Dungeons for the Devil, Dungeons for the Core

Chapter 53 Ripple 3. The Royals

The elves had left the woods to enter the wasteland and lived together with the humans.

The news that the elf merchants who returned from Vazari have brought back to Manastella has already swept (at the expense of) the whole country - at least no one seems to know it in the Wang capital.

(Was it by and large good news?

That is what the young king of Manastella asks himself. From the point of view of the purpose of creating a country where humans and elves take hands, this news seems desirable. But the problem is that while the Elves and humans have already cooperated a thousand years ago - the age of a thousand years has become a certainty in this country as a result of hearsay via the Elves - it has not been communicated to this day. This is the problem that is plaguing the king's head.

(... so far, we have come up with a story about an elf and a human formerly joining hands, but then the more we realize that the system of cooperation has been lost for a thousand years, or those who snipe and noise at that point, the more excitement we have now, the more suspicion we can have with recoil...)

The young king turned to his stomach, which he had refrained from beside, as if he had decided his heart.

"The rumors of the elves alone do not reveal any. I would like to know more… can I contact the Kingdom of Illustria on an informal route?

"No problem. If the elves in our country want to know more, not all of them, but tell us quite a bit about it."

"It's an unexpected flow, but things are trying to move in the desired direction for us moderates. Then I want to make this momentum certain before the flow changes"

Here, within the king's office in the Kingdom of Illustria, the king had contemplated it with a difficult face. Around it, I see the usual three people.

"An informal request from Manastella…"

"It's a request from one country, albeit unofficially. I was wondering if I could ignore it."

"I know, I know..."

Sir Warren, not knowing what the king is worried about, asks General Rover with his gaze. The Chancellor explains before the General who guessed opens his mouth.

"The problem is that the story came through the elves."

"Something about elf-mediated?

"Oh... maybe Warren doesn't know. I'm mostly grateful for the elves, but I'm also very presumptuous. Early talk tends to take things too dramatically."

"... that you are anxious to know if the findings are being passed on correctly?


"Then why don't you let me know soon? If there is a mistake, the wound will be shallow."

"... and so is that..."

"But you haven't done your research yet, have you? It's not the stage where I can get a report."

"There are things I can't even write in my final report at any rate. If you give it to me in the form of an interim report, you can say anything later."

"... right. Let's adopt Sir Warren's proposal."

Thus a one-off measure was decided, and it is a person named Sir Warren who scratches the relievers together.

"But... assuming the elves are sexual like that... you're a little nervous about the future"

"... did you just happen to come up with something?

"No, the report from the Fifth Squadron said there were more elf spectators, right? In some cases, I wonder if we need to think about the pilgrimage to the Holy Land or something, the increase in the number of spectators from neighbouring countries."

"... maybe there is"

"Even now that we've grown in numbers, we're all over it. More sights will undoubtedly be in the hands of the Fifth Squadron."

"Sir Warren, are you thinking of something?

"If the spectators are constant at any rate, we should treat them as tourist destinations and leave the guidance of the spectators to full-time staff."


It was General Rover who raised his bare voice. The other two have no voice.

"What are you thinking!? That would be classified!?

"I'm not guiding you inside anything. Simply select a few picturesque places from the outside and direct the spectator there. I think it's easier to monitor than being wandered around on your own. It would be sufficient to keep some of the benches in the tent. You might even be able to take the sights."

"... but Sir Warren, where do you bring full-time officials and dogs from? You can't hire people whose places are rare, can you?

"Why don't you pick someone with a solid identity from a retiree in the military? Finally, it would be useful to list those who might be able to reconvene depending on the job description."

There is no concept of reserve in this world. What Sir Warren proposed was something close to it, something that could also affect the future military system of the kingdom.

"... I can't give you an instant answer, but it's worth a thought"

"Sure. Human resources are going to be troublesome, but it's a delicious story that we can quickly mobilize human resources to have them."

The ruins created by Crowe, with an amplifier called Sir Warren, were about to affect the system of a single country.

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