Dual Cultivator Reborn [System In The Cultivation World]

Chapter 910 what do you expect,she is divine beast!

Chapter 910 what do you expect,she is divine beast!

"i can explain...''Yohan said in a timid manner knowing two of them were giving him tsundere vibes,Yohan was not prepared for this,he almost forgot that there were two more individuals who were currently staying with him inside the Nichole clan manor.

On the other hand athena was too powerful and sharp,she didn't took much time to realize what was going on there,the moment she entered inside the nickson city everything became naked in front of her eyes,she instantly realized that two of them potentially yohan's after all they were reeking with Yohan's strong yang Qi.

One was pretty young and the other one was pretty mature,one was having a Cultivation of the core formation soul realm while the other one was having the cultivation of the Earth soul realm.

Athena took a deep sigh and chopped yohan's head using her palm in a gentle manner.

"There is no need to explain anything, afterall you can't be tied to one person,that's not in your nature!"Athena whispered taking Yohan by surprised,he was not expecting to hear those considering words especially from Athena's mouth,she was the women who always wanted him entirely for herself,she even confronted Yohan regarding this matter when she was inside the soul subspace with him,but Yohan rejected the idea of getting tied to single person, afterall at that particular time he had Diya,jasmine,natasha and the two disciples of Evelyn.

Yohan indeed felt relieved after seeing this considerate side of Athena which he was not expecting to see in this very lifetime,on the other hand Neena was speechless after hearing Athena along with old man Lee who was watching everything from the sidelines not daring to disturb their conversation.

"By the way where are those two sisters,i am not able to sense them anywhere near this territory!"Athena asked in curious manner as she knew that two of them were always sticking to him like a glue,when she was inside the soul subspace,she hardly seen leaving them Yohan alone,they were always with him not giving him a chance to leave their very sight,Yohan shook his head after hearing Athena.

"They are not here,they returned to their master!"Yohan simply responded to her,Athena exhaled deeply after getting Yohan's response.

Soon after Elsa's call snowy who were playing and venturing into the sky heeded her call and without any thought she dashed towards the ground where Elsa was staying with other three.

"Good girl" a moment later Elsa praised Snowy who was staying right in front of her flapping her wings to stay into the mid air,snowy simply looked at Elsa with her big curious eyes.

"I want you to do something for me,you are the only one who can do that,"Elsa exclaimed as she took a steps while moving her head against snowy's head, nervousness could be seen on aana,Vanya and Maria's face as she is the only one who can take them to the other side where Evelyn and kana were desperately fighting their way out.

"Can you make a portal for us to move other side,the way you did back inside the soul subspace to follow Yohan!"Elsa whispered while her gaze lingered to snowy, snowy curiously blinked her eyes a few times before moving in the direction where the previous portal existed,snowy simply opened her mouth her eyes beaming with glare and the next moment something unexpected happened.


An ear piercing and chilling sound echoed inside the surrounding making the entire place upside down,the wavelength of the cry was so loud that made Aana,Vanya and Maria's to cover their ears and made them to take few stay backs,Elsa was the one who was unaffected by snowy's cry.

Soon after a large hole appeared in thin air to everyone's surprise,they could see the different space on the other side of the hole.

"She did it...''Aana was the one who exclaimed,she had an expression of disbelief on her face,Maria was also surprised along with Vanya, after all this hole was way bigger than the last one she made before slipping inside the mortal realm.

"Let's go before this hole shrinks to its normal state,she doesn't have the ability to maintain it forever... at least not now!"Elsa exclaimed and with those words she dashed towards the direction of the hole,Aana,vanya and Maria exchange glances with eachothers and the next moment three of them followed Elsa inside the hole along with snowy.

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