Vitiate flew off to a spacious area on the 22nd floor to conduct this creation. He had 4 acres to work with, so that was a lot of free land with many possibilities. What he was planning to create was a mall-like building with several different shops.

The problem was getting workers, but he had spotted something in town that should help with that issue. "This takes me back to my Minecraft days, I gotta bring the creative mode spirit back to myself!"

Materials were summoned suddenly, there were bricks, cement, and other building material for use. Vitiate was thinking of getting really technical with this by adding escalators but decided to just go with traditional stairs.

Vitiate worked for a while, he added an armor and Weapon shop inside, a Potion and Elixir shop, a skill book shop, and a food mart. These could make him good money, but he needed something that could really make him a lot of money, something addicting to anyone.

"What could really make me some hard cash?" Vitiate thought about it for about 5 minutes, and then it came to him! A Casino! This was the greatest idea yet, he could set something like this up here.

"The people on this island aren't the riches but when that event comes around, I should be able to make bank of those nobles." Vitiate got to it immediately and bought different slot machines from the system to place in the created casino area.

He had an area for poker and other card games, but he would need a dealer for that. Roulette was another thing, he placed just about every casino game in this big area. Vitiate placed a bar in the Casino area, this was something he couldn't forget.

"Hmm, maybe I should add something not of this world, like a vending machine, this would be a bit more convenient for people." Making all of this wasn't cheap, but this was a good investment that he was sure would pay off later.

-Major Jackpot

-MegaBall Etc.

Vitiate couldn't make winning easy, he had to add a percentage rate of victory and it wasn't high! Once he was done with all of this, his attention was put back on the stores in the mall. He didn't have any potions, weapons, and any other thing to put in those other shops yet, so all he could do for now was sell food.

"All of these other areas will have to be closed for the time being until I have enough resources to stock them." Food didn't cost much, and the food from the Dungeon System tasted amazing, this was food from his world.

There was no doubt in his mind that people would love the food his business was selling. The mall wasn't super big, but it was big enough. It was merely a 2 story mall, with black marble floors,

Vitiate placed a large Stone Garden marble water fountain in the middle of the mall with lights inside of it to enhance its beauty. This little mall didn't take up much space, so he had more room to add more businesses to the area if he wanted to.

Thinking about this, he decided to add a separate building that would be stationed near the mall. This was going to be an auction house, he could have someone auction special items here since he wouldn't be around most of the time.

"I could have some sort of grand opening, but it can't be opened yet." The mall had a special place in it for the employees to sleep and live. There was a reason for this, as no mall would ever have a place for their employees to live in. Thinking about it now, this could be thought of as a deal for Vitiate; the old man let him off good!

The Auction house was nicely decorated on the outside, Vitiate decided to call it Aira's Auction House. He only made the inside, but he hadn't set up a system for this place, like a V.I.P and membership system.

He wanted to make more buildings, but his Dungeon Points were taking a nose dive! Vitiate was able to store the building as he set these structures up for relocation, which was out of the dungeon.

"I can't put these up during the day, so the best time would be at night when people are at home during martial law." He had only 2 structures so far, but later he was going to add more buildings to create a little district, perhaps.

Vitiate looked at his Dungeon Points, he couldn't help but feel tight hearted seeing them, but this investment should do him some justice later. Once Vitiate was done with his business inside Goa, he had to get down to business inside Dread Forest.

As soon as all of this was done, he left the Dungeon right away. He could warp to the Dungeon from his business, so getting here was going to be more convenient from now on. As usual, he raced through the forest until he reached the walls of Goa Village.

Like the first time, he made his way over the wall with no problem, this was good and bad at the same time. The security was pretty bad, this meant no humans were safe if an intelligent monster wished to invaded the place secretly.

Vitiate didn't think much about it, any monsters hiding inside the village would surely have their time when the event started. The two structures sat in the void and were waiting for transfer, so this had to be done in 24 hours or they would force their way out!

This was more than enough time for Vitaite, his next stop was to heads to the Guild. Once he walked into the Guild, he saw Linda this time, it was now her shift. As usual, she was too busy looking at her nails to notice anyone entering the guild.

There were also way more people than in the morning, they turned to Vitaite, but once they knew it was him, they looked away to finish doing what they were originally doing. Quickly approaching the receptionist's desk, Linda easily noticed him.

"Ah, slayer, have you finished your missions already?" She clearly didn't know of his arrival during the morning.

Author Note: He spent about 2 hours or more at his Dungeon.

"No, I'm here to convert a Bar of Gold into Gold coins, could you do that for me?" It was best to change it into Gold coins, as a Golden Bar wouldn't do much for him now.

"Golden bar? Sure, I can do that, please show it to me, please!" Linda's interested peeked, there weren't too many people with Golden bars. Vitiate slowly sat the bar of Gold on the counter, she inspected it for a second before taking it away.

Some other woman took her spot at the desk, they were clearly checking to see if it was real and it worth. The doors to the guild were suddenly opened, and a man with a spear on his back walked in, his face looked gloomy.

"Well, well, look who it is! If it isn't Richard the coward!" Everyone turned to the man and started to jeer at him. Vitiate recognized this man, it was the man the Manticore knocked into the forest at that time, he survived!

"Trash like you deserve everything bad that comes your way, you guys kidnap and enslave other races, fuck you and the Subjugation Guild!"

"Why don't you drop dead like your partners? Why are you still alive, you sacrificed slaves to survive, what a shameless bastard!!"

"Haha! Have you heard, Blair and his gang were attacked by Giant Poisonous lizards! They were forced to run in the end, the creatures also wounded them!"

It seemed that not everyone agreed to the idea of enslaving other races, they were scared of a possible war. However, this would grant many adventurers the opportunity to make a lot of money if they were drafted for war.

Richard snorted coldly; this wasn't even his main Guild, so he didn't care about what anyone had to say here. Not saying a word, he walked upstairs to the mess hall, ignoring the jeers of the other adventurers.

"Yeah, you better run you coward, trash like him and Subjugation Guild should all die!" Everyone laughed and cheered, Vitiate couldn't agree more with what they said, though it was none of his business.

Soon after, Linda returned with a smile on her face, she called Vitiate to the back as to not draw any unwanted attention. Once he was in the back, she pointed to a table that had a chest on it.

"This chest is filled with Gold Coins, to be exact, a total of 50,000 Gold Coins! This is the worth of the Golden bar." Golden bars cost a lot even in his Dungeon, so he didn't buy many of them, only three tops.

Vitiate was sure that the Guild wouldn't scam him, he opened the chest to see what appeared to be, an uncountable amount of Gold Coins. He quickly put the chest in his storage ring and thanked Linda before leaving. She was quite stunned herself, she had never seen so many Gold coins in one spot before, would he need to do any missions with that many Gold coins!?

Once he left the Guild, Vitiate found a secluded spot with no people present. He changed his clothes and put on a disguise, it was the V for Vendetta mask that had long hair attached to it. He wore an all-black cloak with a black fedora on his head.

This is where he was going to establish that he was Mr.X!

Vitiate made his way through the Town, of course, he was given many stares, but he ignored them like they weren't even there. Soon, he came to a building; this was the best way to get employees for free in his book!

It was a slave selling shop!

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