Chapter 494 Returner

"I am not hallucinating, I know how I feel at that very moment, how could jasmine didn't feel anything, the despair at that very moment, I can still feel it,"diya whispered as she entered inside yohan's room in a hurry and closed the door from inside with pale face, her body was drenching with sweat and she could still feel the goosebumps thinking about what happened to her few moments ago when she was walking with jasmine.

"Those eyes, I have seen them before but where?" diya mumbled as she approached yohan's bed and took a seat, her gaze went to her left hand which is shaking violently, she gulped and placed her right palm over her hand and try to calm herself, despite doing that diya's heart is still beating faster and louder as she could hear her own heartbeats,diya tilted her head and looked towards the bedsheet of yohan's bed, she moved her left hand and grab the bedsheet from her shaky hand and squeezed it tightly and then the next moment she moved her body and laid on the bed, her knees were touching her chest while tears were falling from her eyes.

"Yohan, where are you, I am scared...I need you with me," she whispered in a shaky voice.


Aana's heart started beating faster and louder as she noticed something peculiar, without wasting any time she tilted her head and she looked in the direction of yohan in a hurry.

"Did you miss me" a familiar voice echoed in aana's ear and her eyes became watery seeing yohan who is looking at her with a smile, she gasped seeing yohan's gentle gaze in her direction,aana's facial expressions changed drastically.

"Yohan..."aana mumbled as tears started forming at the corner of her beautiful eyes,yohan smiled seeing the surprised look on aana's face, she is somewhat looking different from her usual self.

"It's good to see you again aana, but why are you crying like a child, don't you see I am fit and fine almost..."yohan grunted as he tried to raise his body from the bed, he can still feel the soreness in his body and the pain in his head, hearing yohan's words aana comes to her senses and the next moment she opened her mouth.

"Yohan Don't move you are still weak, your body is still healing, "aana slightly bent her upper body and placed her right palm over his chest and stop him from moving, she looked at him with a concerned gaze and realized that she is not hallucinating, indeed he is yohan and he finally opened his eyes sooner than she expected, her face was few inches away from yohan's face and she could feel yohan's warm breath that Is ticking to her face.

"I am fine—"

"No, you are not fine, don't you dare to move your body, you are still weak, don't make me repeat myself, "aana complained as she looked at yohan with a serious gaze, seeing her gaze yohan nodded his head in response and he slowly moved his head into her lap and placed it,aana's face slightly turned red seeing yohan's head in her lap,yohan noticed those expressions on aana's face and he chuckled.

"Ok I understand I am not going to move, but let me remain like that for a while, and You haven't answered my question yet,"yohan asked as he looked at her in a calm manner.

"What are you talking about, I don't get it, when did you ask me a question? '' Aana looked at yohan as she asked him in a confused manner.

"tell me do you missed me because I missed you alot, I have some vague memory when you snatched me from lady Evelyn's embrace, and took me in your arms, I still remember being pulled towards you"yohan looked at aana with a smile as he said those words to her, hearing yohan's words aana's face turned red like tomato with embarrassment.


"Well you don't have to give me the answer, your face and tears are telling me everything, it's good to see you again aana, for a brief moment I felt like I lost everything inside that place but when you took me in your embrace, I feel the warmness and that warmness, it kept me going,"yohan looked at aana with a gentle gaze as he said those words to her and gently touched her cheek with his hand looking into her beautiful eyes, indeed he was right at that moment when he formed the soulbond with Evelyn he felt like losing himself, he depleted every ounce of his energy and he felt like he is falling into the endless dark pit, every single face that he cared about started flashing in front of his sight at that very moment aana was the one who pulled him from that darkness,aana's voice pulled him from that dark endless pit and kept him sane, hearing yohan's words aana looked at him with affection and placed her left palm over his hand.

"I thought I lost you at that moment, you took my soul away from my body when I saw you in that state, tell me what have you done in order to treat my master, you were planning something all along don't you, after all, it happened when we are away from the house, "aana asked as she looked yohan with a serious gaze.

"I fulfilled my promise that I made with you and your sister, that's all matters, it doesn't matter what I did or sacrificed in order to bring her back," Yohan said as he looked at Aana with a smile.

"But yohan —" Aana was dissatisfied with yohan's answer and she is about to complain but before she could say anything more yohan raised his head and placed his lips over her lips and kissed her,aana was taken aback with surprise when yohan's lips touched her lips, at that moment every single thought disappeared from her head, she held yohan's head between her hand and kissed him passionately.

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