625 Conflict

"Hundred years ago huh, you two are indeed quite old buddies"yohan mumbled as he looked at Evelyn and maria who was standing a few meters away from him.

Hearing Yohan's words kana gulped and tugged his sleeves while Evelyn gave a stern look to yohan, Instant yohan realized that he said something that he shouldn't have.

Maria chuckled as she took a few steps in the direction of Yohan and ruffled his hair and said.

"Hundred years is nothing, it's just a century back in ancient times there used to be a cultivator who lived too many centuries compared to them we are nothing, and why the way yohan if you attain the earth realm you are going to achieve three hundred years of life Spain, you don't have to worry about dying from old age, unless someone killed you"

"The way he is doing things i don't think he is going to live that long so don't bother" Evelyn interrupted maria and gave a cold look to yohan, hearing those words yohan scratched the back of his head as he had nothing to say in his defense.

"Hey don't say that, I like this kid,don't you see how handsome he is, it been a while since I found a man who amused me this much" maria giggled as she come to yohan's defense and pulled his head between her breast, kana and Evelyn's facial expressions drastically changed,yohan was also taken aback and he tried to get away from her but alas his body went limp and he felt like he has no strength left in him.

"Hey leave him alone, how dare you do something that shameless to him in front of me," in instant kana grabbed yohan from behind and tried to pull yohan and sometime later she is finally able to snatch him from her, the moment yohan got freed from maria's embrace he tried to catch his breath and he looked at maria in a frightening manner.
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'What the hell is wrong with this lady, how can she be so strong for a moment. I felt like I was about to be crushed between mountains, there was no cultivation base involved, it was her sheer strength,'Yohan thought to himself.

"Is something wrong, do you feel my love yohan?" Maria said as she looked at Yohan in a seductive manner.

"What are you talking about, you almost killed me earlier,"Yohan exclaimed.

"Oh did I?" Maria scratched her chin and pretended to be ignorant about what yohan saying.

"Damn you, how dare you lay a finger on him," kana exclaimed as she tighten her fist and she revealed her cultivation base before dashing in the direction of maria, she couldn't take it anymore, somewhat maria's presence alone is pissing her off, and the way she is behaving around yohan making her mad, she don't knows why but she felt rage in her heart.

"Tsk kids these days,don't know their place" in an instant Maria dodge Kana's fist by tilting her head left, this happened so fast and Kana's face turned dark as she realized that she dodged her attack that easily.

"Try dodging this," maria exclaimed, and with lightning-fast speed, she threw a punch which is directed at kana's face, this happened so fast more like in the blink of an eye that kana couldn't able to move her body and she almost gave up,yohan facial expressions changed and he is about to move to stop maria.

"stop it..." a cold voice reached to maria's ear and she stopped, kana's face turned dark as she felt a frightening energy that passed through beside her face, her heart thumps louder than ever and she looked at maria with a dark expression as she realized how frightening that could be if her first landed on her face,yohan also look at maria with a serious expression knowing she intended to hit kana with that frightening strength, he realized for a moment she was a completely different person as something had taken over her body.

"It's enough, stop playing around you two," Evelyn approached maria and placed her hand over her shoulder making her come to her senses, at the same time kana snapped out from her daze and she took a step back hearing her master's voice.
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"Master I am..." Kana muttered.

"Open the alchemy room and help maria with everything that she needed," Evelyn said to kana in a cold manner, with her voice she seems quite pissed about what happened earlier.

"Yes master" kana responded in a low voice and then she looked at maria who came to her previous self, kana took a deep sigh and she slightly bowed her head in maria direction.

"I am sorry, I lost my calm earlier, please forgive me" she apologizes to Maria, hearing her maria chuckled and shook her head.

"It's okay, I admire your love towards that boy, you remind me of someone, she Was just like you, full of energy" maria responded to kana, hearing her kana's face turn slightly red while yohan clicks his tongue in an annoying manner hearing her calling him a boy, maria noticed those annoyed expressions on yohan's face and she chuckled.

"You want to say something pretty boy," she said in a teasing manner.

"Just don't call me that, I am not a boy, I am more than that"yohan responded in an annoyed manner as he thought that he will be a father of a child pretty soon and after that, no one is going to call him kid anymore, he was frustrated to hear kid and young master over and over.

"Maria don't waste your time here arguing with him, go with kana," Evelyn said in an annoyed manner, seeing everyone behaving as they wished.

"Ok milady," Maria said and looked at kana and she looked at yohan and gave a blink.

"See you soon, you better be ready to prove that you are not a kid anymore, prepare yourself for what is coming for you" maria said and with those words, she left that place with kana leaving yohan in daze, a chill went down in yohan's body thinking about her words that she said before leaving.

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