626 Confession

"I am not getting a good feeling about those words that she said before leaving, what is she supposed to mean by saying brace yourself!"yohan tilted his head and looked in the direction of Evelyn and he continued again.

"Brace yourself for what? dont tell me she is going to do some shady things with me, just like you..."Yohan whispered in a low voice, he wanted to say something but he stopped in midway, but Evelyn noticed the hesitant look on Yohan's face.

"Just like you huh, what did you mean by that, why did you stop midway, complete your sentence and tell me what do you want to say," Evelyn asked as she took a few steps and approached Yohan and she looked at him in an intimidating manner.

Yohan gulped nervously as he heard Evelyn's words and shook his head" it's nothing..."yohan responded to Evelyn in low voice but deep down he cursed her thinking about what she did when he first met to her, she experimented that fatal hundred valley poison on him to simply determine whether he is immune to poison or not, maria is also giving the same vibe as old Evelyn and right now he dont wanted to become a part of some kind of experiment.
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"Don't worry I know her very well, trust me there is no one like her, her methods may be harsh but she knows things that no one knows, and most importantly she knows what she doing so just relax," Evelyn said as she gave a look to yohan, hearing her yohan took a deep sigh.

"I don't know anything about her, but I do trust you, If you didn't interrupt earlier she was about to hit kana with that kind of strength, my heart almost skipped a beat at that time, she was an entirely different person, a person with no soul and no emotion, I am not doubting you but are you sure she is someone whom I can trust when someone's life is on the line, "yohan said as he gave a look to Evelyn, hearing yohan's words Evelyn's facial expressions slightly changed and she looked him in a calm manner.

"You trust me, huh, that's the funny thing you said right now," Evelyn said and she continued." if you trusted me then you will never end up like that, I offered you a great future when you first came to my door, if you accepted my offer and become my disciple then you will be a different person right now, because of your ego you messed up things, you kept cultivating without training your body and mind,don't feed me with that kind of bullshit that you trust me, you trust nobody not even yourself," Evelyn said in a cold manner changing the entire course of the conversation, she ends up bringing the past.

Yohan's facial expressions changed drastically and he felt rage in his heart hearing those cold words from her mouth.

"You better not talk about trust, how I am supposed to trust someone who gave me a hundred valley poison to determine whether I am immune to a poison or not, and after that, you asked me out of the blue that you wanted to make me your disciple, how I am supposed to trust you at that time with my life that you intended to take just because of your so-called attitude of not giving a fuck about anything, you were the one who didn't trust me at that moment,"yohan exclaimed as he looked at Evelyn in a furious manner.

Hearing yohan's words Evelyn's facial expression changed drastically, she become silent and she remember what she did in the past when old man lin told her that how yohan survive from that lethal poison, she indeed used hundred poison valley's poison to check whether it's true or lie that yohan is immune to that poison,yohan noticed those expressions on her face and he exhales deeply.
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"I Knew all along that you used poison on me inside the hall , I was aware of that all along but never told you, whatever your reason was i don't care, but your actions were enough that made me afraid of you, so I did what I did to get away from you, I was someone who was striving to survive when everyone wanted to kill me, that's why I didn't take any chances and did my best to ignore you but alas every single time I ended up associating with you,"yohan said.

"So that's the reason why you refused my offer, it's because of what happened inside the elder hall" Evelyn broke her silence and looked into yohan's eyes, and she continued again.

"Tell me yohan, if that thing never happened inside the elder's hall that day, would you accepted my offer at that moment when I asked you, "Evelyn asked indifferently manner.

"To be honest I never intended to become your disciple in the first place, after that lighting incident I realized that something has changed inside me, I become a completely different person that I used to be, I knew that I could grow and do things that no one can, you could say I become the self-centered person who dont wants to rely on anyone, I was cocky"yohan responded to Evelyn in a calm manner and tell her what she wanted to hear.

Evelyn took a deep sigh as she heard Yohan's honest words and she turned her head and looked towards the moon.

"I always thought men were useless creatures, I have lived a very long life and I always got what I wanted, no one ever refused me for anything, wherever I go, people, were on their knees, it doesn't matter whether they were men or women, in my all life nothing amuses me, I was bored and cocky until I met you that day," Evelyn said and with those words, she looked behind in the direction of yohan with her deep eyes and she said.

"That day you changed the course of my long-lasting life..."

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