Eagle of the Valley of Ice and Fire

Chapter 102: Trade-offs and Gambling

Tyrion stroked the protruding battlements on the wall of King's Landing and looked at Stannis's escaped Dragonstone fleet from a distance.

The torches at night circled the walls of King's Landing, but facing the dark sky and black water, it was of no avail. Even the best-sighted guards on King's Landing could not distinguish the traces of Stannis's fleet.

"Bring Eddard Stark's body down," Tyrion told his squire Podrick Payne.

The twelve-year-old Podrick looked at the Prime Minister's head, his face blurred by the fire and covered with maggots, and hesitated.

Tyrion comforted him and said: "I can guarantee you, Pod, that in the days when you are about to work with me, the shortest Queen's Hand in the history of Westeros, you will encounter countless things more disgusting than maggots. This is a test for you, Pod." He patted the back of Pod's hand gently and smiled at him.

Pod nodded, put on his gloves, picked up the steel spear stuck in his head, and walked towards the other side of the city wall.

"I like him," the mercenary Bronn chewed the candy brought from the shop in King's Landing City. "An honest boy will be a loyal servant."

"I agree," Tyrion glanced at the back of the slowly advancing squire and nodded, "Look at Stannis's fleet. Do they intend to fight?"

"Every raid takes advantage of the night and fog. To be honest, this is very smart, but do you know how large the fleet under this king's brother is?" Bronn spit out an unpleasant candy outside the city wall. Showing a look of disgust.

"Very large. The Dragonstone fleet has always been a royal fleet." Tyrion said, "It has always been like this when King Robert was around."

"That's very strange," Bronn stepped on the battlement and looked at the vaguely shadowy ships in the distance. "Their logistics will be difficult to solve. They have been parked here for too long."

"What do you mean?" Tyrion frowned slightly and rolled his two-colored eyes, "This seems to be very friendly to us?"

"In the face of a bunch of bad news, just try to pick one and look for the bright side." Bronn shrugged, not caring.

"Yeah, it's really a good choice among a bunch of rotten eggs," Tyrion sighed, "Maybe the Seven Gods favor us, and we are so lucky."

Academician Kemen stood to one side solemnly, looking at Master Attis who was carefully reading the letter.

"Young Wolf Lord?" Attis muttered.

"Yes, sir," Maester Colmont nodded, "The Wolf-Fish Alliance called it that, and the Lannister remnants also said it."

"Any news on Jaime Lannister?" Attis asked.

"Some people said that they saw Sir James near the Red Fork River, but there is no news about the rest." Coleman said.

"A great victory," Attis smiled. "The Kingslayer's western army was almost completely defeated. They either turned into bandits or gathered back to the Golden Teeth City."

"I'm afraid not, Master Attis," Coleman handed over another letter, "Robb Stark has a lot of ideas in using his troops."

Attis took the letter and opened it, "The remaining soldiers from the Western Region returned to the Golden Tooth City along the original route. They were surrounded and killed by archers in the city, and almost the entire army was wiped out."

"Did the wolf-fish coalition capture Golden Tooth City ahead of schedule?" Attis leaned back on his chair, candlelight shining on the side of his face.

"Earl Tytos Blackwood accepted Duke Robb's military order, put on the confiscated Western equipment, pretended to be a remnant of the Western Army, and deceived the Golden Teeth City, which was guarded by only a few hundred people, and took over the gateway to the Western Territory." Ke Bachelor Meng recited the contents of the letter.

"Awesome." Attis put down the letter. In front of him was the dark sky with the flickering candlelight.

The Northern Territory was so able to attack Attis beyond his expectations. In his opinion, even if the regicide did not anticipate the Northern Territory cavalry raid in advance, with his army shrinking between the Tengshi River and the Red Fork River, the Western Territory was established. The three camps can support each other.

Although Jaime Lannister had no strength advantage against the 6,000 Northern Cavalry and the 20,000 Riverlands Legion, he could at least deal with Robb, who was leading an army for the first time and had no experience, for a long time. It was really impossible to retreat to the Golden Teeth City. The terrain gnaws at the gateway to the West, and even if Renly's army of 100,000 storms the Golden Teeth City, it will be difficult to capture it.

Unexpectedly, all of Jaime Lannister's armies were defeated so quickly, and the Golden Teeth City, the gateway to the West, was also captured by the Wolffish Alliance.

The status of the Northern Territory, which showed such proficiency in fighting, immediately improved a lot in Attis' heart.

"Let all the blue robes in the Eyrie stop their stinky faces and be friendly to Lady Catelyn." Attis's eyes moved slightly, "The story of Duke Robb defeating the Kingslayer and occupying the Golden Tooth City is in the castle. Make a big splash.”

Kemen didn't know the purpose of Attis's move, but he just nodded and obeyed, retreated and left the study.

Attis opened his father's notes, "Duke Rickard Stark is quite ambitious, which means that the ancestors and nobles in the valley south of the Neck, such as Royce, have close contacts with the Stark family in the north." "Wolves can be friends of the world"

He closed his eyes. If Robb operated correctly, it would be a great help for the wolf-fish coalition to switch to either side.

Stannis is not willing to guarantee the interests of the Vale in the Riverlands, but Renly can, if he can push Robb to support Renly in becoming king.

This is in line with the immediate interests, at least it can guarantee the immediate interests, but it is not consistent with what Attis thinks.

If Eddard Stark was still here, and if he insisted that Joffrey was born of incest, then with Attis's understanding of Eddard, he would definitely support Stannis, the most legal person in the kingdom.

But Robb is not Eddard. If he has some strategic thinking, he will most likely seek to cooperate with all parties, including Renly and Stannis, to jointly suppress the Lannister forces in the West in the name of Baratheon, just as the agreement signed by the Eagle and Wolf of the Twins mentioned before.

Wait until the lion falls and then choose between Stannis and Renly.

This is the safest choice for the North.

Choosing Renly Atis's eyes dimmed slightly. He sighed, not satisfied, and left the study.

Stannis stood at the bow, the sea breeze blowing his neatly combed hair. He was too familiar with the sea environment and even the land terrain here.

He knew how to bypass the whirlpool near Storm's End, and he also knew how to sneak to Storm's End.

Davos Seaworth, the "Onion Knight", had told him the route long ago. He had smuggled onions, cabbages, and perhaps dried meat for him to guard Storm's End. Now he was also on this route to get back what belonged to him.

Stannis took a deep breath. Dragonstone was too barren. Renly's 100,000 troops were marching towards King's Landing. The Starks of the North were also moving towards King's Landing. The destruction of the Lion was almost a foregone conclusion, but what about after that?

The Vale ignored his letter. Eddard Stark, who supported him, had died in King's Landing. The Stormlands, which originally belonged to him, were Renly's fiefdom.

He had to make plans early. Stannis frowned, and the lines on his brows seemed to be carved by a knife.

"Prepare to land." Stannis said lightly. Sure enough, the navy of Storm's End was unprepared, and everyone thought they were in King's Landing.

"As you command."

The sails shifted, and the Dragonstone fleet slowed down. In the dark night, even the lights of Storm's End seemed to be sucked away by the darkness, and the defenses were loose.

But he would never forget the black outline of Storm's End.

Stannis stared at the outline of the huge castle in the distance, the main fleet stayed behind, and dozens of landing ships slowly attacked.

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