Chapter 912 Communication jade

"This room is pretty good,i am going to take this one!"Athena tilted her head and looked Alma who was standing right next to her,a bittersweet smile could be seen on alma's beautiful face knowing the room that Athena has chosen is situated right next to her own room where she is currently staying with Yohan.

Athena was not the only one who had chosen the room in the same place, Neena also decided to take a room right next to Alma's room. These two ladies were keen to stay where she was staying with Yohan. Alma didn't know whether she would laugh or cry on her luck.

She inwardly cursed Athena and Neena and wondered how things turn out like this as she was having the best time of her life with Yohan,if these two wouldn't show up out of nowhere then she would probably having fun with Yohan right now but alas the fourtuin was not in her favour.

"You don't have any problem right?''Athena placed her hand on Alma's shoulder and asked,the moment her hand touched Alma's shoulder a cold shivering sensation ran down in Alma's spine, making her body hair rise like a scared cat.

"Lady Athena, why would I have any problem?I am happy that you are staying right next to my room,if you need anything just call me and I will be here in no time!"Alma responded while maintaining that weird smile on her face.

"There is no need to come to my room...i have so many plans with Yohan and I don't want anyone to disturb me!"


Alma was dumbfounded with Athena's Quick response,she was so blunt with her words,she clearly stated her desire of spending quality time with Yohan and directly told her that she is not going to share him with anyone, especially tonight.

"Ofcourse..."sometimes later those are the only words that escaped from Alma's mouth,there were nothing else to say,Athena was powerful cultivatior and moreover Yohan introduced her as his partner, considering all of that alma don't want to get into her bad side,offending her is not an good idea.

A moment later Athena exhales deeply and then she calmly looks at Yulia.

"Everyone has their own past,i am not going to judge you or hate you just because you are connected to Nichole clan,it doesn't matter,all that matters to me that Yohan trusted you and decided to take you as his partner!"Athena said and then she petted her head in similar manner just like the way she did to Alma earlier.

"Do your best to support him and if you need anything in future just come to me!''Athena exclaimed and with those words she took out a small jade like medallion and handed it to Yulia.

"Is this communication jade?''Yulia looked Athena in disbelief after all these jades were precious and very rare in nature,they were not very common inside the northern region, only a few handful people owned them and most of the people belonged to the royal family and some clan's leader including her father.

"Yes these are communication jade,you can communicate with me whenever you need my help!"Athena explained and about to say something but before she could say anything Yulia's eyes became teary.

"Thankyou for this generous gift big sister Athena,not only you are beautiful like an heavenly goddess but you are also very kind,i was unnecessary anxious of getting close to you!"Yulia muttered, seeing her like that a weird look appeared on Athena's face but nevertheless she petted her shoulder and tried to calm her.

"Okay I got it,you don't have to cry like an child,it's late you should go to your room!"Athena exclaimed,Yulia nodded her head with smile and then the next moment she left Athena's room with that communication jade,once she left Athena exhale deeply and waved her hand covering the entire place with thick barrier.

"You can finally show yourself!''after covering the entire place with Barrier Athena exclaimed and then next moment a familiar figure manifested right in front of her.

"Hey tell me more about that communication jade that you gave to Yulia?"That was the first thing Yohan asked holding Athena's both shoulder with his hands.


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