The final three volumes of the book "A Different World Dungeon Made with Submissive Demons" will be available on March 30th. Discovering the gate to the other world in the apartment's own room from the beginning, the protagonist tries to creep thro
The final three volumes of the book "A Different World Dungeon Made with Submissive Demons" will be available on March 30th. Discovering the gate to the other world in the apartment's own room
from the beginning, the protagonist tries to creep through the gate out of curiosity. We arrived in caves of different worlds. So when he finds the dying animals (not Moffmoff), he reaches out to them for salvation. In doing so, the protagonist, who realizes when he has become a dungeon master (?), struggles alonely to defend his discreet and quiet pull cage life with the submissive little animals. However, the behaviour of the protagonist, a heterogeneous element of this world, begins to affect aspects that he or she does not anticipate. Where did I go wrong in the mention, the beginning and end of touring the diaspora conspiracy as a mastermind. Where did you plan to pull the cage? Heads of kingdoms and other greats who misinterpret the actions of protagonists who have abandoned
their own weight or have abandoned their consideration. And the protagonist is baffled the other way by the reaction of your greatness. The spiral of misunderstandings and misunderstandings spinning by both gives a vector in the diagonal direction to the history of this world.
The protagonist tries to avoid engaging with people whenever possible.
Dungeon Core appears a little late.
The length of a story is basically shorter.
R15 and brutal depictions are insurance. The
book version of the story is basically the same as the web version, but two new female characters are being added. Please refer to the activity report for cover illustrations and further information.
Latest Release:
Chapter 1214 .
Chapter 1213 .
Chapter 1212 .
Chapter 1211 .
Chapter 1210 .
Chapter 1209 .
- 1 Preamble Apartments
- 2 Chapter I Cave 1. Departure
- 3 Chapter I Cave 2. Slime
- 4 Chapter I. Cave 3. Into the Cave Again
- 5 Chapter I Cave 4. The Revealed Identity
- 6 Chapter I Cave 5. Dungeons and Dungeon Monsters
- 7 Chapter 1: Cave 6. The Family
- 8 Chapter I Cave 7. Leveling Tease
- 9 Chapter Two: Outside 1. Spirit Tree
- 10 Chapter Two: Outside 2. Worm
- 11 Chapter Two: Outside 3. Villagers
- 12 Chapter II: Outside 4. Preparation
- 13 Chapter III Edge Village 1. To Village
- 14 Chapter III Edge Village 2. Mountain Hut
- 15 Chapter III Edge Village 3. Fields
- 16 Chapter iv clevus
- 17 About Configuration Dungeons
- 18 Chapter V. Dungeons 1. Crusade Dungeons
- 19 Chapter V. Dungeon 2. Resuscitation of the Core
- 20 Chapter V. Dungeon 3. Designing the Labyrinth
- 21 Chapter V. Dungeons 4 - 1. Labyrinth Without Return (Part 1)
- 22 Chapter V. Dungeons 4 - 2. The Labyrinth Without Return (Part 2)
- 23 Chapter V. Dungeons 4 - 3. The Labyrinth Without Return (Part 3)
- 24 Chapter V: Dungeons 4 - 4. The Labyrinth Without Return (Part 4)
- 25 Chapter V: Dungeon 5. The Labyrinth of Quicksand
- 26 Chapter V: Dungeon 6. Baron Baron Barren Collar Adventurer Guild
- 27 Chapter vi. to the sky 1. Analysis
- 28 Chapter vi: application to the sky 2.
- 29 Chapter VII: Silva Forest 1. Request for reinforcements
- 30 Chapter VII: Silva Forest 2. Interception Battle
- 31 Chapter VII: Silva Forest 3. The Village of Elves
- 32 Chapter viii baron baron collar 1. turmoil
- 33 Chapter viii baron baron collar 2. trade destruction
- 34 Illustrated Devils Magic Training
- 35 Chapter IX: Wangdu Illustria 1. Royal Army First Battalion
- 36 Chapter IX: Wangdu Illustria 2. The King's Office
- 37 Chapter IX: Wangdu Illustria 3. Yalta Central Church
- 38 Chapter IX: Wangdu Illustria 4. The King's Office
- 39 Chapter 10: Wataru Kuki 1. Selection of Attack Targets
- 40 Chapter 10: Wataru Kuki 2. Selection of the Actual Task Force
- 41 Chapter xi noland 1. border surveillance posts
- 42 Chapter XI: Noland 2. King's Office of the King of Illustria, Wangdu
- 43 Chapter xi noland 3. noland
- 44 Insertion Herbs
- 45 Chapter XII Count Vazari Territory 1. Silva Forest
- 46 Chapter XII Count Vazari Territory 2. Yang Dynamic Troops (Part 1)
- 47 Chapter XII Count Vazari Territory 3. Yang Dynamic Troops (Part 2)
- 48 Chapter XII Count Vazari Territory 4. Yang Dynamic Troops (Part 3)
- 49 Chapter XII Count Vazari Territory 5. Main Attack Troops
- 50 CHAPTER XIII CLEVAS 1. Dungeon Seed
- 51 Chapter xiii clevus 2. dungeon design (part 1)
- 52 CHAPTER XIII CLEVAS 3. Dungeon Design (Part 2)
- 53 Chapter XIII: Crevasse 4. Creation of Dungeons
- 54 Insertion Fireworks
- 55 Chapter XIV: Wangdu Illustria 1. The King's Office (Part 1)
- 56 Chapter XIV: Wangdu Illustria 2. The King's Office (Part 2)
- 57 Chapter xv baron elgin realm 1. new troubles
- 58 Chapter XV: Baron Elgin's Collar 2. Good Aftermath
- 59 Chapter XV: Baron Elgin Collar 3. Baron Elgin (Part 1)
- 60 Chapter XV: Baron Elgin Territory 4. Baron Elgin (Part 2)
- 61 In the village of the illustrative beasts.
- 62 Chapter XVI: Dragon 1. Raid
- 63 Chapter XVI: Dragon 2. Interception
- 64 Chapter XVI Dragon 3. Adventurer Guild
- 65 Chapter xvi dragon 4. king's office
- 66 A Day of Insertion and a Three Text Writer
- 67 Chapter XVII Demon Stone 1. Demon Crystal Stone
- 68 Chapter XVII: Demon Stone 2. Glass Balls
- 69 Chapter XVII Demon Stone 3. Natural Stone
- 70 Chapter XVIII: Golden Measures 1. In the Cave
- 71 Chapter XVIII Gold Measures 2. At the Materials Store
- 72 Chapter XVIII: Golden Measures 3. At the Inn
- 73 Chapter XVIII: Gold Measures 4. Alchemy
- 74 Chapter XIX: Wangdu Illustria 1. Prime Minister's Office
- 75 Chapter XIX: Wangdu Illustria 2. Royal Army First Battalion
- 76 Insertion Playback
- 77 Chapter Twenty Morrow 1. Baron Baron Barren Collar Adventurer Guild
- 78 Chapter Twenty Morrow 2. Baron Elgin Collar Adventurer Guild
- 79 Chapter XX: Morrow 3. Morrow
- 80 Chapter 21: Wangdu Illustria 1. Urgent Report from Morrow
- 81 Chapter 21: Wangdu Illustria 2. Royal Army 1st Battalion
- 82 Chapter 21: Wangdu Illustria 3. Office of the King
- 83 Chapter 21: Wangdu Illustria 4. Royal Army 1st Battalion
- 84 Visitors to Inserted Morrow
- 85 Chapter 22 Shoes and Gold Measures 1. Work Boots
- 86 Chapter 22 Shoes and Gold Measures 2. Military Shoes
- 87 Chapter 22 Shoes and Gold Measures 3. Gold Measures Again
- 88 Chapter 23: Searcher 1. Confusion of the Elves
- 89 Chapter 23: Searcher 2. Report
- 90 Chapter XXIV: Dungeon Gate 1. From a whispering ambition
- 91 Chapter XXIV Dungeon Gates 2. Development of portable dungeon gates
- 92 Chapter XXIV Dungeon Gate 3. Test Operations
- 93 Chapter 24: Dungeon Gate 4. Unscheduled Gold Measures
- 94 Insertion Elves Appetite
- 95 Insertion The food situation of the submissive demons
- 96 CHAPTER XXV CLEVAS 1. Consideration of defensive weapons
- 97 CHAPTER XXV CLEVAS 2. Development of defensive weapons
- 98 Chapter 26: Baron Elgin's Territory 1. Cave
- 99 Chapter 26: Baron Elgin Collar 2. Elgin
- 100 An Illustrated Crevasse Day - From the Perspective of a Skin
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