"Ugh, I don't feel so good," Groaned Kilella, looking dazed as she struggled to catch her breath, sweat pouring down her face.

Persia was in a similar state, looking pretty faint.

"Damn, that was so hot," Remarked Altan with a straight face, before letting out a snort of laughter.

"So, uh, we didn't get a winner, should they fight again?" Inquired Belia curiously.

"No, that's okay...I think I probably would've lost that one, so we don't have to do that," Admitted Kilella with a wry smile.

Yeah, she's pretty powerful and all, but once Persia used Accelerate, she was too fast for her to keep up with.

"You're pretty strong yourself. That was some intense heat you were putting out," Responded Persia, before walking back over towards me.

Oh, her hands are kinda burnt. I touched her hands and used Restoration Magic to heal her, before glancing at Kilella.

"Hey, if you've got any injuries, I can heal them for you," I offered her.

"Oh, thanks, I'd appreciate that," She nodded gratefully as she walked over, "My back is bleeding pretty badly."

"Sorry about that, I was hoping that'd be enough to teleport you out, but your armor prevented me from cutting in too deep," Responded Persia sheepishly.

I then used Restoration Magic on Kilella, the cuts across her back closing up and disappearing as I did.

"Huh? Woah, the pain is completely gone...it's like I never even got injured, that was amazing," She remarked in surprise.

"Wow, that's impressive, I've never seen anyone heal so quickly," Responded Iro in awe.

"That's super useful, dang," Added Altan with a nod.


"That last fight really fired me up, pun intended. Mind if I go next?" Spoke up Ciel with a grin.

"Az, want a turn?" I asked him.

"Mhm, sounds good," He nodded in response.

The two of them then put on the collars and headed towards the area that the Duel Field would surround.

"I gotta say, I'm kinda surprised the collars didn't melt during the last round," Mused Kilzachs wryly.

"That would've sucked, I would most likely have suffocated to death. I couldn't breathe towards the end there, I was getting pretty light-headed," Sighed Kilella in response, as the countdown began ticking.

"Yeah, I thought I was going to pass out, and every breath I did take towards the end really burned my throat," Nodded Persia in agreement.

"Alright, <Primary Manifestation: Umbrella>, <Secondary Manifestation: Hand Fan>," Chanted Ciel, as the countdown reached three.

Her energy took the shape of an umbrella in her right hand and a hand fan in her left hand...huh, interesting weapons, I wonder how she'll use them?

"Hm, guess I'll go all out, it's been a while," Muttered Az, as a misty aura surrounded him.

Looks like he's using his Water Sage Mode. His skin grew pale, as his hair turned a frosty light blue, his eyes turning a slightly darker hue than his hair.
As the countdown ended, Ciel swung her hand fan across, sending a wave of wind blasting towards Az, who formed a wall of water in front of himself to block it.

She then swung her hand fan again, firing out a horizontal wind slash at Az, slicing through his water wall, which he swiftly replaced with a wall of ice.

Her attack struck the ice and cracked it, but didn't get any further, just barely staying intact. Looks like he's staying on the defensive to start off with...though, with his offensive capabilities, that's the same as going easy on his opponent.

She fired out more wind slashes at him, as he responded by raising several ice walls in front of himself, before she zipped around swiftly to try and get around his defenses.

She's got goosebumps, and the air inside looks kinda frosty...I see, he's spread out a slight mist to help him keep track of her movements even if he loses sight of her.

​ I guess he's dragging this out to make it last and have some fun. Never thought that he, of all people, would miss fighting. We haven't had any real fights after the Spectre was killed, and I have to admit, I've been a little bored. I didn't imagine that he might feel that way too.

"You know, it might have been better if it was two against one," I mused, as Ciel fired out wind bullets from her umbrella.

"Hm? Why, though? This seems to be pretty even, she's keeping him on the defensive," Replied Kilzachs in bemusement.

"No, he's choosing to stay on the defensive. He could end this in an instant if he wanted to," Chimed in Persia.

"Yeah, besides Kuro, there's no one in our world who can beat him, and there's certainly no one who can match him in sheer scale of output," Nodded Belia, as Ciel sprang back in alarm, a wave of ice extending out towards her.

"Why's he holding back?" Inquired Kilella curiously.

"It's been a while since we've been in a serious fight, he probably wants to make it last," I replied, as Ciel backed away with a frown.

"Alright, let's see if you defend against this...<Manifestation Overdrive: Heavy Storm>!" She exclaimed, as a massive amount of wind burst out from her hand fan.

Az surrounded himself with a dome of ice as her attack shattered and broke through his ice walls, before he surrounded the ice dome with a rapidly swirling dome of water, which absorbed the force of the wind attack.

As the wind faded, Az dissipated his defenses, the water and ice disappearing as he met Ciel's gaze.

"Okay, then...my turn," He remarked, right before the entire Duel Field was filled with ice, Ciel teleported out of it with a bemused look on her face.

"Woah...," Muttered Altan, wide-eyed.

"He can form a lot more ice just as quickly if he really wants to, looks like he settled for just enough to fill the barrier," Grinned Belia, as the barrier faded and a wave of cold air washed over us.

"Ooh, that's frosty," Shivered Kilella.

"Huh, I wonder if I can beat him without stopping time?" Kilzachs muttered to himself with a look of intrigue.

"So, who's gonna go next?" I inquired, as Az and Ciel walked back over.

"Ooh, I volunteer as tribute!" Belia swiftly raised her hand up.

Huh, I wonder when she picked up that reference?

"I'll fight her. And I won't lose," Spoke up Zarina, stepping forward with a surly expression.

"Hey, defeat her in a humiliating fashion, would you?" Kilzachs requested Belia.

"Hm? Okay, sure, sounds like fun," She smirked with a gleam in her eyes.

"You really don't like her, do you?" I smiled wryly.

"Nope, she's a major bitch," He replied without hesitation, as the two of them headed over towards the area covered by the Duel Field.

"I won't lose to you, I'll make sure to crush you swiftly," Stated Zarina with a grimace, before chanting, "<Primary Manifestation: Aqua Bow>, <Secondary Manifestation: Vision Boost>!"

A water bow formed in her right hand, as water wings appeared from her shoulder blades and extended out.

"Aw, man, wish I had a cool thing to shout out. Oh, well," Sighed Belia, as the countdown reached three.

"I'll end this in an instant!" Exclaimed Zarina, before chanting again as the countdown ended, "<Manifestation Overdrive: Torrential Arrow>!"

Water swirled across her bow in the shape of an arrow, before she fired it out at Belia, the arrow spinning rapidly as it gathered momentum with slicing streaks of water ripping through the air.

Right as it closed in on Belia, who had a smirk on her face, she teleported out of the way, reappearing behind Zarina, and giving her butt a firm smack, causing her to jump with a startled look on her face.

"Wow, nice ass, you must do a lot of squats," Grinned Belia tauntingly, turning intangible as Zarina spun around swung her bow at her, which phased right through her.

Belia then teleported behind her again...and spanked her again, this time much harder, Zarina grimacing upon impact, before swinging her foot out behind her, which Belia countered by turning intangible again.

"You annoying little-...!" Began Zarina furiously, right as Belia touched her shoulder and used a paralysis spell to freeze her in place, "I...I can't move...!"

"I made sure not to paralyze your mouth, I'm sure you're gonna have a lot to say. You might wanna try to break free from this, because otherwise...," Chuckled Belia, as she walked around her and began spanking her repeatedly.

For the next couple of minutes, the sound of a butt being smacked hard echoed out over and over, Belia looking like she was having the time of her life.

"Uh...what exactly are we watching here?" Inquired Altan in bemusement.

"Huh, it's not exactly what I had in mind, but this works," Nodded Kilzachs in approval.

"Ow...my butt hurts just from watching," Added Ciel wryly.

"This, uh...this'll probably take a while," I sighed with a shake of my head, as the sound of the spanking continued to echo out across the room...


Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote, and feel free to leave a comment, I appreciate any and all feedback and criticism!

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