"Hey, you made it, sorry it was so short-notice-...ugh, what's she doing here?" Groaned Kilzachs, as he spotted a woman who looked like she was in her mid-thirties.

"Tch, screw you," She muttered irritably in response.

"Anyway, these are the people who showed up from a different world," Kilzachs gestured to us, before turning to us and adding, "And these are some of the strongest people in the Sanctuary. Well, some of them, anyway."

"Hi, I'm Kilella, Zax's brother, nice to meet you guys," Greeted one of them with a friendly smile.

"Yo, I'm Altan, what's up?" Grinned one of the others, a guy with a red mohawk.

"My name is Iro," A large mutated guy nodded politely.

"Zarina," Grunted the woman who didn't seem to like Kilzachs.

"And I'm Cecilia, but call me Ciel," Smiled the last of the group to arrive, a gorgeous blonde woman.

Oh, right, guess it's our turn.

"Uh, hi, I'm Kuro, pleasure to meet you," I responded with a smile.

"I'm Persia, nice to meet you guys."

"Azyl," Added Az with a stifled yawn.

"My name's Belia, hi!"

"So, uh, these four are interested in sparring with the strongest X-Warriors here, to see how powerful they are," Kilzachs informed them.

"Why don't you fight them, aren't you supposed to be the strongest or whatever?" Grumbled Zarina in response.

"I didn't even invite you, bitch, so why don't you leave?" Came the icy reply.

"Easy, guys. She was with me when you messaged me, and I invited her," Intervened Ciel, as the two of them glared daggers at each other.

"Well, what're we waiting for? Let's do this, I wanna see how powerful people from another world are!" Grinned Altan, before turning to Kilzachs, "Have you seen them in action yet? I mean, I saw the clip of this guy throwing an Ace Mutant like it was nothing, man that got me hyped!"

"Yeah, I fought them. And I might have died if they fought with real killing intent," He admitted dryly.

"Oh, nice, you're pretty good at gauging stuff like that, huh?" Mused Belia with a smirk.

"Actually, I'm pretty sure I could beat you," He retorted with a smirk.

"Yeah, you think so, huh? Why don't we put that to the test?" She responded with a gleam in her eyes.

"You're better off not riling this idiot up. Once she gets all impulsive, she can be a real pain," I sighed in exasperation, as I chopped the back of her head with my hand.

"Ow! Hey, not cool!"

"Uh, duly noted. Anyway, how about we head inside now?" He suggested, before leading us into the training facility.

As we headed inside, he walked over to the reception desk, before making our way into the building.

"Hey, are those wings and halo real, or just for show?" Kilella asked Belia curiously.

"Huh? I mean, I can fly with these wings. Not really sure if this halo does anything though," She shrugged in response.
"Wait, didn't you lose your wings and halo when Samsara destroyed your original body?" Recalled Persia in response.

Oh, yeah, that did happen.

"Well, yeah, but I used some of the Divine Magic Kuro gave me to bring them back. I look way cooler with them, after all," She grinned smugly.

"Huh, not sure I understood any of that. So, then, you don't actually need those wings and halo?" Altan asked her.

"Well, like I said, I can fly with these wings," She pointed out with a shrug.

"And you can also fly without them," I responded with a sigh.

"What about you, those cat ears and tail? Wait, this isn't, like, offensive to ask or anything, right?" Grinned Ciel sheepishly.

"Oh, uh...no, not at all. Everyone in our world has something called an Anima, which gives you the abilities of certain animals. Mine is a panther. When we hit puberty, or if we go through something traumatic before that, we display features of the animal that our Anima is based on, to varying extents. Some people display no visible Anima features," Explained Persia.

"And Anima's aren't hereditary. A couple with, say, a dog and cat Anima could have a kid with a fish Anima," I clarified.

"What's your Anima?" Kilzachs asked me.


"Oh, immortal jellyfish. But it's actually kinda irrelevant in my case."

"Your tail doesn't look like it has anything to do with a jellyfish," Remarked Altan in bemusement.

"Well, I got this after I consumed the life force of the Vampire King-...or wait, was it the Demon King? It was a long time ago, I'm not quite sure," I shrugged in response.

"Huh? Demon? Vampire?"

"Yeah, when I fought him, he had Demonic wings, horns and a third eye, plus spikes from his elbows," Recalled Kilzachs.

"So, who gets to go first?" Inquired Kilella, as we reached the training room.

"Mind if I go first on our side? I didn't get to do any fighting before," Remarked Persia eagerly.

"Sure, go for it," I nodded in response.

"In that case, I'll take you on," Grinned Kilella, cracking her knuckles in anticipation.

"Alright, bring it on," Smirked Persia.

As they got onto the training area after putting on collars, Kilzachs activated a drone in the room, which flew up overhead and formed a barrier around the two of them.

"What's this?" I asked him curiously.

"Oh, it's called a Duel Field. When one of the two inside is about to receive a fatal blow, the collars will activate and teleport them out," He explained, before calling out to Persia, "Try to avoid damaging the collars, otherwise it won't work and you'll get seriously hurt!"

Ah, so it's kinda like our safety barriers, cool.

"Got it!" She responded, as a countdown began.

"Okay, here goes...<Manifestation Overdrive: Flame Dragoness>!" Exclaimed Kilella, as flames burst out around her and took the shape of armor, with wings and a tail.

"Uh, is the yelling out technique names really necessary?" I inquired in bemusement.

"Yeah, it's called an activation chant. I've trained to be able to chant inaudibly, but most people just shout it out," He explained, right as the countdown ended.

"Huh, so that's how it works," I replied, as Persia unleashed her VamPanther Mode.

Jet black fur sprouted across her entire body, as sleek black wings grew out from her shoulder blades and a bladed edge grew out of the end of her tail, her fangs and claws sharpening.

As Kilella shot out a powerful blast of flames, Persia responded with her own flames, the two attacks canceling out upon impact.

Kilella then rapidly flew down towards her, Persia responded by flying straight up and unleashing a shockwave of wind, knocking Kilella off balance before swiftly zipping towards her as she formed a massive ball of intense flames.

Kilella began to increase the flames around herself in response, right before Persia sharply inhaled and blasted out a powerful shockwave from her mouth, briefly blowing away the flames surrounding Kilella.

She then fired her charged up fireball at her as she closed in, Kilella quickly let herself drop in alarm, before blasting flames out from the soles of her feet to shoot herself away several meters.

Persia then began swirling a massive amount of flames with wind, violently swirling above her as the air inside the barrier started shimmering.

"Hey, since we can't feel the heat, does that mean the oxygen inside the barrier is a fixed amount?" I asked Kilzachs.

"Hm? Oh, uh, I've never thought about that, but I guess so," He replied uncertainly, before adding, "No one's got firepower on the level of my sister, and it's rare than any of her fights last very long, so yeah."

Persia then swung her arm down, sending the massive ball of flames and wind blazing down towards Kilella, who quickly intensified the flames around herself and raised her hands, blasting out powerful jets of fire at the incoming fireball.

She managed to significantly slow down the momentum of Persia's attack, grimacing as she slowly wore it down...she should just about manage to cancel it out before it reaches her.

But Persia isn't just gonna wait around while Kilella's tied down. Right on cue, her speed rapidly increased as she flew around the fireball and shot towards Kilella...she must be using Accelerate at x4.

She's sweating profusely and struggling to breathe though...one way or another, this fight isn't going to last much longer.

Persia then closed in on Kilella from behind, tearing off the tail and wings of her armor as she began to whip her tail up towards Persia, before she slashed at Kilella's back with her claws, swirling wind around them to extend and sharpen her reach.

She sliced through the flaming armor and cut into her back, Kilella grimacing, as she finally canceled out the massive fireball in front of herself.

She then spun around and swung a rapid spin kick at Persia's head, who swiftly ducked below it to evade, and then sprang back as Kilella unleashed a powerful burst of heat from herself.

Persia then formed fireballs in both hands, adding wind to them as Kilella also formed her own fireballs-...right before the two of them suddenly got teleported out.

The barrier then faded, and an intense burst of heat exploded out, everyone stumbling back in response...wow, that's stifling. Just like I thought, they must have used up all the oxygen inside the barrier...


Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote, and feel free to leave a comment, I appreciate any and all feedback and criticism!

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