Chapter 363 Weakling  "Tell me how are you going to accumulate that kind of energy to fuel a portal..." elder song tilted his head and looked at old man lin, hearing his words old man lin becomes confused, becouse first he can't understand what kana said before leaving that place and now elder song is blabbering something which is going over his head, things are not making sense to him.

"What do you mean by that, what are you implying,just say it clearly i dont have time to solve your riddles" old man lin responded in an annoying way, as it was too much for him to keep up after all he is not a guy who likes talking in riddles and at the same time old man song was a complex man when it comes to these kinds of thing.

"There is the only single way to accumulate that kind of energy and for my perspective she is going to use the core of eternal prison to fuel the portal, and do you know what is that means, she is willing to take risk of releasing those criminals who were imprisoned inside the eternal prison, this region will going to fcked up if she does that, imagine if those criminals got freed from that place they are going bring disaster to this region, she is indeed a crazy woman who is willing to risk everything "old man song explain as he looked old man lin, hearing those words from his mouth old man lin were taken aback and kana's words started making sense to him.

"This is crazy, if that happens then there will be chaos everywhere, most of those criminals are high-level cultivators, this whole region is going to be thrown into turmoil" old man lin mumbled as he looked towards the elder song with a dark expression.

"We need to stop her before she brings a disaster inside this region" old man song mumbled as he caressed his long white beard which was coming to his chest but to his surprise hearing his words old man Lin turned silent.

"What choice did she have, she already decided and there is no way we can stop her, after all, her master's life is on the line, she would do anything to protect her, to be honest with you, I have also done the same for my family, so I can't blame her even if she uses the eternal prison's core to accumulate that kind of energy to run the portal, and on top of that do you have that kind of power to stop her" old man lin responded as he looked at the elder song, hearing his words elder song was taken aback, but soon he realized that there is nothing he can do to stop her alone if lin is not going to help him, it was simply courting death to think about stopping her on his on, he might live a long life but his cultivation base nowhere near to kana who is trained by Evelyn herself.

"You are right but we can at least confront her, we just need to find another way to tackle this situation, just give me some time I will find a way to stabilize a connection with the Imperial family,but before that, we need to stop her from making that rash decision " elder song insisted as he looked toward the old man lin with a serious gaze, old man lin took a deep sigh as he understands this is a serious issue,after thinking few more moments elder lin nodded his head in response, seeing that a smile appeared on elder song's face.

"I knew you are not going to abandon this region after all this place is home for us and our ancestors spended thousands of years building our legacy, let's go and stop her before its too late" elder song said as he looked at old man lin, hearing him old man lin took a deep sigh and a moment later both of them left the room to catch up with kana.

At the same time, kana left the elder song's premises and she headed in the direction of the mansion as fast as she can. After all, she knew there was little time she had before those runes became useless.

"There is no point of stepping back, I don't have any other choice but to use eternal prison's energy source, I will take responsibility for my action but for now my master's life is my top priority" kana mumbled as she fasten her pace towards the direction of the mansion but suddenly she halted her movement when an unknown womanly figure appeared out of nowhere and stopped her path, seeing that unknown woman who is standing in front of her and looking at her with calm gaze kana was taken aback, kana could feel a strong aura around that woman who is starring her.

"Who the hell are you why did you stop my path, I am in a hurry if you love your life then leave my path," Kana said as she tighten her fist seeing Athena, kana knew that woman who are standing in front of her sight is not an ordinary woman but despite knowing that fact she didn't care about her, she is also not interested in her origin and her motivation behind stopping her path, after all, she dont have time to spare here.

"So you are my sister's little pet huh, quite big mouth you got over there, seeing you I feel pity how could my sister wasted those many years to nurture you, I hope the other one is not like you, she might be sensible when it comes to facing a more powerful person than your capability," Athena smiled as she looked at kana and said those words, on the other hand kana become surprised she never had seen athena before but somehow she can feel a familiar aura from her.

"Who are you, what do you mean by your Sisters pet," kana asked as she become confused but the next the moment her facial expression turned dark As athena closed the gap between them as it was nothing for her and she appeared in front of her and landed a punch on kana's guts, the moment that punch landed on kana's guts she through the mouthful blood from her mouth and felt that something pierced through her body but athena didn't stop there and next moment, the first punch followed by the second punch which was directed towards her face, Kana instantly reagin her composure and block the second punch but the power behind that punch was enormous and she blasted into the ground with a speed of a falling star.

The moment she blasted into the ground more than a five-kilometer area was destroyed instantly,the whole ground started trembling violently and the ripples of that blast could be felt in nearby cities piquing the the attention of every single living being.

"I can't believe my sister waisted those many years to train someone like her, such a weakling not even worth using my half strength" Athena whispered as her gaze landed on the ground where she blasted kana.

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