Dual Cultivator Reborn [System In The Cultivation World]

Chapter 911 They are women's, possessive women's?

Chapter 911 They are women's, possessive women's?

After sometimes later Yohan returned to Nichole clan manor along with Athena,neena and old man lee.

Neena and Athena were walking alongside with Yohan while old man Lee was following them from behind,while heading back neena was quiet whilst Athena were having a chat with Yohan regarding the recent matter.

"So this is the Nichole clan manor?"Athena exclaimed after seeing the mansion that is situated in the middle of the nickson city.

"It's pretty big...compared to the hundred poison valley manor!"Neena finally broke her long lasting silence as she glanced over the mansion,old man lee also gulped nervously after seeing the lavish manor.

"This is just a normal looking building,there is nothing great about this place !"Athena frowned, hearing Athena Neena's facial expressions changed whilst old man Lee nearly dropped his jaw on the ground, after all this is one of the finest places he has seen until now.

On the other hand Yohan was unaffected by Athena's remark regarding this mansion as he already seen a great place which Elsa governs.

"Follow me!"after a long moment later Yohan said and with those words he entered inside the manor along with Athena,neena and old man lee but the moment they make their way inside the manor two beautiful womanly figure could be seen standing right infront of them,one was alma the other was Yulia the descendant of the Nichole clan.

Neena's facial expressions changed after seeing those two beauties right in front of her,old man Lee was also mesmerized to see those two figures whilst Athena was expressionless,Yohan inwardly heaved a long sigh before using telepathy to communicate.

'the two ladies by my side are my partners,the left one is neena and the right one is Athena,you guys better not piss them off... especially Athena,she is slightly cold when it comes to those women whom i associated with!'

"It's normal when you have so many partners to look after!"old man lee said, getting Yohan's attention.

Yohan exhaled deeply and nodded his head. He was indeed right managing all of them is not easy, afterall it requires so much effort and especially time that he has to give each of his partners so they don't feel that they are left behind and not getting any attention from him.

"Either way let's not dwell into such conversation afterall i don't want to feel distressed,tell me old man You are still searching your son along with neena?"Yohan tilted his head and looked old man lee who turned silent after hearing Yohan, seeing those expression on his face Yohan understand everything.

"Just forget about him,i know what he did to your people but he is not worth looking... especially by two of you,neena and you are related to him,no matter how much grief he caused you,when you met him in person, neither you or neena have what it takes to kill him,he is your family...even if you or neena somehow bring yourselfs to kill him then it will only cause you so much pain and suffering...and trust me that pain and suffering will never leave your side,it remain with you forever!"Yohan said as he placed his hand on old man Lee's shoulder and he continued.

"I don't want neena to suffer such fate because of one scum who is unfortunately her brother.... jasmine also has same thoughts,she wants both of you by her side especially neena,you guys should head back with me,there is no point of going after your son!"

"I understand your concern but Neena is too adamant to search her brother,she is not going to Stop until she finds him!"Old man Lee looks at Yohan in a defeated manner, afterall he knows Yohan is right.

"Don't worry about her,i am not going to let her suffer, not anymore,I'll talk to her and make up her mind to follow me to Lin clan,that is the place where she truly belongs!"Yohan confronted old man Lee,a surprise look appeared on old man lee's face after hearing Yohan but soon a bright smile appeared on his face as he understood everything.

"Thankyou Yohan!"old man Lee said.

"You have traveled enough in the past few days,now go and take some well needed rest,this place is pretty huge so there will be problems finding a place suitable for you!"Yohan muttered and with those words he left his side,old man Lee remained standing for a few moments as he watched yohan's disappearing figure.

"It feels like he has become an entirely different existence in the past few months"He whispered and with those words he left to find a place to spend night inside this bigass manor.

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