Vitiate and the Phoenix continued to Conversate, she didn't ask him about his transformation a week ago, right away. They talked about a variety of subjects, he could easily tell she was bored and lonely sitting on the volcano all of the time.

"You're right, most, if not all races have their own territories across the world. This includes even the most evil races around, like the Lich King, Vampire Queen, and King, Etc. Everyone's at war with one another, the Lich King is at war with the Nosferatu Vampires, it's total chaos out there!"

Vitiate had asked her about the races of the world, and if they all had their own territory. Diana replied, and told him much more than he expected. She began to tell him that there were different types of Vampire Groups.

The Nosferatu were very pale and had monstrous features, they were quite ugly and hard to look at. They were greedy and had an insatiable hunger for blood, they would drain their victims dry! These were the most hated out of the Vampire group, even so amongst their kind.

Then there was the Nightdwellers, they usually seduced women or men to suck their blood. However, the victim would be in a trance and wouldn't notice anything out of place. They would suck your blood but not to the point where it would kill the victim. They also healed their victims of the bite marks on their neck, so they wouldn't notice later.

Then there was the strongest of the Vampires, she didn't know what they were called. This group hid themselves, but they could eat regular food to soothe their hunger, they didn't need to have blood to survive like the other Vampire groups. They were also resistant to the sunlight and wouldn't burn from it.

"Hehe, if you want me to tell more things that'll be helpful to you, then you'll have to tell what you are, or at least, give me some details. You looked like them, but they had all white wings, while their enemies have all black wings, are you a mixed breed between them, like a forbidden love child?"

Vitiate knew what group she was talking about, and it made sense for her to think that, he didn't look like a mix of the two. Most would think she was talking about angels or demons, but this wasn't the group she was talking about.

Demons didn't have black feathery wings!

"I'm not from either of those groups, I'm a race from a Different Dimension. I'm a race completely new to this world, the first of my kind!" Vitiate didn't tell her exactly what he was, but did tell her that he was a new race, and the first at that.

Vitiate went and told her, she wasn't going to tell anyone anyway, she sat on a Volcano all-day watching her egg. Humans viewed Phoenixes as something worth catching, she was in a hostile relationship with them, they were just too greedy!

He only told her he was a new race, and that was it, he didn't get into any more detail.

"Wow, so that's why I couldn't understand your Aura, you're completely new to this world!" Diana was actually shocked, he was the first of his kind and she was the first to meet and talk with a new racial group!

Diana could tell if someone was lying, and he clearly wasn't, he was really the only one of his race. Vitiate knew she could tell if he was lying or not, so he had to consider the White Apostle as a non-member of his race to pass this little test.

Vitiate quickly changed the subject and asked her about the Element evolutionary chain. Diana informed him on what water would evolve into and several other elements.

Water Evolved into the Hydro Element!

Fire Evolved into the Flame Element

Wood Evolved into the Nature Element

Lightning Evolved into the Thunder Element

Wind Evolved into the Hurricane Element

Of course, he only asked about the elements he had. She didn't have any knowledge of what the Dark and Light Element could change into. Diana felt sorry for Vitiate, he was the only member of his kind, and once he died, his race would go extinct.

Vitiate didn't bother to tell her that he could spread his race through bites and scratches, she would surely find out later, if she was nosy enough. After playing with Nina for a bit more, she left after spending 4 hours at his Dungeon!

"Damn, I understand that she's bored, but seriously." Vitiate looked on the bright side, he learned something new every time he met her.

Once she left, he started to make preparations, he looked over the loot his Monsters had gotten from the stronghold. The group of Lizard and Crocodile men had ambushed and killed several adventurers overtime.

There were no weapons, they were probably taken away and used by some other Lizard or Crocodile man. Checking over the loot, he found the currency of this world, allot of copper coins, some silver coins, and 3 gold coins.

"I read some Light novels before, it usually took 10 or 100 Copper coins to equal the worth of a silver coin." Vitiate didn't know the worth of these coins and what was what, but he stored them away, he'll find out sooner or later. He first got his hands on some coins when he confronted the men back in that small cave room in his Dungeon.

"Every race in this world has a place they can call home, but what about my newly created race?" He had to find a place for his people to rebuild and live, he didn't want his race to be nomads. Of course, this was going to cost money, there was no free in this world.

"Tomorrow, I'll head to Goa Village, it's time to blend in and gather information." His best bet would be to become an adventurer, he could do mission centered around this island. This was close to his Dungeon, and he could just go to his Dungeon to relax after completing a mission.

"For the time being, I better buy some skills that'll help me blend in more." Vitiate pulled up the Dungeon System, he had received points for the Leaders once they submitted, so his points were a bit higher.

He had to literally type Abilities that could hide certain things. Once he typed it in, a small list popped up with items and skills that could hide or conceal stuff.

He found 2 skills that he wanted to buy, they were both called Disguise and Conceal!

[Disguise: This allows the user to replace his or her name and Race with something other than what they originally were on their status.]

[Conceal: This Skill can hide anything on your status sheet depending on the level.]

Vitiate already had a skill that could cover his Aura, so no one should suspect him later on. These Abilities weren't cheap, they both cost 200,000 Dungeon Points each! Disguise was a Passive, while Conceal was a skill.

Vitiate was kind of worried about the individuals who had the skill to appraise people. What he didn't know was that this was an extremely rare skill, that even most Heroes didn't have. After buying them, he started to activate his conceal skill right away, he wanted to level this skill up.

Afterward, he ventured to the fifteenth floor, this was a boss floor he wanted to add a boss too. Vitiate spent most of his week training and helping the members of his Dungeon personally. He wasn't too sure what to add on this floor, he was saving the snow, desert, and other Terrains for higher floors. Harsh condition terrains like those were better for the higher floors instead of running into them so early.

Suddenly he had an idea for a floor, he searched the system and easily found it. He turned the floor into a cornfield with tall grass. This time, he used his Glorypoints and bought some scarecrow monsters for this floor. These monsters were hard to deal with, this was mainly due to their regeneration ability, which was level 5!

Vitiate placed the Golem on the 15th floor, for now, it had evolved when he upgraded the Dungeon's mana flow. He didn't find this out until the second day, this was the same for the Mud Golems, but they evolved on the 3rd day after his battle at the stronghold.

He now had 3 Rock Golems and 1 Stone Golem!

The Stone Golem was gray in color, but it was slightly shorter than the Rock Golems, who were as brown as sand. Vitiate placed the Rock Golems on the same floor as the Paradise Garden, they didn't move and always stayed still until told to.

As for the jail floor, he still had yet to change it. He couldn't think of anything now, so he left this place alone. Vitiate returned back to the 22nd floor, he went to check on Lucy and found that she was doing much better.

This was mainly because the mana had grown stronger, so her recovery sped up. Lily and the Dryad kids were playing as usual, this time, they had Nina playing with them. Vitiate watched for a moment, but just when he was about to leave, a voice came over.

"Hey, I'm hungry, can you give me some turkey or chicken, also, can you season it up like last time?" Vitiate almost tripped, it was the greedy gluttonous dragon again, where did she store all the food she ate!?

"I'm not seasoning anything, take this food as is, and go play with them like a kid should!" Vitiate tossed her 2 full turkeys and waved his hand in a 'go away motion.'

"Not now, they're too easy to find and catch, it isn't a challenge at all." The Dragon Stomped and pouted and continued. "It tastes better cooked and seasoned up, I don't want it raw anymore!" She complained in a childish and whiney voice, she now preferred it cooked and seasoned, instead of raw.

"If you wait for about 3 hours, you'll be able to eat as much as you want. I'll cook something up later, so just wait until then, go lick your butt or whatever dragons do." Vitiate Laughed to himself and walked off into the forest.

"Hey! I'm not a dog, I take baths to clean, not use my tongue to do it!" The Dragon Girl hollered, but Vitiate kept walking and ignored her.

"Hmph!" She harrumphed and walk towards Lilly and the group of Dryads playing Infection. Vitiate didn't have anything to do right now, so he opted to finish his creation of his Apostles.

"Hmm, what color should be next?" Vitiate grinned and touched his chin thoughtfully.

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