Dungeons for the Devil, Dungeons for the Core

Chapter 65: Theodrum 3. Annihilation

"What was that sound earlier?"

"I don't know. I think thunder or something... Either way, you haven't said anything from the advance Feilong (Wyburn) unit, so I'm guessing it's not particularly dangerous."

About eight hours late for the advance party's Flying Dragon (Wyburn) unit. My predecessor's battalion captain, who leads the ground unit, was talking to his deputy. An advance unit consisting of as many as a hundred flying dragons (Wyburn) was exterminated (middling) without having time to contact each other, etc., outside their imagination.

We had eight hours left until the scheduled time of engagement with Crowe.

'You managed to recover it. Are you done with the disguise?

I skipped reading to Slay and Winn, who lead the dirt magic.

'Yes, sir. Cleves' face and Winn's kids joined us, so we managed to get it over with. We restored the disturbed grass to its original form, and the splashed flesh pieces, etc. were absorbed by the slimes, and the blood stains were washed away with water magic, so we will fool ourselves as long as we don't even have a dog so nosy '

'All right. We have about three hours to pick up the enemy. Let's all get back on board and have a rest after a snack'

"Master, what's on the menu?

"We don't have time for this, and we can't do that." Like a fruit salad in a cup of noodles and juice?

"It looks delicious."

"Hey...... what's that mountain thing you see up front? It doesn't seem to be on the map."

"... please wait a moment. I'll check with the guide."

"Do that. If you're on the wrong course, it's important."

Admiral, the enemy has stopped marching.

'Well, if you see an unfamiliar mountain, it usually stops. For some reason, the Feilong (Wyburn) troopers seem to have decided to make a mistake on the map...'

'What do you do?

"Let's Keep Looking"

"I'm back now. The adventurer says there are no mountains on the road to Nil."

"So, what's that? Are you telling me it's an illusion?

"There's a chance of that."


"With the addition or subtraction of light, they sometimes see things that should be far away. The shape of the mountain can only be blurred, and he says it's possible."

"Any other possibilities?

"Wrong way or some monster showing hallucinations"

"... let's keep going with vigilance. The advance party is already moving on. I don't have time to go back now. Delay will not be tolerated for ambiguous reasons in this operational plan."

"Do you want to report to your home country?

"Nothing's happening, what are you going to report?

Admiral, the enemy has resumed their march. The pace seems to have dropped slightly. '

'All right, this tactical goal is to destroy the enemy and stop reporting. I'll leave the extraction to you. Free use of all uniforms (Weapons-Free)'

"Eye, sir. Start jamming communications at a distance of 20,000. Attack with main and dual-use guns. Look at the situation and fire at a distance of 20,000 to 15,000. '


"Again, it's a rocky mountain no matter what you think..."

"It's not about adding or subtracting light... What do you want to do?

"Checking the march records so far doesn't make it possible to go the wrong way. That means we have to keep going in order to get to our destination. More than the advance troops haven't informed us of the anomaly, we'll keep going. We can't afford to delay the operation."

"There are possibilities for monsters..."

"Are you going to tell me that whole mountain is a monster? It can't be. But let's be vigilant for once. Order the bomber squadron to respond immediately."

Immediately after the commander of the invading unit ordered that, there was a reaper roar (howl).

"What!? What's the sound now? Thunder?"

"Battalion leader! The sequel!"

What the commander looked back at in his deputy's voice was the remains of an infantry unit that was supposed to be guarding the palace, where the smoke was scattered across the wasteland. Faster than the head understood the situation, the commander was to experience for himself what had happened to the succeeding troops - though his consciousness and life had already been lost by then.

Less than four thousand battalions of two invading troops of Theodoram. Pouring over their heads are six inch guns and five inch double-use guns each of twelve grenades (Ryu) and a burning grenade (Ryu), torn apart by a blast, blown up, pierced by a shotgun, torched by a blast flame, swept down by a horse frightened by the sound, crushed, and transformed into an unspeakable wreck (Muru). Infantry, archers, and bombarders are targeted first, and after a horse frightened by the roar escapes, the lives of the remaining cavalry are pruned.

Still, some tried to convey information in addition to the confusion......

"HQ! HQ, come in!... Damn it! I can't get through!

"It's that rocky mountain! He's shooting from that rocky mountain!

"Shit! There's nowhere to hide."

"Lurking in a rocky mountain where there shouldn't have been, I'm letting go of an oversized flamethrower!

"Who are they..."

"That... I guess it's not a dungeon"


"If you think about it, Tsujitsu fits..."

"Whatever it takes to get this information to HQ..."

One shell put an end to their efforts.

"Apparently, you're done."

"... that's a tremendous thing"

'Oh, this is largely the case with my world wars. Honestly, it's not fun, but I don't know if they'll eat war or not. This one will only be eaten if the poor Buddhist mind is served. Now, let's get this over with...'

"... here, do you want to clean it all up, Master..."

"Theodrum's... two battalions... so... sure... fewer than four thousand people..."

... Yeah, I can't.

'It's a hassle, so I dungeon this area and take in the body at once. Keep it as a dungeon, or disarm it and undo it, we'll figure it out later. Four thousand bodies can't be recovered. "

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