Dungeons for the Devil, Dungeons for the Core

Chapter 69: Exiled Nobles? 3. Yalta Central Church

"You think an Illustrian soldier is sniffing around about the whereabouts of Emmen?

Bishop Bocca I of Yalta looked weird and surprised at his men's words.

"Is he... talking?

"Yes, there will be nothing to talk about."

In short, he says he did it to seal his mouth.

"One case of fake gold coins in Vazari was six months ago....... but why do we resume our investigation by now?

I can only assume that there has been some new development, but no information about it has gone into the bishop's place.

"Doesn't it look like there's some new money out there?

"I haven't grasped that kind of story so far. No matter, I'm not sending my men anywhere, I'm not particularly after the money...... How would you like it?

Asked subordinates also have no choice but to report the status quo honestly. It's the beauty of this boss not to be angry enough to report the facts. My men valued the bishop highly for just this one point.

"Uhm...... No, we can maintain the status quo for now. More than that, pay attention to the movements of soldiers in the National Army. Find out where they're sending the soldiers."

"I got it."

Subsequent reports on the matter were also sufficient to confuse the bishops.

"... not looking for gold, but for Emmen himself?

"I can't say for sure... especially not to check the gold coins, but it seems to follow the distribution of gold six months ago..."

Even as a subordinate entrusted with intelligence forces, the movement of the National Army was puzzling.

"Hmm... the location of the gold is already known, and you're looking for Emmen as its executor?

A subordinate who snorts (groans) at the word of the bishop and gives his approval. If we try to explain the current situation without imposing it, we come to the same conclusion as the bishop. However…….

"Then I won't hear about the money that went out in the kingdom... What does the royal family know?

The bishop contemplates, but reconsiders that there is too little data at all, and asks his subordinates if they have all the necessary data.

"So where did the National Army send the soldiers?


The answer also confused the bishop again.

"Theodoram in Manastella, huh?

"Yes. Manastella was sent a messenger by the royal family some time ago. The contents are unknown. Looks like we've been sending secret detectives to Theodoram since before that. That's about as far as I could confirm..."

"Hmm... I don't even know who Theodoram is. Looks like he failed to invade Illustria last year. But what is Manastella..."

It was a totally unexpected place.

"... issue a circular to the churches in both Theodoram and Manastella to see if anything is happening. Especially regarding the money, and the involvement of the three countries of Illustria Manastella Theodorum, or at least the two countries, as a matter of priority."


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