Dungeon System: World Of Chaos And War

51 The Green and Yellow Apostle!

Making at least 2 more Apostles was the last thing he wanted to do before leaving his Dungeon Tomorrow. Vitiate was sure that once he traveled to the Human Village, he would be able to find suitable people for his race.

These Lesser Apostles were good for defending newly starting Apostles. They were also good for military purposes, so they would be able to help the beginners at the start. Vitiate had just over 2 million Dungeon points, so he wasn't considered poor as of now.

He didn't hesitate to buy 2 Cards for 100,000 Dungeon Points each like last week. The same rules appeared as usual, and he poured his blood over the cards. This time, he used more blood for the cards, he was testing something.

Vitiate began to walk back and forth, he was trying to figure out what colored Apostles he should make this time. He also had to figure out how he wanted it to look, his imagination wasn't the greatest, so it took time.

"Alright, I'll go with Green and Yellow, for now. The Green Apostle can be a user of the Poison Element, while the Yellow one can use the Earth Element, this should work."

There were other things on the system he needed to buy. He wanted to go all out before leaving his Dungeon tomorrow. "I'll handle the last of what I need to do tomorrow before leaving, I need all the rest I can get before heading to the Human Foothold." Who knows, what was the probability of being discovered at this point? Even if he was, he could escape if things went south.

Vitiate started with the Green Apostle, the White Apostle was more of an experiment than anything else. He found that he was getting more base stat points for the creation of these Apostles, he was certain that this was because he added more blood.

The total Base Points were 7,500!

To make just one, it took him an hour until completion.

The Green Apostle had a large longhorn coming out the top of its face. It had two big green eyes with black and sharp eye pupils, similar to a cat. It had tall armored shoulder pads with long arms and sharp claws. Its tail started from its back, as it ran down touching the ground. The Tail of the Monster was as sharp as a Spear, it could even secrete poison from it.

Its body gave off a Green and Orange glow, even its teeth were green!

TN: Lol! The Author is bad at describing Monsters. xD

Once it was complete, he started fixing its stats and move set right after. As usual, he could only pick 13 moves for it, this meant passive skills and technique skills. Things like Innate Talent and Mastery didn't count.

He invested 2,000 Into Vitality, 2,600 into mana, Strength had 2,000, its speed was 300, it int was 290, it had 300 Dex, and 10 Charm. He invested allot into mana because he wanted the Apostle to use skills almost continuously. It was a Poisonous type, so its skills would do really well in a large scale battle.

Vitiate reviewed its status after giving the Monster its Skills.

Title: N/A

Name: Green Apostle

Race: Apostle

Race Type: Lesser Apostle

|????Vitality: 2,000 |????Mana: 2,600 |❤️️Strength: 2,000 |????Spd: 300 |????Intelligence: 290 |????Dexterity: 300 |????Charm: 10

|Elements:☣️ Poison Mastery: E|???? Dark Mastery: E|

|Combat Masteries: N/A

Techniques: EyeBeam Lv: 3| Dark Mouth Beam: Lv: 4| Health Regeneration: Lv: 4| Poisonous Fog: Lv: 3| Corrosion Claws: Lv: 6| Corrosive Breath: Lv: 3|

Defensive Skills: Water Resistance: Lv: 3| Fire Resistance: Lv: 4| Poison Resistance: Max|

Passive Abilities: Enhanced Hearing| Night Vision| Acidic Blood| Acidic Saliva|

Innate Talent: Plague Aura

At first, he was worried about its Innate Ability, but the Apostle had the ability to control who this Aura attacked. However, its attacks were indiscriminative, and would even hurt allies if it wasn't careful.

This was why he made the Green Apostle so smart, it had an Intelligence stat of 290, so it could understand and process things much better. However, it had flaws as well, it was terribly slow, but its AoE attacks made up for this.

Vitiate felt like it wouldn't be wise to use this guy often unless he had to, it was much more dangerous than the White Apostle. There may be some mistaken friendly fire if this thing went into battle, so it may need to be isolated or go into fights with other Green Apostles only.

This time, the Apostle didn't roar, it looked around and was able to easily track Vitiate with its good hearing. Once it saw Vitiate, it stuck both its hands out into the air, as if it was celebrating. But suddenly, it turned towards the forest, it seemed to have heard something.

"Don't mind whatever you're hearing, they aren't the enemy, so cool it." He made this monster, so he knew it was good at hearing, it probably was able to hear the kids playing around here. The Apostle settled down and didn't worry about it anymore, it was sensitive to sound.

It stood at 9 meters tall!

Vitiate didn't say anymore after he observed it, he stored it into a cube for later. He had to do something else tomorrow for these Apostles.

Next was the Yellow Apostle, this monster also had 7,500 Base stats up for use. Time passed as usual, and soon the monster was born. This monster would control the Earth and Dark Element, he wanted all of these Lesser Apostles to have the Dark Element as a secondary.

This Monster stood tall, the sclera part of the eyes, which was usually white was black. It had bright yellow eye pupils that shined with brilliance. Its whole back was filled with spikes, it had a slender build and stood straight up with two sharp horns on its head.

If anyone hadn't noticed now, Vitiate seemed to have an obsession with spikey monsters. The Monster had an exposed ribcage and chest bones with muscle behind them. The Apostle had 3 fingers that were sharp all around, they looked like they were made of steel.

Once he was done with this monster, he started to work on it stats, then it skills. He invested 3,300 into Vitality, 1,200 into Mana, 2,000 into Strength, 470 into Speed, 40 into Intelligence, 470 into Dex, and 20 into charm.

Title: N/A

Name: Yellow Apostle

Race: Apostle

Race Type: Lesser Apostle

|????Vitality: 3,300 |????Mana: 1,200 |❤️️Strength: 2,000 |????Spd: 470 |????Intelligence: 40 |????Dexterity: 470 |????Charm: 20

|Elements:???? Earth Mastery: E|???? Dark Mastery: E|

|Combat Masteries: N/A

Techniques: Sand Vortex: Lv: 3| Rock Wall: Lv: 6| EyeBeam Lv:3| Dark Mouth Beam: Lv:4| Health Regeneration: Lv: 4| Earth Sensory: Lv: 3| EarthWave: Lv3| QuickSand: Lv:2|

Defensive Skills: Metal Resistance: Lv: 2| Earth Resistance: Lv: 10| Dark Resistance: Lv: 6|

Passive Abilities: Enhanced Defense| Night Vision|

Innate Talent: EarthStream

This monster was more of a defense type, it had the most Vitality to date. Sadly, it wasn't the smartest and fastest thing around, so it had some flaws. The White Apostle was a balance between Attack and Defense when he made it, while this was mainly on the defense side.

Despite all of that, it still had more strength than the White Apostle, being way better overall, actually.

"I guess there has to be a Hierarchy even amongst the Lesser Apostles." This was the same for the Seven deadly sins, the Gray Demon was stronger than the Red one, so they even had a system like this.

The Yellow Apostle made a few movements, but it just stayed in place, it didn't even bother to look around to investigate where it was. Vitiate could only blame its intelligence, but it knew it wasn't in any danger so it wasn't alert.

He looked it over for a bit more, before storing it into a cube.

There were things he needed to do before leaving the next day, he had to Buy an Altar. Just as he was thinking about this, someone walked out of the forest! Vitiate was able to easily sense who it was, it was the Ice Dragon, the nosy big mouth Ice Dragon!

Once he turned to her, she had a look of shock on her face and in her eyes. Just from the look she was giving him, he could tell she had witnessed the monsters. Vitiate didn't say anything and just stared back at her silently.

"D-don't stay quiet, what were those monsters, they weren't anything known in the record my parents passed to me! T-they felt like they were the same as you, but complete monsters, I never asked but what are you anyway?"

The Ice Dragon wanted to ask him this for the longest, but she felt too 'above it' to ask him.

"I come from a place beyond the reaches of this Dimension, a place beyond the darkness of the void, in the outlands beyond all lands! It's a place I can't return to as of now" Vitiate never told her what he was, but he did indicate to her that his race didn't exist here. Of course, he made sure to sound cool when he explained it, but it was all bullshit, though!

Author note: Lol! I was laughing as I wrote this.

"W-what!?" The Dragon was shocked, she believed everything Vitiate said.

"W-what were those monsters just now?" She asked again since he didn't answer this question, why not find out more?

"It was a monster from that Dimension, it is something, and more will appear after it." Vitiate grinned and continued, "You Dragons and Phoenixes aren't the only powerful race around, you'll witness that soon. Of course, there are other races right now that can compete with you guys, but another will be joining the chat soon!"

The Little Dragon's face scrunched for a second, but it returned to normal quickly after.

"Hmph! Phoenixes are just overgrown chickens, they can't hold nothing to the superiority of a Dragon! We'll reign forever and ever, none can overcome the power of the Great Dragonkin!"

The Little Dragon was overwhelmingly confident in her kind, she didn't seem to have a shred of doubt. "So, if a Phoenix is an overgrown chicken, then wouldn't that make you an overgrown lizard, I don't see the difference here." Vitiate questioned, what can she say in reply to this, he was curious to know.


"Lizards are stronger than Chickens!" She concluded, then she ran off into the forest without a word.

'How dumb, and why are you running away?' Vitiate shook his head and went back to the Dungeon Core to rest.

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