Dungeons for the Devil, Dungeons for the Core

Chapter 60: Wangdu Illustria 3. Yalta Central Church

It is the Bishop of Yalta, Bocca I, who is receiving reports from the belly in one of the rooms of the Central Church.

"Hmm... I can't do Vazari anymore"

"Unfortunately… the number of believers visiting the Church has fallen considerably before"

"That dean's speech was unexpected. My reading was sweet."

"No, let's find out who the Dean of the Academy was such a fool. Humans and subhumans were holding hands together, etc..."

"Hmm... it might not be a mistake for the Dean of the Academy to say anything about it."


"Well, listen. According to his college director, once an elf was a different kind of hegemony than now an elf. Leaving the woods for the wilderness is a testament to that... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I see that the former elf, as the Dean of the College put it, may have been hectic and on par with man. But I don't think that's very true of elves right now. If something has happened in the last millennium and the elves have lost God's grace, I wonder if it is our duty as gracious recipients to help them regain it."

Exactly. The bishop was not the only one. After chewing (shuddering) the content of the Dean's speech, he had succeeded in reinterpreting it so as not to contradict the doctrine of the denomination. The man of the belly, who has shown a new signpost, stares at the bishop without concealing the colour of his gratitude.

(Hmm... this interpretation seems acceptable)

"But if Vazari's situation is such, spreading the teachings isn't going to be easy overnight. Is the town itself lonely?

"Yes. Like the buzz once was a lie"

"There are some slave traders who visit Vazari knowing they will be targeted by the Apostle of Batla... aren't there fewer other traders?

"Yes, that's brilliant enough already"

"Hmm... and which town is the new merchant's receptacle on behalf of Vazari?

"Saurand, and partly to Leelot,"

"Saurand... is that your destiny?

"Yes, there are more wheat deals with Marcus on behalf of the discredited Theodoram merchants, so merchants are gathered in Saurand, the focal point for dealings with Marcus"

"Learn more about that story. What happened to Theodoram?

The man in the belly reports everything he knows about how Theodoram's flour has led to discredit.

"Hmmm... Theodrum is... It would be better to draw the attention of those who have gone to his country."

"Let's arrange it. Absolutely nothing will happen to that country."

"Is there anything else in that mouthful?

The man of the abdominal heart now reports to the bishop on one case of arsenic contamination.

"Is there at least one hand that detects the presence of poison that prevents or detoxifies the arsenic frost?

"That's... they say there's a way to detect it, but it doesn't seem to be a quick way to do it..."

Among the methods of detecting arsenic is the so-called (so-called) Marsh test, which uses zinc and hemisulfate to make arsenic mirrors. They say it's an easy way, but it still takes glassware to do the lamps, at least not in a way that you can sneak around at the table.

"It's just that... not all arsenic frosts can be used by scholars... but there seems to be an easy way to do it."

"What's that?

"Silver often changes black when touching arsenic frost (yes). I was advised to use silver dishes."

In medieval Europe, it was said that arsenic discoloured silver, and silver dishes were used to prevent poisoning, but the sulfur content mixed with arsenic because of its immature purification technique discoloured silver, and it is not detecting arsenic itself. It is a helpless detection method for highly purified arsenic. However, the distinction by silver was likely to work effectively, since the arsenic contamination of theodrum was probably caused by arsenic that was bonded with iron in the form of sulphides.

"Hmm. Check it out with drinking water in the place in question, etc."

"... how do you know if the water in question contains arsenic frost? Who do you want him to drink?

"Stupid. Just take safe water and make sure it doesn't discolor with that water and discolor with local water. If you can tell by silver at the end of the day, deliver silver dishes to all the preachers he has left in the land. And... choose the bigger ones to deliver the safe water bags. You may need it when you travel."

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