DXD: Golden King Of Lucifer

Chapter 115 - Trouble in OLYMPUS

The Carmilla faction and the Roman Gods decided to join the peace treaty and they also were excited about the rating game. It was decided that the rating games would start in one month and Ajuka made new evil pieces that will be used in this rating game. They did a lottery to decide the name of the cup and Azazel won, naming it Azazel cup. Sparda was praising himself since he decided not to participate in the game.

Sparda was still in Kyoto, currently, he was still in his bed along with all his fiancées. Yesterday he called Sera and gave her a ring along with Yasaka. Sparda had a wild night along with all of them. Sona and Yasaka were shocked by the orgy. But soon they settled in that and they had no problem with it. Suddenly all of them were woken by someone knocking on the door.

Sparda: Who is it??

Azazel: Sparda it is me, Azazel.

Sparda: Go away damn fallen or I will pluck out your wings.

Azazel: This is an emergency, if it wasn't I wouldn't have come.

Sparda: Ok tell me what the emergency from outside the door.

Azazel: Olympus is being attacked by a group called Qlippoth, they are the new Khaos Brigade. The whole Tepes faction was seen along with them.

Sparda: Why do I care?? Let them get killed or destroyed I don't give squat to them.

Amy: But you to stop them, at least go there to collect their ashes it will show our goodwill that even though they are not part of our treaty we still went to help them.

Sparda: Ughhh… ok wait for half an hour let me get fresh then we leave. Azazel tell Kali that she will be going with me.

After that Sparda got and washed himself while his fiancées were still in the bed. Sparda wore his usual suit and got out of the room. He went downstairs and found Azazel and Kali were waiting for him. All three of them went to the backyard and Sparda summoned hi Vimana all three of them hopped on to it. Vimana blasted off at a high speed towards Olympus.

After 1 hour of continuous flying, they were able to see Olympus. It was broken at several places and it was on fire all over. The whole place was filled with corpses but they were not a single bit bothered by that. They could see a place where a fight was still going on. They went there and found that Artemis and Ares were fighting some kind of monster. Sparda's group dropped from the Vimana. There were a lot of Gods who could be seen looking over a dead body.

Sparda: What the f*ck is this abomination??

Aphrodite: 10 vampires merged to become this.

Azazel: Where is Lord Zeus??

As soon as Azazel asked that all the Gods became down casted and Aphrodite pointed towards a corpse they all been surrounding till now. Sparda's group took a look and saw that it was Zeus.

Sparda: Who killed the God??

Hera: It was a devil with Boosted Gear.

Azazel: What…?? How can that be…?? How did he look like?

Apollo: He had silver hair and silver eyes.

Sparda: Elucid Lucifage, he must be using a copy of boosted gear but even if he used that he should not be able to kill Zeus.

Hestia: You are right, that abomination there s.u.c.k.e.d out our father's divinity and after that he was killed.

Sparda: So how many Gods were killed in total??

Aphrodite: They killed a total of five Gods, Zeus, Dionysus, Athena, Demeter, and Hephaestus. All of them were killed after this monster had s.u.c.k.e.d out their divinity.

Sparda: Rizevim must be collecting divinity so that he can break the seal.

Monster: Graaahhh…!!

Sparda: That's too noisy, both of you get back or you will die along with it.

Ares knew how strong Sparda was so he immediately got away from the monster but Artemis didn't want to since if she got back now she would be taking help from a man. Hera moved at an incredible and took her daughter away from the monster. Sparda was casually walking towards the monster, while he was walking he took out Ea out of GOB and pointed it towards the monster. The monster lunged towards Sparda but before it could reach him.

Sparda: Enuma Elish…..!!

The whole area broke apart and dust covered the whole area. The dust cleared out and there was no sign of the monster. All the Greek Gods were shocked to see the destruction done by Sparda.

Sparda: Well if that's all I will be going back. Wanna come Azazel and Kali??

Hera: Wait thank you for helping us and we would like to join the peace treaty.

Artemis: Mother how can you say that, how do you know that they weren't the ones who attacked us using them so we would join the treaty?

Sparda: Don't overestimate yourselves, I don't need weaklings like you with narrow minds like you near me. If I had attacked you would have already died like insects.

After that Sparda again jumped on Viamana along with Kali and Azazel blasted off towards Kyoto.

Azazel: So you think your grandfather had found the seal.

Sparda: I don't think I am sure.

Kali: So we must find a way to stop him before he is successful right?

Sparda: Yes we should but I have zero ideas where he might be hiding and commencing all his plans from.

Azazel: So can't we start searching region by region??

Sparda: If he gets suspicious he will again go into hiding until we give up. After we give up he will again come back and resume his plans. He is like a c.o.c.kroach.

Kali: So we need to wait for him to reveal himself??

Sparda: Yes exactly.

Azazel: Hope your plan works.

Sparda: Don't worry it will work…..


A/N: I am thinking of pairing Dulio and Arato. According to your choices like the options yes or no in the comment box.

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