Chapter 362 Kana’s resolve  "It's been a while, my old friend, time flies too fast isn't it, various things changed after our last meetings, when that kid initiated a soul bond with that cursed sword, I knew he is not going to stop there, that was just a beginning, I realized that time he was going to change lots of things inside this region, "elder song gave a look to old man lin who is sitting in front of him along with kana, three of them entered inside his study room so no one can disturb them.

"Yes it's been a while elder song, last few days are very hectic for us, especially for yohan, that kid went through a lot in recent days, I hope everything will be alright soon"old man lin responded to the elder song, hearing old man lin elder song nodded his head in response and shifted his gaze towards kana who is sitting beside old man lin and looking anxious about something.

"I am not going to waste your time lady kana, tell me what brings you here, is everything all right, "elder song asked as he looked at kana.

"I want to access the portal that connects the Imperial family, I heard you have one such kind of portal which is provided by the previous emperor, I would like to access that portal right now" kana responded to the elder song, hearing kana's words elder song was taken aback, but a moment later he maintained his composure and he looked at kana.

"I am sorry but you are thirty years late for that my lady, it was true that the previous emperor provided a portal to access the imperial family, but when his son took the throne he shut down all portals which can access to the imperial family, it was not only me but there are hundreds of people like us who lost the connection with the Imperial family," elder song said as he looked towards kana with a disappointment, hearing Elder song's words kana's facial expressions changed drastically, her last hope is to crushed by those words.

Old man lin's face also turned dark, seeing their faces like that old man song become confused, he was totally clueless about the current situation, he knew there is something serious going on, after all, he is not expecting kana at his door at a time like this, and moreover, he knew lady Evelyn has an access to imperial family so why did she came here, why did they not use that portal which is existed inside the lady Evelyn's mansion, various kinds of thought started running into his minds and sometimes later he couldn't hold himself.

"May I know what is going on, you took me by surprise asking the access of the imperial family, is everything alright, "old man song shoot a gaze toward kana and old man lin, he wanted to know what is going on and why they are here at a time like this, old man lin took a deep sigh and shook his head in response.

"This is bad...this is indeed very bad, you were our last resort, look song you need to know one thing, this is a very serious issue and you need to make sure you shut your mouth, the thing is a couple of days ago something bad happened inside the eternal prison and lady Evelyn got hurt, she is in a bad state and we need to inform Imperial family as soon as possible about her condition, otherwise..." old man lin stopped midway as kana placed her hand on his shoulder and stopped him saying those words.

"My master is a strong lady, she is going to be alright, I have faith in her, "Kana said as she looked at old man lin, hearing her old man lin nodded his head and took a deep breath, meanwhile hearing those words from old man lin's mouth elder song was shaken to his core, he lived a very long life and he never heard anything like that before, he knew she is a strong woman who lived a very long life, participated in various battles, saw countless wars, various kings born and died in front of her eyes, how could she get attacked by someone, elder song couldn't digest those words which he heard from elder lin's mouth.

"What do you mean by that old man lin, how could this happened to her, what kind of person is capable of harming her, I can't believe in my ears, if this news gets out it will be big chaos inside the whole kingdom, the whole phoneix kingdom will be in turmoil," cold sweat appeared on elder song's head, he can't digest that someone could harm her, hearing his words old man lin took a deep sigh and shook his head.

"Well sometimes things happen which we don't anticipate, lady kana is right no matter what happens she will be alright" old man lin mumbled as he looked at kana.

"I need to get back to the mansion, there is no other choice but to use that..." kana muttered as she got up from her seat, both old men became confused as they heard kana's words, they didn't know what she was talking about.

"Is there anything I can do for you"elder lin also got up from his place and looked at kana, he knew she was in dilemma after knowing about the portal, but he can see that she has something in her mind!

"No it's okay, your clan needs you, you can head back to lin clan, I am returning to the mansion, there is something I need to do to accumulate that kind of energy to fuel the portal" kana responded to the old man lin and with those words, she disappeared like a ghost without saying anything, both elder song and old man lin becomes confused with her last words, but after thinking few moments about kana's last words elder song's face turned dark, old man lin also noticed those reactions on elder song's face.

"What happened, is everything alright with you?"old man Lin asked, seeing the elder song behaving in a different way.

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