Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 944: : All misunderstandings

No matter if Qing Yang ran farther, or the other party chased later, Qing Yang might escape. Unfortunately, it was just a little too close. Qing Yang still did not escape.

Seeing that the cross-faced monk was already close at hand, no matter how hard he tried, it was impossible to get rid of the opponent. Qing Yang simply stopped running, and suddenly stopped and turned to face the cross-faced monk.

The cross-faced monk reached a distance of two or three feet in front of Qing Yang in an instant. He also stopped, and then looked at Qing Yang with a sullen expression, and said, "Boy, why didn't you run away?"

Qing Yang seemed to have accepted his fate and said, "Since I can't escape, of course I won't run away."

The cross-faced monk said: "You are a little self-aware, but if you take the initiative to surrender now, we can't forgive you. Because I've said long ago, no matter whether other people can escape or not, your kid is dead, you bad me. Good thing, hurt my brother, this sin is hard to redeem."

Qing Yang smiled faintly and said, "I won't run if I don't run, but I never said that I would surrender to you. Are you too confident?"

"Hmph, when you die, you still have such a stiff mouth. I don't know where you have the confidence. I advise you to obediently grab it, so as not to ask for hardship." The monk Heng Lian said with disdain.

Qing Yang didn't explain anything else, but slowly spread out his palm, revealing a small jade charm inside, and said, "I wonder if Seniors can recognize this thing?"

Looking at the jade talisman in Qingyang's hand, and feeling the palpitating energy contained in it, the cross-faced monk couldn't help but his heart burst. How could he not recognize the famous talisman? This thing is very powerful, it is a low-level monk's body protection weapon, but I didn't expect this kid to have it, and the power of this talisman is huge, and I feel a sense of fear.

The cross-faced monk was completely speechless. In order to do this vote well, he and his second brother endured the torment of the yin wind and the ground fire, lying in the depths of the yinfengjihuo cave, seeing that they were about to succeed, but because of the little Qingyang. In the end, he didn’t even get a hair, and his second brother was seriously injured.

After that, he left his second brother alone, endured the increasingly fierce wind and ground fire, and came here, and finally caught up with this nasty boy. Finally he saw the hope of revenge, but the boy took it out again. A talisman has lost even the hope of revenge. After so many years of cultivation, he had never encountered such a sad thing before, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Seeing that the cross-faced monk was lingering, Qing Yang said: "Senior has a lot of knowledge, and he must know this thing, but it doesn't hurt to introduce it again. This thing is called a talisman, and it is a high-level monk who has spent a lot of energy training. It is made and gifted to the children of the next generation for self-defense. The power of my talisman can kill even the monks in the late Jindan period. At this time, as long as I activate it for a while, the talisman will release energy to instantly kill all enemies , Senior, I wonder if you are sure to stop it?"

Qing Yang's tone was plain and flat, but in the ears of the cross-faced monk, it looked like a giant hammer of a thousand army, hitting his heart, making him almost breathless.

Before he knew it, the cross-faced monk's forehead was already covered with sweat, his legs were a little weak, and boundless fear hit his heart, and he was speechless for a long time.

Yes, it is fear. Since becoming a Golden Core monk, Monk Henglian has long been accustomed to the feeling of being aloof. For many years, he has never tasted what fear is, but this time, he has experienced it again, and it is an unprecedented one. Great fear.

No matter how powerful the talisman is, it can only be released once. If he can't escape, he will only die. This kind of thing has been experienced many times during his years of cultivation. Although it scared him, it did not reach such a level. What really frightened him was the meaning of the talisman.

Talismans are not easy to refine. There will be a lot of energy loss during the refining process. If you want to make a talisman that can easily kill a late Jindan monk, you must at least be a senior Nascent Soul monk, at least. It must have the kind of strength that Jiu Xian City invites True Monarch Yue.

And such monks, each represents a top power, their cultivation is high and profound, their power is huge, once offended them, even if you escape to the end of the world, you will be chased back, and they have countless methods to offend them. Life is better than death.

With the backing of senior Nascent Soul monks, it’s no wonder that this kid’s successful foundation-building base can withstand the attacks of the second-tier cultivators of the Golden Core, and a powerful foundation-building spirit bee can be released with a single wave. I’m afraid there is only that kind of background. Only deep top forces can cultivate outstanding young children like Qing Yang. For a time, Monk Heng Lian filled Qing Yang Brain with countless identity backgrounds in his heart, and none of these identities could be provoked by him.

The cross-faced monk also wanted to kill people, so that not only could the future danger be wiped out from the bud, but also huge gains could be gained. There must be a lot of good things in people with this status.

But after thinking about it, he didn't dare to do it, because it is not safe to kill and kill people. There are so many high-ranking monks' methods. Some of the big powers can find out the truth and find the real culprit~www.readwn.com~ Besides, this kid still There were ten accomplices who all fled into the depths of the Yinfengjihuo cave. They knew who did the thing, and they couldn't cut the grass and roots, so the only way now is to reconcile.

It is not without reason that the cross-faced monk has been in the world of cultivating immortals for so many years, but he can still save his life. Once he makes a decision, he has the opportunity to implement it immediately. As for the high-level things of the face, there is no such thing. Seeing his face changed again and again, he immediately showed a trace of regret and said: "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, this is all a misunderstanding."

Qing Yang's face became cold, and said: "Before your brothers blocked the entrance of the Yinfengjihuo cave and carried out a sneak attack. They acted mercilessly and even injured my three teammates. After we took the initiative to retreat, you chased and pressed for death. Now you say that all this is a misunderstanding? Don’t the predecessors think this is a bit weird? I don’t know where the misunderstanding is?"

Seeing Qing Yang willing to follow his words, the cross-faced monk breathed a sigh of relief in secret. He was not afraid that the other party would speak badly, but he was afraid that the other party would not get in. There was no way to reconcile. After Qing Yang finished speaking, the cross-faced cultivator smiled and said: "The son does not know something. Some time ago, I had a personal vengeance with someone in Jiuxian City. The person looked exactly like the son, but I mistaken the son for the son. People, a series of misunderstandings occurred. It wasn't until I saw the unique temperament of the son just now that I was shocked to recognize the wrong person. It was really a misunderstanding."

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