Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 943: : Distressed

Not only that, because of the continuous baking of the ground fire, the feet of the second-tier monk of Jindan were browned, and even a smell of meat could be smelled, and it was estimated that it would be fully cooked after a while.

The second-tier cultivator of the Golden Core was wounded like this by the yin wind and the ground fire. Even if he could finally get out of the pollen maze, he would be seriously injured and disabled, and there would be no threat.

The reason why the two brothers chose to ambush Qingyang and others at the entrance of this Yinfengjihuo cave was that they were worried that they would be discovered by others, and they ended up busying themselves in vain. Extreme fire is vigorous, which is the critical point when the wind and fire order is activated. Qingyang and others will be attracted to a certain amount of attention by the wind and fire order. In this way, a sneak attack is easier to succeed.

Moreover, the powerful Yin Wind and Extreme Fire can also greatly suppress the strength of the low-level cultivators, giving their brothers a greater advantage. As a result, they are clever instead of being clever, and they eventually pit themselves.

The cross-faced monk obviously hadn't expected this before, and when he realized that his brother was about to be cooked, he realized that the situation was not good, and if this continued, his brother would be gone.

Compared with Feng Huo Ling, the life of the brother is more important. If the life of the brother is gone, what if the two opposite people are left behind? At this time, the cross-faced monk could no longer care about the spirit stones and hatred, nor could he stop Qingyang and the real person Lihuo, and ran towards the second-tier golden core monk.

The cross-faced cultivator turned to save his brother, Qing Yang and Li Huo both breathed a sigh of relief, and finally they were able to slow down. The previous continuous attacks of the cross-faced monk made both of them exhausted to cope, and almost all of them used the strength of milking. If this continues, it will be sooner or later that they will lose.

Real Human Lihuo glanced at Qing Yang, and then retreated to the back. Qing Yang first let the drunk bees collect the pollen puzzle, and then beckoned to put them in the drunk fairy gourd before turning around and fleeing back.

The pollen maze composed of six bee generals is very reluctant to trap the second-tier monks of the golden core, and it is even less possible to trap the fourth-tier cultivators of the golden core. The stronger the opponent, the stronger the backlash when the pollen maze is broken. It was terrible. If it were forcibly broken by two Jindan cultivators, the six bee generals might be destroyed. Qing Yang didn't dare to wait for the cross-faced cultivator to pass, so he hurriedly collected the Drunkard Bee.

After receiving the Drinking Bee, Qing Yang didn't dare to stay for a moment, and fleeing wildly with the real man, it was just that Qing Yang's true strength was much lower than that of the real man, and instead he was pulled farther and farther.

Besides, the cross-faced monk, before he rushed to his brother's side, the six bees were taken away by Qingyang, and the pollen puzzle was not broken, because he was worried about his brother’s injury, so he did not pursue the six addictions. The wine bee, but flashed to the side of the second-tier cultivator of the Golden Core.

Without the control of the pollen maze, the Jindan second-tier cultivator woke up instantly. After seeing his physical condition, he suddenly screamed and fell to the ground, then hugged his body and wailed. He was in the pollen maze. I don't know the pain in it. At this time, all the pain hits at the same time, even the Golden Core monk can't bear it.

Fortunately, Monk Heng Lian had already arrived, and he had no time to hate Qing Yang, who caused this result. He hurriedly hit his brother's body a few times to control the spread of the injury, and then took out a healing pill and fed it to him. Asked: "Second brother, how are you now?"

After taking the medicine, the condition of the second-tier cultivator of the golden core was better. Looking at his **** body and his almost unconscious feet, he suddenly wailed: "Big brother, I am trapped in a fascination. What happened after the environment? Why am I so miserable?"

The monk with a cross face said: "After you were trapped by that kid's bee formation, your body relaxed your defenses, and the wounds were eroded by the yin wind and ground fire, and it became like this."

The second-tier cultivator of the Golden Core was just dizzy from the pain. At this time, when the elder brother reminded him, he instantly figured out the reason. Everything about himself was caused by a foundation-building cultivator. Now that he remembered the reason, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed. , Said: "Brother, I was too miserable. A monk of the second-tier Golden Core was made like this by a foundation-building monk. You must take revenge for me."

The cross-faced cultivator wanted revenge too. He wanted to catch Qingyang and frustrate his bones and ashes, but the second brother’s situation would not leave him alone here, hesitatingly said: "You are like this now..."

"I can still hold on now, only my heart is uncomfortable. If the eldest brother can catch the kid back, my injury might heal faster." The second-tier monk said.

The second-tier cultivator of the Golden Core was only traumatized. It looked miserable, and it was very difficult to even move it, but it did not affect the cultivation base and the development of his strength. At this time, he had already operated his true essence, forming a true essence outside of his body. The protective shield blocked the erosion of the yin wind and the earth fire. After taking the pill, the body's injury was getting better, and the self-protection ability was still there.

Seeing that the brother is indeed okay, the cross-faced monk has a sullen look on his face, and said: "Second brother, wait, I will grab that kid back and let you deal with it now."

After speaking, wind was blowing at the feet of the cross-faced monk, and he chased into the depths of the Yinfengjihuo cave. He is the fourth-tier cultivator of the Golden Core, and his speed is much faster than Qingyang and Lihuo. Although there was a delay in saving his second brother, it is still possible to catch up with them~www.readwn.com~Qingyang Yilu Running wildly, but after all, the cultivation base is still limited. When facing the enemy, he can use his powerful spirit weapons and spells to display super-level strength. When he escapes, the gap will be revealed. He started not much later than the real fireman, but the distance was increased. Coming farther and farther.

The deeper the cave, the more vigorous the yin wind and ground fire in the cave, and Qing Yang did not run far, the wind and fire order was activated, the light yellow light spread out, forming a light of about ten feet outside of his body Tuan, minimized the power of the surrounding yin wind and earth fire. In this way, Qing Yang can escape with all his strength without being distracted to defend against the surrounding Yinfeng and Extreme Fire.

Despite this, Qing Yang's speed was still not comparable to that of the Golden Core cultivator. After he ran out less than a thousand feet, the cross-faced cultivator had already caught up. The distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer, and it was already less than ten feet in a blink of an eye. Looking at the real person Aging Huo who had disappeared in the depths of the Yinfengjihuo cave, Qing Yang sighed secretly, just a little too close, and finally did not run away.

When I arrived here, the surrounding Yinfeng extremely fire became even more intense, and it had reached a point where the golden core monks could not bear it. Qingyang's wind and fire made the defense better. The horizontal face monk had already reached its limit, and the protection on his body was almost collapsed by the Yin wind. , The soles of his feet were also burnt red, and it was completely based on a hatred of Qing Yang that he came here, and he would definitely not be able to hold on any further.

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