DXD: Golden King Of Lucifer

Chapter 114 - Too much Tiring

The next day Vali returned to Kyoto along with Valarie Tepes. Sparda was currently out on a date along with Yasaka. Sparda has informed everyone that they were going to use Kyoto as their main base for the time being. So everyone was coming to Kyoto.

Currently, Vali was roaming around Kyoto while Rias and Valarie were also along with him and by coincidence, they entered the same restaurant Sparda was in along with Yasaka. Sparda saw Vali and invited him to sit along with them.

Rias: Sorry Lady Yasaka we didn't want to intrude on your date.

Yasaka: It is not a problem, I wanted to meet with Sparda's brother and future sister-in-law.

Sparda: Who is this new face??

Vali: Her name is Valarie Tepes and she was being used as the face of Tepes faction while the rest were supporting Rizevim.

Sparda: So you decided to run away with good good. Why is her soul broken??

Vali: That bastard Rizevim extracted a part of the Holy Grail from her body.

Yasaka: Oh... my…!! How can someone do this??

Sparda: I know squat about soul, I will ask Hela to look at her soul. If that not works I will manipulate the reality to fix her soul.

Sparda extends his hand towards Valarie, she takes his hand and shakes it.

Sparda: Hello, my name is Sparda Gilgamesh Lucifer, I am Vali's twin brother.

Valarie: Hello my name is Valarie Tepes, it's nice to meet you, Lord Sparda.

Sparda: I will have to declare something in the next meeting if someone calls me Lord I will lop off their heads.

Valarie: I am sorry, please don't kill me. (She got scared)

Vali: See you scared her.

Sparda: It's just that I hate being called Lord or something. Vali and Rias have you guys heard about the latest piece of news??

Rias: Yes that Greek Pantheon broke the peace treaty.

Sparda: No that is not that important. I am asking about the rating games.

Vali: Azazel told me.

Rias: Wait what rating game??

Yasaka: Every race will be able to participate in these rating games.

Vali: This will be fun.

Rias: Wa—Wait Sparda are you participating too??

Vali also came back to earth forgetting all his imaginations of winning. He knew he cannot beat his brother.

Sparda: Nah…!! Boring for me.

Rias/Vali: Thank God. (They immediately got a headache)

Valarie: Vali is your brother that strong??

Vali: Yes, he is currently the 2nd ranked.

After that, they finished their food and they went their own way. Sparda and Yasaka continued their date and then Vali went his own way with Rias and Valarie.

In the evening Sparda returned with Yasaka back to her castle. He went inside and saw that Kunuo was waiting for her mother and Hela and Scathach also came back. Sparda said his regards to Yasaka and Kunuo and took Hela and Scathach to somewhere private.

Sparda: So what is their status??

Hela: They will join they will come here by tomorrow but Amun Ra was asking about conditions.

Scathach: They said they will send their representative here to answer for them.

Sparda: What kind of conditions?? And when will this representative come??

Hela: He wanted to be the leader of the treaty and I told him to talk with you and he backed off.

Scathach: By tomorrow.

Sparda: Good, everything is going smoothly.

Sparda took out his phone and called Azazel.

Sparda: Azazel what is the status of Carmilla faction??

Azazel: I have contacted them, their leader will come by tomorrow.

Sparda: Ok, good.

After that Sparda disconnected the call and looked towards Hela.

Sparda: Hela I need your help.

Hela: What do you want??

Sparda: Can you fix someone's soul?? Her soul was broken when Rizevim extracted a part of her sacred gear.

Hela: I can try but I am not sure.

After that, they went inside and Sparda asked Vali to bring Valarie so that Hela can check her. Currently, Hela was checking her body and Vali and Sparda were standing outside the room. After sometime Hela asked them to come inside.

Sparda: So what can you do??

Hela: I can completely fix her soul but I have to keep her with me. I will need to give her soul shards.

Vali: So how long will it take??

Hela: Seeing the amount of damage it will take about one month.

Sparda: Ok Valarie are you ok with this??

Valarie: Yes I will be fine and thank you.

Sparda: No need to thank me, I need to leave now. I need to take care of some stuff.

Actually, Sparda didn't have anything to do, he just wanted to stay alone for some time. He directly went to the roof and laid down and started to stare at the sky full of stars.

Sparda: I should have known all this stuff must be tiring. Nothing can be done now.

The next day Sparda was standing in front of Carmilla faction leader, Amun Ra of Egyptian gods, and Mars the war God of Roman Gods. All of them took their respective seats.

Erlmhide: My name is Erlmhide Carmilla I am the leader of Carmilla vampire faction.

Mars: I am the representative of Roman Gods I will answer about our position after we hear what you have to say.

Amun Ra: Before you start this meeting let's make something else clear. I have heard that Rizevim Livan Lucifer is the leader of Khaos Brigade he is your grandfather, what do you want to say about that??

Erlmhide and Mars was shocked to hear this.

Sparda: It means zip to me.

Amun Ra: I want to say aren't you dragging us into a family quarrel??

Sparda: Yes we are family, if you want to leave then help yourself you mean squat to me.

Amun Ra: How can you insult me like this?? I cannot accept this. (He gets up from his seat)

Sparda: Don't shout. (Sparda release his power and he drops back to his chair)

All of them were shocked to see the amount of Sparda was releasing casually. They knew if Sparda wanted they could make them submit to him without their opinion.

Sparda: If you want to go I won't stop any of you but leave quietly without shouting or my power might go berserk again.

The three of them started to sweat hearing Sparda but Amun Ra was unable to take this insult and quietly got up and left the room.

Sparda: So now what are your choices….??

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