However, no matter how angry Mitarashi was, he could only deal with the short blade that flew towards Naruto first.

This short blade that was in the air, but it was infused with a lot of Samui’s Chakra.

Looks like……

Samui should have the level of upper patience.

However, under this sudden attack, even Mitarashi Red Bean, who was much stronger than her, was caught off guard and did not have time to react.

She had already taken back her ninjutsu.

I didn’t expect that the other party still had to make an inch.

So she didn’t prepare a backhand at all.

This is also on the one hand, she has too little combat experience, and she does not leave a back hand in each shot.

On the other hand……

It is also that her theoretical strength can reach the peak of elite upper patience.

In fact, she has not practiced with people much in recent years.

Not to mention a life and death battle.

So she’s just showing now that she knows how ninjutsu is powerful!


Seeing that the short blade that seemed to cut through space went straight to Naruto’s shoulder, Calamus was even more anxious and didn’t know what to do.

It’s all a split second.

“Hand hit uncle!”

Naruto’s eyes suddenly revealed a terrifying scarlet.

It doesn’t matter how he is treated.

Now that he has undergone the special training of Hokushin and the preliminary negotiations with the Nine Tails, Naruto has the strength to burst out instantly, but he can match Mitarai red beans.

Now Naruto doesn’t have to worry about this kind of ninja-level Chakra’s attack at all!

However, he was more afraid that this short blade would hit the uncle’s body.

Uncle Hand Beat now does not have any Chakra as protection.

He was an ordinary Konoha civilian.

If you are hit by this short blade, you will lose half your life if you don’t die!

This is a short blade thrown by Shinobi.

The power is naturally not to be underestimated!

Inserted into the ground, I am afraid that you can insert three points.

And even more so the body of an unexercised, civilian person?


Just as soon as it was about to happen, a kunai suddenly flew out from outside the door.

Just as the short blade thrown by Samui was about to be inserted into Naruto’s body, a blow pierced through this short blade!

It is obviously just an ordinary kunai.

But the hardness turned out to be harder than Samui’s elaborate short blade!


Samui’s eyes trembled slightly.

She looked out the door in disbelief.

This means of throwing bitterness is simply unheard of.

Just now, whether it was the angle or timing of the throw, or the direct destruction of her short blade needle point towards Mai Mangdi…

It can be seen that the thrower has turned the kun no throwing into a brilliant game!

“Now that you are all bold, dare to openly do something to the civilians of Konoha in Konoha?”

A magnetic voice echoed in the noodle restaurant that had just been rattled.

Hear this familiar voice.

Naruto and Mitarai Azuki both had a bright eye.

And Samui and Azabui’s bodies couldn’t help but stiffen.

They already know who is coming.

Only he can show such an extreme kunwu throwing technique.

Only he could use ordinary Ku Wu to inject Thunder Chakra to destroy his carefully prepared attack in one fell swoop.

“That short blade just now… Seems a little more than a joke? ”

The curtain was slowly opened, and a tall figure slowly stepped into the door.

Azabui, who was still arrogant just now, was full of trembling in his eyes at this time.

Staring straight at the ground, he did not dare to make the slightest movement.

And Samuyi, even if she is a Shangnin of Yunyin Village, her state at this time is not much better than her.

Her forehead was covered with cold sweat, and her fair milk-like skin was oozing a trace of redness at this time.

“Who is this person…”

Seeing the atmosphere where everyone originally drew their knives against each other, it instantly dropped to zero.

Calamus looked at the new person with some doubt.

This person is very tall, at least two heads higher than himself.

The face is handsome, and the body is perfect, like a sculpture without flaws.

As for the corners of his mouth, there was a wistful smile on it at this time, which looked a little playful.

“Why don’t you fight? Go ahead. ”

Beichen slowly paced into the house, went straight to a seat where there was no one next to him and sat down steadily, his eyes looked at Samui who had written his apprehension on his face with a somewhat frivolous look

And Naruto and Mitarai Azuki saw that Hokuchen had arrived, and it was Shinchu Daiding.

“Dad, are you all right?”

Hearing Beichen speak, Calamus thought that his father had just experienced a life and death crisis!

Attracted by Beichen for the first time, Calamus actually forgot what happened in their shop just now.

“I’m okay… Thank you to this ninja-sama for coming to the rescue. ”

The uncle stood up with Naruto’s help and quickly thanked Beichen.

He knew that if it weren’t for the Ku Wu just now, the short blade would have been destroyed.

It is very likely that he will be affected.

It doesn’t matter if they are affected, the point is that these two ninjas from other countries don’t know what they will do to Naruto Calamus.

“It’s okay, boss, you stay away first, you may continue to fight later.”

Beichen waved his hand and signaled the uncle to come to Calamus soon.

He, on the other hand, raised Erlang’s legs, glanced at the two people in Yunyin Village intentionally or unintentionally, and said nonchalantly: “You guys have become a lot more daring, and you even dare to make a move against my young son?” ”

“Or do you want to strike at him today and attack me tomorrow?”


The audible silence of the drop of the needle.

Both Samui and Azabui thought that Beichen would question them, but they did not expect to question them in this way.


Still stuck at the moment they shot at Naruto, Kitatoshi happened to come in and witness everything.

“What to do now…”

Samui’s face turned even paler, and the already white face was now blushing, leaving only a white skin without blood.

Since she was promoted to Shangnin, she has not been so embarrassed as now.

“Beichen… Lord Beichen, they were the first to launch just now! ”

Azabui felt the embarrassment of Samui, the captain beside him, gritted his teeth and stood up and spoke.

“You fart!”

Mitarashi Red Bean can’t wait to let the snake bite this black-skinned lady to death at this time.

Can you even bite back at this time?

It was clear that they first made a move on the civilians of Konoha, and they only symbolically released ninjutsu! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And now, they turned black and white upside down!


Beichen’s eyes narrowed, and unconsciously opened Sangouyu’s writing wheel eyes.

Under the cold gaze of Sharingan, Azabui’s body couldn’t help but tremble.

It’s just a gaze from a long distance.

Azabui felt as if he had been stripped naked, unable to move even a little under the gaze of a beast.

Ask for flowers 0

“Naruto, what do you say?”

Beichen quickly withdrew his gaze.

Of course he knows the whole process.

The ninjutsu he has mastered now is too much to count.

It looks like it should be a ninjutsu left for the Sarutobi clan.

Among them are three generations of Hokage’s ninjutsu that monitors every part of Konoha through crystal balls.

Naturally, he was just monitoring everything that happened in Ichiraku Ramen with a crystal ball.

Everything is well known.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have entered the Ichiraku ramen restaurant at such a coincidental time.

Of course, the look in his eyes when he looked at Naruto had a hint of something else.

They have been close to each other for many years.

One look at each other knows each other’s intentions.

Now Naruto was even more so, through a look from Beichen, he immediately understood what his intentions were!

“Little Daddy originally planned to do this…”

Naruto suddenly realized.

It turned out that Beichen had long known about their approach.

Just kept looking for their handle!

It seems that I just need to tell the truth.

You can retouch and change it a little during this period!

“It was these two strange people who attacked us first, first saying that I was a demon fox, and then saying that Mitarai Azukumu sister was an arrogant and unreasonable female ninja!”

Naruto coughed lightly and said without changing his face.

“Little king bastard! You talk nonsense! ”

Azabui was so angry by Naruto’s words that the corners of his mouth were a little crooked, and his dark face was as red and black as black dates at this time.

But that sentence, she only dared to say it in her heart.

In the comparison video, Naruto and Hokushin are very close.

Now they are even more against Naruto, and they have been arrested by Beichen.

If they were cursing Naruto, even fools could think of what would happen to them!

“It’s all a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding…”

Samui knew the loss at this time, and quickly spoke, trying to fish in troubled waters.


How could Beichen let them get their wish?

This is a trap he devised carefully.

Just waiting for the two of them to jump inside.

This is also to let them accept their own prohibition and then break away from Yunyin Village!

Become two of your own subordinates!

“Misunderstanding? Could it be that you guys also misunderstood Naruto for throwing a short knife? ”

Beichen got up, and the sense of oppression on his body was even more amazing.

He just slightly mobilized the Chakra in his body, giving everyone present a terrifying shock!

Naruto and Mitarashi red beans are okay, after all, they are not targeted by Hokuchen.

But Samui and Azabui are not as easy as they are.

At this time, they were like a mountain on their shoulders, and the terrifying power instantly made them want to kneel!

“This sucks…”

Neither of them was a fool, and they knew clearly at this time…

I’m afraid I’m going to be peeled by Beichen today!

It is absolutely impossible to be so coincidental…

The only explanation is that all this was designed by Beichen!

And they naturally fell for Beichen’s scheme!

“What can I do about this? He’s going to come hard? ”

Samui gritted her teeth.

Let yourself not bend down because of Beichen’s Chakra shock.

And Azabui next to her, the strength is weaker than her, I don’t know how much.

At this time, I was already paralyzed on the table for five years.

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