Dungeon System: World Of Chaos And War

62 Vitiate's Chilling Speculation!

Vitiate followed the directions told to him by paul to locate where his new land was. After 30 minutes of searching, he finally was able to find his newly acquired land. The land was vacant with no building or trees on it, but there were tons of grass on the land. This was a good thing, he didn't have to cut down any trees or destroy any useless structures.

There were other people around, so he only looked at the land from afar to not draw any attention to himself. Vitiate would need to have a building made, this was his worry, how was he going to accomplish that?

Suddenly, an idea ensued Vitiate, couldn't he use his dungeon to create a structure and place it here? His intelligence was quite up there, so for this idea to come to him so suddenly must mean something. He found himself figuring out a solution to his problem the higher his intelligent stat was.

Intelligence didn't mean you were always smart, you could still technically be an idiot. This stat was good for memory and Elemental force, it was also good for helping you figure out troublesome things, as you would reach enlightenment on how to solve a problem depending on your level of Intelligence.

Seeing the large land, Vitiate was actually overjoyed looking at it. He sat on a bench near a candy store observing the land from across the street. Vitiate pulled out the last mission he had yet to complete, it was a missing dog case.

"Tsk! This Dog was probably turned into some monster's food, it's questionable as to why I picked this mission." Vitiate picked this mission on a whim, the dog in the picture was just too cute with its little tongue sticking out.

"Well, hopefully, this dog wasn't turned in dinner by some giant bird monster or something." This mission didn't penalize you if you failed it, it wasn't really one of those missions that were important and required completion once taken off the board.

Vitiate looked over and saw some chubby kid licking a lollipop after coming out of the candy store.

"Hmm, I haven't had candy in a while, why don't check this place out and see what this world has to offer." Vitiate got up and walked in the candy store that was called Bonbon's Smiles.

As soon as he walked in, he saw many kids eating candy and lined up near the counter with bags full of it. The clerk was a woman who looked Asian, he couldn't really tell what group she belonged to, but he was sure she might be Korean, maybe.

She wore a colorful outfit, it was the same outfit as a chef! Her clothing looked like a rainbow if Vitiate had to describe them, she even had chef hat on! The woman always wore a smile as she watched the kid's joyous faces as they opened and ate their candy happily.

Vitiate looked over some of the candy, some were similar to his world's candy, like Laffy taffy and chocolate, what was a world without chocolate? Vitiate just grabbed a few candy bars and got in line behind the rest of the kids.

"Wow, you're a big kid, how did you get so big?" Some kids turned to Vitiate and asked him how he grew so fast as a kid. Vitiate's mouth twitched, he wasn't a kid, couldn't they see that!?

Vitiate didn't say anything in reply to the kids, but they kept staring at Vitiate's face curiously. Soon, it was his turn and his purchase was complete. He just went back outside and sat on the bench to eat a candy bar.

Eating the candy bar, he could say that it tasted better than his world's chocolate, that was for certain. Speaking of worlds, this got Vitiate thinking, as he suddenly sunk into deep thought.

All the events until now were somewhat fortunate, he had gotten a decent army and gained some unexpected allies. Vitiate caught a dragon and even has the potential to make allies with the elves if they aren't as arrogant as he believed them to be.

But yesterday, he came to this place to actually buy land, but was able to find and buy in one day! Vitiate didn't see a luck stat on his status, so what did this mean, this couldn't be a coincidence, right? Could there be... another involved in all of this, some unknown entity secretly watching him like a daily tv series that would come on at a certain time of day to enjoy.

'No! There couldn't be!' Vitiate thought to himself. He had been taken from his world forcefully for being the best at a video game, it would be understandable if he died then transferred over, but a video game!

Come on, get real! Though none of this should be a reality, it was real enough for him.

The voice sent him here to be a Dungeon Master, but never gave or told him a real objective, but to survive! Vitiate's blood ran cold, was he being set up to be watched like some clown performing!? He didn't like it one bit, he didn't like being played, he didn't like people who found entertainment in people's suffering, he hated this the most!

Things had always gone his way, like a play written beforehand, building up to a great climax. Like a setup, but he found that heroes had been summoned here to cleanse this island filled with dungeons! Maybe he was overthinking it, but this was far out there when it came to overthinking, but it was possible to him at this point.

"Sigh~~!" Vitiate sighed deeply, but why be gloomy about it now? The die had already been casted, he had already been sent here to an unknown fantasy-like world. With each act Vitiate took, it was strictly to survive and spread, it was all he could do to live for now. In time, he was sure he would reach transcendence and he would stand where no one could.

The voice knew it was in the wrong, even offering Vitiate more Dungeon Points at the time. Thinking about it now, he should have haggled more points from the voice, how dare he sent him here without great compensation!?

"All in do time, all will be well if play my cards right." Vitiate had always been an overly cautious person to the point of paranoia. His apartment had several locks on it just in case someone tried to break in, he even had katana he ordered from offline in his room for protection.

John, or in this case, Vitiate wasn't the easily trusting type, he never could have imagined that his closes friends would be monsters straight out of a fantasy. It was something simply unthinkable, even Dungeon Masters wouldn't give their monsters the time of day, only telling them to do their job.

Vitiate knew that this was the human in him still in affect, driving him to be this way. What he was, and what he couldn't be anymore, ever!

Vitiate looked down and found that he had already eaten 4 candy bars, leaving only 2 left. He gazed back at the empty space filled with overgrown grass that hadn't been cut since who knows when.

"The sun still hangs high, I'm still in the morning faze, it best to head back to my Dungeon to create a building and bring it here." Vitiate had just arrived yesterday, so to leave this place, he wasn't taking the front door out.

Vitiate could still sneak around the walls of the town, he could even fly if he wanted to. After about 30 minutes, he reached near the gates where soldiers became frequent. He wasn't trained well in perception, but he could still sense people if he focused.

Hiding near wall, he climbed it where he spotted soldiers talking and drinking.

"Hey man, I heard they were sending adventurers out to combat the Barbarians but no one wants to take the job. I hear that those humans are extremely savage, if it were me, I wouldn't take the job as well, haha!"

"Tsk! Adventurers are nothing but wimps, they can't even handle a bunch of primitive cavemen! Pathetic indeed!" One of the men spoke in contempt, it was clear how he felt about adventurers.

"Haha, I'll drink to that any day!" The two men bump their liquor bottles and started to drink and laugh. Vitiate had already passed over the wall at this point, but he still heard their conversation as he passed by.

"Hmm, did you sense that just now?" The man in red armor looked out of the tower close by, he thought he felt an Aura signature.

"Captain, you must be imaging it, I'm sure it was just some bird, like those annoying overgrown vultures." This was the soldier that tried to steal Vitiate's storage ring, but his face was bandaged up after getting knocked in the forest by Vitaite yesterday.

"You may be right, no monster would dare to pass by this gate or they'll be killed on the spot!" The man in Red armor recalled Vitiate's words about monsters sneaking in and couldn't help but feel angry.

"Damn bastard!"

At this time, Vitiate was racing through the forest, his travel method was through the trees. This was faster and lowered his odds of running into any monsters. There was still activity as usual in the forest with fights breaking out almost everywhere.

Suddenly, a tree was sent flying towards a monster near Vitiate's location in the forest, but it quickly dodged. Vitiate was stunned seeing a tree being thrown like a stick. He only glimpsed at the monsters that were fighting, he recalled this monster from before.

It was the Bear Ursa from yesterday, but this time it was fighting a humanoid Elephant that towered over him. Its head was that of an elephant with gray armored skin, the creature had hands that were like that of a human but much bigger! It was sporting black armor on its lower body while its upper body was bare.

Its deep green eyes glared coldly at the Ursa Warrior, it was clearly mad about something. Vitiate had an idea about why it was so angry, but he couldn't stick around and watch, so he left quickly to avoid getting caught up in this storm.

Moments later, he arrived at his dungeon with no problem besides seeing a tree flying near his location at the time. Once he was in the Dungeon, he warped to the 22nd floor to start what he came for.

"Huh, Master is back already?" Lily was a little surprised, she was expecting him to be gone for at least a month, but he came back in just a day!

"Yeah, I need to do a few things really quickly and return back to where I was, but first, I have some questions about a few things." Lily may be a little kid, but she knew more about the Dungeon's capability than even him, if anything, she was technically a guide other than the core itself.

"Lily will answer all of your questions so Master can understand!" Lily's face turned serious, as she flew over to Vitiate and sat on his head.

"Perfect, this is about the Dungeon abilities. I was wondering if I create a structure, is it possible to take it elsewhere outside of here?"

"Mhm, it is possible, you can even link the Building to the dungeon and get points off visitors that come to the building." This was stated earlier in the series, people who sat in his territory inside the dungeon would give him dungeon points.

So not only would he be making money, he would be making Dungeon points from people who stayed in his created structures.

It was a win-win situation!

Vitiate could only grin, he was so happy to hear this, he did recall that the people on his turf would give him a certain amount of Dungeon Points depending on how strong they were.

"Alright, it's time to create!"

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