“I’m sorry for the trouble this time, and in the future, I will strictly guard against Konoha Village to prevent this from happening again and make this kind of situation where ninjas from other countries infiltrate Konoha Village become even less.”

Beichen smiled indifferently, just right to express the apologies of a superior person and said gracefully.

And on his face, there was not the slightest sense of shame about using the calamus father and daughter as pawns and keeping them in the dark.

“Where are the words… It is an honor for Konoha Village to have Lord Kitachen-sama decide for us. ”

Uncle Hand Beat hurriedly said that even if he only ran a small ramen restaurant, he didn’t know what kind of power of the superior was there, but he also knew that the current Beichen was much more responsible than the three generations of Hokage.

“Wherever, as long as you live in Konoha Village, you are part of the big family of Konoha, even if it is a small existence, it is my family.”

Beichen smiled gently, and his face was full of a kind smile.

“Lord Beichen… It’s really approachable! ”

I saw Beichen’s heartfelt smile and the temperament that made people feel very comfortable and wanted to be close.

Calamus’s fair cheeks were slightly red, and even the roots of her ears were slightly red.

Especially with Beichen Junxiu’s extraordinary face, it gives people the feeling of a spring breeze.

“This guy…”

Seeing that Beichen could even brush a wave of commoners’ favorability after designing them.

Samui and Azabui are even more numb.

Seen the shameless, fickle ones.

I have never seen such a shameless and fickle one.

This guy simply doesn’t have any bottom line.

Everything is only in your own interests!

Until now, after using those civilians, it is necessary to brush the wave favorability.

To mention the reputation of 14 himself, the new Hokage, is simply a plan to achieve several goals at the same time.

“You were all sold by him and counted the money for him…”

I saw the calamus father and daughter with grateful and excited looks on their faces.

Both Azabui and Samui’s faces were going to be blackened to the bottom of the pot.

Okay, this undercover mission didn’t do anything.

Putting yourself in and leaving the handle behind.

After the events just now, they also knew that Beichen did not treat them as his own because he had them.

When it was time to design, I still designed them.

“It seems that those two people have also figured it out.”

Noticing that Samui and Azabui on the side didn’t say much, just stood in place and obediently waited for Beichen to fall, Beichen couldn’t help but be a little amused in his heart.

“Okay, you guys go ahead and eat, I’ll take them away first.”

Kitatoshi waved at Naruto and Mitarashi Azuki and said.

He is now the fifth generation of Hokage, and any bit of time must be used to consolidate his position and improve Konoha’s strength.

The existence of the comparison video made him see the hope that he could dominate the ninja world in advance.


It is also the hope that you can go further.

Now he is already at the threshold of the sixth level.

The strength is in a very awkward position, and the weaker than him is basically crushing.

Those who are stronger than him are already at the sixth level, and it is difficult for him to win no matter how rich his combat experience and how many forbidden techniques he has.

Before and after the six levels, it is a big watershed.

And now Beichen wants to cross the threshold of the six levels.

Or evolve your own eternal kaleidoscope chakra eye into a reincarnation eye.

But to evolve to the eye of reincarnation, he must develop his own immortal body to perfection.

At least it must be about the same degree as the immortal body between the thousand hand pillars of the big pillar to open the eye of reincarnation.

He knew that the condition for opening the eye of reincarnation was to have the power of the Senju clan and the power of the Uchiha clan at the same time.

Exert these two powers to the extreme, that is, with the power of Asura and Indra at the same time, you can open the eye of reincarnation.


He had previously confirmed that if he wanted to open the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan, he didn’t have to exchange eyes with his loved ones.

The essence of exchanging eyes is the complementation of genes.


Is it also possible to fully develop your immortal body and make your Liuku immortal thief go further through genetic supplementation?

This was the doubt that had been hovering in Beichen’s heart.

Comparison video now seems to be the limit to the strength of the super shadow level.

He had previously chosen Naruto as the object of the comparison video, and he wanted to directly obtain the power of the six levels.

However, the system only played until Naruto graduated from ninja school and became a shinobi.

The power system is only a few years later.

It’s just my early twenties.

He is now continuing to research and develop by himself, and without the help of the system, it is very difficult to cross this threshold from the super shadow level to the sixth level.

Don’t look at the results of his research, so many ninjas around him have improved their talents and strength.

That’s only limited to the six levels.

The six levels are not so easy to reach.

Without bloodline, no talent, and no related six-level resources, wanting to create a six-level powerhouse out of thin air is nothing more than a fantasy.

It is precisely knowing this that Beichen is particularly cautious in the choice of comparison videos.

On the one hand, it is to obtain six-level resource rewards by comparing videos.

On the one hand, it is also to stabilize the pattern of the ninja world as soon as possible, and not to affect the power of his research and development of the six realms.

The last thing he lacks right now is time.

But on the other hand, what he lacks most is time.

Beichen’s current gaze is not just on the ninja world.

He was already aware of Uchiha’s existence.

The existence of black absolute.

Otsuki Kaguya, Otsuki peach style, Otsuki 1st style…

Each of these people of the Datumu clan is a sixth-level powerhouse.

They are even the best in the six realms.

Even if his current strength is strong, will he really be able to defeat them all one by one at that time?

“Okay, Lord Beichen…”

Hearing Beichen’s order, Calamus’ father and daughter quickly nodded and said yes.

They also knew that Beichen would definitely be very busy as a newly promoted Hokage. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

So nothing more was said.

And Naruto and Mitarashi Red Bean just nodded at Beichen, indicating that there was no need for Beichen to continue to worry here.


Samui and Azabui had speechless expressions on their faces.

It turned out to be like this…

At first, they thought that they could rely on Naruto and them to strike first as a reason to keep their temptation from punishment.


Beichen now pinched the timing and directly left them speechless.

And the two people of Azabu Isamuyi, as the few ninjas with brains in Yunyin Village, are also clear by now.

The two of them must have been designed by Beichen!


Watch the reactions of Naruto and Mitarai Azuki and Calamus father and daughter.

Beichen also seemed to be hiding from them.

This guy… In order to make this acting more realistic, he didn’t even tell his own people.

This leads to…

I’m afraid that those spies in Yunyin Village have spied on them, and there is no reason to refute them.

This North Star…

Not only ruthless, but decisive.

It is even more cool-headed and leaves no room for it.

Even from the perspective of the hostile ninja village, they had to admire.

And Azabui, who has been around Lei Ying all year round.

He even had to take out Lei Ying and Beichen to compare.

Can Lei Ying have such a mind?

But Azabui, who had always been by his side, knew that this was just an illusion given to everyone by Lei Yingai.

He is actually a man of good brains, but in order to make his enemies let their guard down, he molds himself to be a reckless man.


Even Lei Ying, who is so good at disguising and forbearing, let Azabui know his side.

I believe that some people who have a close relationship between Yunyin Village and Lei Ying know Lei Ying’s original character.


Beichen is different.

Not only is he more politically sophisticated, his plans are more effective, and he leaves no handle.

More importantly, he calculated that he did not even trust his own people.

Even their own people considered 100 into it.

Against this kind of guy…

Can Lord Lei Ying really turn over?


The idea that Yunyin Village will infiltrate Konoha’s internal intelligence through the beauty meter, so as to win.

It gradually began to disperse.

Can they really calculate this guy who has calmed down to the extreme?

He hardly has any weaknesses!

This inferior beauty meter…

He wouldn’t have seen it in the first place and then thought of taking advantage of it now, would he?

If that’s the case…

This Beichen is too terrifying!


Beichen, who had already walked to the door and noticed that Samyi and the two had not made the slightest move, frowned slightly, and said with some displeasure.

“What are you still stunned for? Keep up. ”

Saying that, a faint smile flashed at the corner of Beichen’s mouth.

I finally succeeded in designing these two guys.

At first, he saw the two beautiful ninjas given by Bai Yunyin.

Still thought of a lot.

For example, after enjoying it, they used their full hands to change their soul structure and memory, and became their own spies to break into Yunyin Village.

For example, torture the information in their mouths and use it for themselves.

However, they were all vetoed by him one by one.

Let’s not mention how long it takes to use both hands under many eyes.

The importance of the two ninjas in Yunyin Village alone was different.

If you want to use your hands, you have to choose the right time.

The two of them served as the head soldiers of Lei Yingai to probe intelligence and try to find Beichen’s weaknesses.

There must be a lot of dark departments and spies in Yunyin Village around them.

If you want to do something to them, you can.

If you really use ninjutsu or both hands.

Yunyin Village will definitely use this to make a challenge, you Hokage even use double hands against female ninjas who worship you in enemy countries, will you also use double hands against your subordinates in the future to sow discord.


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