Chapter 495 The hidden truth

"Why are you looking so lost, is everything okay with you and Where is kana, I haven't seen her since I open my eyes, I can't see lady Evelyn either,"yohan asked in a confused manner as he looked at aana who is looking somewhat lost, hearing yohan's words aana took a deep sight and looked yohan who is laying his head in her lap.

"Big sister went after lady Evelyn, there is something you need to know, when you lost your consciousness we bring you here and my master treated you, she extracted the black matter from your body and after that something unexpected happened and she asked us to leave the room as she wanted to examine your body further, "aana caressed yohan's head and she started explaining to him.

"You are saying that lady Evelyn extracted that black energy from my body,"yohan was taken aback by surprise as he heard aana, at the same time aana was surprised to see yohan's expression and suddenly something stuck in her head and she exhaled deeply.

"So master was right you extracted that black matter from her body and seeing the surprise look on your face it's clear that you are aware of that black matter that affected master and later you somehow pulled out that thing from her body, you were aware how dangerous that thing was don't you?"aana looked yohan with a serious gaze as she asked him, hearing aana's cold words yohan gulped and he tried to move his head in different directions to avoid her gaze but aana grabbed his face and make him look into her direction.

"Dont you dare to move your face in different directions, tell me you are aware of that thing that affected master, and even knowing how dangerous it was you did something stupid dont you?"

"Yes kind of, but there was no other way of saving her so I did what Is needed to done in order to save her, look things are fine, lady Evelyn is well and I am also fine, nothing happened to us, so there is no reason you have to be mad at me"yohan responded to aana and smiled at her, he knew she is upset of hearing that and most probably she was upset that he didn't tell her before and took things in his hands, but yohan was well aware that there is nothing aana and kana could do to help him, it will make things more difficult for him.

"Move your head from my lap, how could you say something this upsetting, do you know how worried we were for you and you are giving us the excuse that you and are master are safe, what if anything happened to you?, how could you be so irresponsible yohan"aana exclaimed as she moved his head from her lap and placed it on the pillow.

"Auch that hurts..."Yohan mumbled as he looked at aana who was looking pissed.

"If you had asked us, we had definitely helped you, but you didn't bother to tell us anything, tell me yohan there is any other thing that you are hiding from us related to lady Evelyn"aana looked at yohan with a different gaze and she asked him.

"What do you mean by that, why are you asking me in a serious way, there is nothing that I am hiding from you related to your master"Yohan responded to aana and he raised his upper body and took a seat over the bed and looked at aana.

"After extracting that black matter, she was looking worried about something and I am sure it is related to you, she told us to leave the room in a different manner, we did what our master asked us to do and waited around two hours outside, and after two hours later she finally opened the gate of this room but she was not looking at herself as something bothering her, after that master left the mansion and right after big sister also left to look after master, that's why I am asking you that is there something that you hiding from me related to master"aana looked at yohan with a serious gaze and asked him,yohan's facial expressions changed drastically hearing aana's words.

"He is not hiding anything..." a voice echoed inside the room and soon enough a figure appeared inside the room, seeing that figure aana left yohan's sight and she moved from the bed.

"Master—"aana mumbled as she looked at Evelyn who is standing a few meters away from the bed, she was surprised to see her master and was more surprised to hear those words that her master said that yohan is not hiding anything, Evelyn tilted her head and looked at yohan who is sitting over her bed and looking at her with a weird expression, if she even didn't interrupt on the right moment, he might end up revealing the truth about the soulbond that he initiated with Evelyn, he felt relieved that he didn't say anything and was saved by Evelyn at the very right moment.

"Aana I have something very important that I want to discuss with yohan, leave us alone and dont disturb us until we are finished, it might take long" Evelyn looked at yohan with a serious gaze as she said those words,yohan gulped as he heard those words from Evelyn's mouth, he felt something odd the way she said those words, various kinds of thought started running in yohan's head, after all too many things happened when she was in her slumber, not only he make up with her disciples but he also hooked up with her younger sister, if she comes to know all those things she might end up killing him but alas he was aware that he can't hide those things, sooner or later he has to confess with her.

"Yes master, I'll see you later, if you need anything please summon me"Aana responded in a trembling voice, and one last time she looked at Yohan and then she left the room in hurry without wasting any more time, Evelyn tilted her head and looked at yohan.

"You have already opened your eyes after those serious injuries, interesting..."Evelyn looked at yohan with a curious gaze and she grabbed one of the chairs and she dragged it to the bed where yohan is sitting with a blank face.

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