Dungeons for the Devil, Dungeons for the Core

Chapter 58: Wangdu Illustria 1. The Disaster of Theodoram - The Wheat Angle

That day, when I occasionally (by chance) went to Wang Du, Rye caught my attention.

"Yes, those two"

Two acquaintances familiar with Banks were talking at the table at the tavern. You can go through it, but what I saw here would also be on the edge of something. Undress the disguise - Oh, the disguise I used to wear in Wang Capital seems to stand out (eh) since one of the Demon Stone Pearls, so I was wearing an Elgin version of the disguise - I walked over to the table between the two of them.

"Oh... sometimes this is unusual."

"Long time no see, and Norris."

Norris was a merchant in Manastella, and he came to Banks to buy it from time to time. I knew him when he was researching the herbs, and he was dating him because he was convenient for gathering information - I'm sure he's thinking the same thing anyway - but he's a nice guy to talk to and feel comfortable with, so I told him a certain amount of knowledge that wouldn't be a problem. The only manners that don't persevere in communicating the source of the information are men with valves.

"What are you two talking about with your foreheads up? It looked serious."

"Hmm... Crowe, you seem to know a lot about museums, so maybe you should listen to me."

Sir Partridge looked at Norris and spoke to him asking for his consent.

"Right...... Crowe, would you look at this for a second"

Norris made me take it out of the bag. It's...

"Norris, where did you get this?

"It was mixed with wheat brought in by a merchant from Theodoram. There have been rumors that the flour over there has been bad. Just in case, I made a deal with wheat before I milled it..."

Theodoram? That's not a good rumor? Naturally. What is this guy...

"Learn more about the rumors and the doings"

"You know something, don't you? Well, just to be brief, there are rumors that there are many miscarriages and strange diseases in the town that sell Theodoram flour every few years."

"Does the odd disease mean burning pain, cramps, mental disturbances, gangrene in your hands and feet?

"You know!? It's still caused by this weird wheat!

"I don't know if it's the same as my country's, but if it's the same thing, this is a kind of mold or mushroom that parasitizes on a wheat or other ear. When I say this, I get the same symptoms that I just said, and worse, I can die."

"Damn! Theodrum guys, did you know and sell Saba?

If you ask me, Norris' cousin (cousin) also had an abortion because of the damage... I'm unfortunate that it wasn't the flour Norris brought in.

"Were Theodrum merchants selling them in powdered condition?

"Oh, I thought it was strange because I didn't want to sell pre-mill stuff..."

"Then I guess Nine Minutes (Kubu) Nine Centuries (Rin) convict. This right, at first glance, there's a mixture of weird things, which is obvious. If there's damage everywhere, aren't the other merchants Musina in the same hole? If you do it badly, it could be a crime to name your country, right?

The high incidence of miscarriages will consequently affect the population of the country and hence lead to a decline in national power. Even if we don't push it as an aggressive military strategy, we might as well be silent. That's what I told him, and he was listening with a wrinkle between his eyebrows.

"Hmm... Crowe, you're familiar with the plague, too. If there's one thing, could you solve this old man's question?

"No, I can't really say that I'm familiar with it... What was the question before?

"This is also about Theodoram... there is a strange wind and earth disease in the south of his country..."

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