“Abominable… It turns out that this guy calculated it! ”

I felt Chakra from the North Star Array that was terrifying to the extreme.

Samui, who has been fearless even from the beginning to the present, is a little panicked.

The quality of this chakra.

I don’t know how many streets to throw out of the thunder shadow.


Now it seems that this is only the tip of the iceberg of Beichen.

He only released his Chakra slightly, and he was able to make her feel a burst of heart palpitations.


Now Beichen’s strength is close to that legendary ninja, the Thousand Hand Pillars, right?

“What’s wrong? Didn’t you misunderstand the short knife Naruto threw out? ”

The corners of Beichen’s mouth outlined an arc, and he looked at the two people in front of him who did not dare to act rashly because of his Chakra pressure.


Azabui and Samui did not speak.

None of them dared to defend anything more at this time.

They had only one thought on their minds at this time.

It just shouldn’t have listened to Beichen’s words and followed him back to Konoha Village.

Even if there were spies from Yunyin Village watching here, there was no way to justify their actions just now.

After all, all this was designed by Beichen.

He deliberately chose “Zero Seven Seven” to enter Ichiraku Ramen at this time and intervene in the battle between them and Naruto.

It was in order to catch the evidence and make those Yunyin Village ninjas who were secretly monitoring in Konoha Village speechless.

They also didn’t have illusions.

They did all of this on their own initiative.

This is Beichen’s means, and it is also the overt means of these various ninja villages.


If he forcibly detained Samui and Azabuyi, he would say that he would become his own subordinates.

Lei Yingai’s side must be the first to disagree!

Even if Beichen had conquered their bodies.

But that doesn’t make any sense either.

If these two people can’t really return to their hearts, they can’t change their position in Yunyin Village.

“Naruto, what do you want to do with them now?”

Looking at Naruto, who was still cooperating with his acting on the side, Beichen was slightly helpless.

That’s pretty much it.

It would be too much to be more obvious.

He also knew that there must be spies from other countries in Konoha Village now.

Just what he knew, Yunyin Village had at least planted dozens of spies in Konoha.

On the one hand, it is to monitor the movements of the Konoha Village collective.

On the one hand, it is also to gather intelligence.

Of course, neither aspect is particularly easy to achieve.

Every time intelligence is obtained, a lot of spies need to be sacrificed.

Even upper patience, elite upper patience.

Although Yunyin Village is now a relatively strong country, there are not many ninjas at the upper ninja level.

“Me? To dispose of them? ”

Naruto was a little surprised.

How did you throw the problem to yourself?

Didn’t his own little father have arrangements for them?

“Naruto, although these guys wanted to attack us just now, they can’t directly ask for their lives!”

It seems that he is afraid that Naruto is not serious, and directly wants the lives of these two Yunyin Village ninjas, Mitarashi Red Bean quickly said.

It was no wonder that she thought so extremely, after all, she didn’t understand how much Naruto had gone through Hokuchen’s teachings over the years.

In her heart, she just thought of Naruto as a fairly mature child.

Children fight, get beaten and bullied …

Didn’t you just want to call back in the first place?

And if it is extreme, it may even directly kill the two of them.

Mitarashi Azuki coughed lightly, afraid that Naruto would make it difficult for Hokuchen.

Even if she had no political acumen, she now knew that Beichen would definitely not be able to kill these two people directly.

This is not only difficult to explain for Yunyin Village, but may also provoke war.

“I know, Sister Hongdou.”

Naruto nodded.

He naturally knew that he couldn’t let these two people die in Konoha.

Even if the little father wanted their lives, he would definitely do it seamlessly, so that Yunyin Village could not find the slightest handle to start a war.


The little father asked himself, it seemed that he was going to guide in other directions.

Thinking so, he saw Beichen’s slightly meaningful gaze.

He faintly guessed Beichen’s thoughts.

However, he was still afraid that he had guessed wrong, so he kicked the question back to Beichen.

“I don’t know, but according to Konoha’s rules, if you attack civilians in Konoha Village, you must at least close it for a few days, punish the silver taels, and if you cause special damage, you will decide.”

Naruto coughed lightly, looked at Samui and Azabui’s increasingly pale faces, and continued expressionlessly.

“But… This is all a constraint on the ninja of the village. ”

“The words of the outer village ninja… It is still necessary for Hokage to judge separately. ”

Naruto’s words could not be described as ingenious.

In just a few words, he roughly described the seriousness of Samui and Azabuyi’s attack on civilians in Konoha Village.

Then, because of their status as outsiders, it was difficult to decide, and kicked the issue back to Hokage.

Now Hokage…

It was Beichen. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

That is to say, the policy of locking up and punishing silver and two was originally to be closed.

Because they are ninjas from other countries, let Naruto judge them separately.

The final decision is still up to Beichen to make!

And Beichen had this plan from the beginning, but he couldn’t say it, you two are making trouble in Konoha, let me judge you how to punish, right?

This sentence for Hokage to judge their fault can only be said by the parties.

“Then I’ll handle this matter next, what do you think?”

When Beichen heard Naruto’s words, a satisfied look appeared on his face, and he casually looked at the other two parties, Calamus and her father’s hand beating uncle.

These two people probably did not expect that today they were also used as pawns by Beichen.

Naruto and Mitarashi were also used as pawns.

However, Naruto’s role is a little greater, and today’s performance is even more than he expected.

It seems that his teaching in recent years has not been wrong.

Let Naruto now understand his heart at once, and then cooperate with himself to say it.

What he said was justified and stood on the moral high ground.

And the two white beauties in Yunyin Village certainly have some brains.

However, under Konoha’s policy and Hokuchen’s tough methods, it cannot be said.

This is a conspiracy.

The bet is that you guys will definitely test it when you see the Nine-Tailed Pillar Force.

If you tempt, you must take the initiative to provoke things, then you have the opportunity to make a fuss.

And this matter, he did not tell anyone in advance, what he was afraid of was that the performance would not be true at that time, so that Lei Yingai would drop the handle…

He could not believe in such a plan.

Therefore, he used everyone present as pawns and planned this game.

“It’s okay, Naruto-sama!”

When asked, Calamus and Uncle Hand Beat quickly waved their hands.


They dare to have any opinions.

If Beichen hadn’t come in time just now, I’m afraid they wouldn’t have been able to get justice today.

Don’t say if the store can be opened…

Even their lives are in question.

In their eyes, Naruto was a child, even if he had become a ninja, he had no combat ability.

And Naruto’s companion, another female ninja, Mitarai Azuki is about the same strength as one of the female ninjas.

Azabui and Samui are two people.

They didn’t think Naruto could deal with a female ninja.

Both of these ninjas are going to be older than Naruto I don’t know how old they are.

If there was a real fight, Naruto’s side would definitely suffer.

The two of them were civilians, and no one stood up for them.

Now, they are even clearer.

The North Star in front of him… Becoming a Hokage is already a sure thing.

About the dirty things that the three generations of Hokage did, they also knew about it through the comparison video.

Beichen’s recent actions are undoubtedly a more qualified Hokage than Ape Flying Sun.

Now it is even more for the sake of their two inconspicuous civilians.

Let them be impressed!

Now Calamus, looking at Beichen, there are already small stars in his eyes.

I am afraid that as soon as Beichen gives an order, she will obediently appear in the clan land of the Uchiha clan tomorrow.


Beichen’s vision is quite high, and the calamus itself has no ability.

It didn’t help Beichen either.

Such civilians … There is no point in being a subordinate.

“Okay, then I’ll take them first.”

Beichen pulled out a wad of silver tickets from his arms.

The top silver ticket alone is a seven-digit denomination!

“This is going to…”

Beichen slowly paced to 0.9 in front of Calamus, and gently slapped this pile of bills on the table.

“This is the cost of causing damage and frightening you, rest assured that I will make both of you vomit out in a moment.”

Beichen looked at Samui and Azabui, who were trembling on the side, and showed them a very sunny smile.

Although the smile is very sunny, it seems to be like the warm sun in winter.

But the two people were like falling into an ice cellar, feeling cold throughout.

If this happens…

Just make them pay a little silver.

Those silver taels, look quite a lot.

They serve as the personal secretaries of Shangnin and Lei Ying of Yunyin Village.

A year of desperate work to do tasks, how can you also make these silver two…

What I was afraid of was how Beichen, a demon who ate people and did not spit out bones, would torture them.

I’m afraid that their lives will be light…

The thought of what happened to them next made the two shudder.

The previous experiences they had with Beichen, they would not feel that Beichen would be soft-hearted.

Beichen is a ruthless and profit-oriented person, and now that they have fallen into Beichen’s hands, I am afraid that he will make a big fuss with this handle.

The point is…

This time they are not reasonable, even if they move out of the thunder shadow, I am afraid it will not have an effect.


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