarrassed by a foundation-building cultivator. , This is surprising.

But this accident did not disrupt his rhythm. Qing Yang is strong, but can he be stronger than the fourth-tier cultivator of the Golden Core? Therefore, the failure of the other party is inevitable. At this time, he and his second brother have the same idea, that is, he hopes his second brother will persist as long as possible. After he solves the real fire, there will be a group of foundation-building consummation monks. It's not a concern. Having figured this out, the cross-faced monk rushed towards Real Person Aging Huo without a trace of hesitation.

Seeing this, the real person of Agni could not help but feel bitter. The difference in strength between the two sides was a bit big. The first wave was blocked by the old life just now. I don't know how long we can last. Fortunately, Qingyang will show off his power and let the opponents. After suffering a dark loss, it seems that it is not a problem to defeat the opponent in the end.

Seeing that the opponent had arrived, the real person could only bite the bullet to greet him, but at this time the Baotan Sanren, Zhou Yufan, the evil spirit real person, Fu Chang and others have also gathered together. With the help of these five foundation-building consummate cultivators, the fire The pressure on real people is much less.

In the past ten years, Qingyang and the others have worked together in the same boat from the Middle Sands to the Ancient Wind Continent. I don’t know how many dangers they encountered. They have fought side by side for countless times, and they have developed a deep trust between them, and the degree of tacit understanding is also very good. High, so after Baotan Sanren, Zhou Yufan and others joined the battle, the situation on the battlefield suddenly changed.

Of course, it is impossible to defeat a golden core monk at the first level and five perfect foundation-building monks. They did not dare to defeat the cross-faced monk. Their only hope was to cooperate as much as possible. Persevere for a longer period of time, and you will be able to create it for Qingyang.

Then the two sides started a melee with you and me. The cross-faced monk continued to attack, trying to eliminate the opponent in front of him as soon as possible, and the real fireman and others also resorted to all means to deal with it. Generally speaking, the real person of Agni is slightly disadvantaged, but facing a group of ruthless people who cooperate with each other and fight to the death, it is impossible for the cross-faced monk to win in a short time.

On the other side of the battlefield, the situation was completely reversed. Since the second-tier cultivator of Jindan was injured by Qingyang's move, he had been more cautious in the battle, with fewer offenses and more defenses. Take risks, so as not to be taken advantage of.

But the situation at the scene was there. He was a little struggling to deal with Qingyang alone. What's more, there were four foundation-building consummation cultivators nearby to help? With the tacit cooperation of other people, and under the repeated attacks of everyone, he is becoming more and more conservative, and the situation is getting worse and worse.

The second-tier golden core monk occasionally took a cold attack, and he would also fall into the air in the tacit understanding of other people. A second-tier golden core monk was dignified, but was forced into this by several foundation-building consummate cultivators. He could only be passively beaten. Fighting back, I feel frustrated when I think of it.

Unknowingly, two quarters of an hour passed, but the battlefield has been in a stalemate. The cross-faced monk has been unable to break the union between the real fire man and the five foundation-building monks, and Qingyang has always been unable to severely damage the Golden Core II. Level monk, but the battle became more and more fierce. Everyone shot out real fire, and many people were injured. The scene was bloody.

After all, this Yinfeng Jihuo Cave is different from the outside. Yinfeng and Jihuo are everywhere. They need to be distracted while fighting, which is a great experience. Sometimes accidentally, after being attacked, it is too late to hold up the True Essence Shield, the wound area is eroded by the yin wind, or the ground fire happens to fall on the injured area, which is even more traumatic and painful to the bone marrow.

The situation on the field has entered a white-hot situation, both sides are desperate, Qing Yang led Xi Ying, Jiang Dahai and others, launched a frenzied attack on the Jindan second-tier monk, and the horizontal face monk violently attacked the real fire person, both sides are desperate , Just look at which side you can’t hold on first.

At this moment, Zhou Yufan on the other side suddenly screamed, rolling back and falling back. No matter how tacitly he cooperates, there will still be loopholes. After all, the cross-faced monk is the fourth-tier Golden Core monk, regardless of strength. , Still fighting experience, even his vision was a lot higher than Qing Yang and others~www.readwn.com~ For so long, he finally caught a flaw by him, and a single move severely damaged Zhou Yufan.

The real person in the fire was already in danger. After Zhou Yufan was injured, the situation became even worse. The real person in the fire brought the other four people to fight left and right, but it didn't help. Seeing that his side was about to lose, the real person shouted: "Qing Yang Alchemist, what should I do?"

Qing Yang is also worried. If the Alcoholic Queen Bee hasn’t fallen asleep, she can block one of them. The remaining Golden Core Monk can be easily dealt with. Now Alcoholic Queen Bee can’t help, and the remaining Alcoholic Bees have no heads. , I don’t know if it can work.

But in this situation, there is no other way. If it drags on, the entire team may collapse. Qingyang said: "The wind and fire order is our only support. As long as we can escape into the depths of the Yinfengjihuo cave, we will be safe. , I release the alcoholic bee to resist, you guys find a way to get out."

After speaking, the Qingyang divine mind moved, and six bees appeared in the air, and then staggered and flew forward. The reason for this is because the yin wind in the air is so strong that even the monks can't stand it, let alone get their heads. Not a big alcoholic bee.

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