Eagle of the Valley of Ice and Fire

Chapter 114: Strategy and Situation

Silent sponges are rare, the vast black water, and the raindrops that fall without anyone noticing and hit the sea surface.

The salt water carried the sea breeze, or the sea breeze carried the salt water. Xion stood on the bow of the boat, enjoying the raindrops and the sea breeze blowing on his face.

The seawater moves slowly in the human eye, just like the waves hitting the hull of the ship. Xion didn't even see the white foam that was stirred up. Only the dark seawater made seemingly inadvertent waves, but they contained great power. Hit the hull.

For Theon, this power is very evocative and enjoyable.

He is a sea monster and a northern wolf who wanders the ocean, but after all he is the heir to the Iron Islands, a ferocious and plundering formidable sea monster.

There was a nun sitting in the cabin, and Theon knew at a glance that she was not a devout nun. The seven-star Bible next to her was placed casually in a corner of the cabin every day. The nun also responded with a chuckle to his teasing.

Theon couldn't tell how old the nun was, twenty? Too young, thirty? He wasn't sure.

But it doesn't matter. This is one of the few distractions during the long journey. He plans to marry her tonight.

Seven gods? What the devil cares is that he is a follower of the old god the Drowned God, a pure ironborn, and the beliefs of the southerners are hypocritical and cumbersome.

Xion looked at the nun's tall body and beautiful fair face, immeasurable desire gushing out from her lower body.

He remembered Robb's instructions.

"Cavalry, we can't attack the fortress, but we can indeed make it look like we are attacking the fort." Robb Stark described to him this way. The Duke of Winterfell is his brother, and he is even respected as his brother by Robb. Such an identity , I'm afraid everyone in the Iron Islands will obey.

"The fleet of the Iron Islands is unrivaled in the Seven Kingdoms. To pretend to capture Casterly Rock, you must have the drama of attacking Lannister Port at sea. This is your one-man show, Theon." Robb looked at him, with no emotion in his eyes. Concealment is all about trust.

"Davon has stationed heavy troops in the Western Region all over the mountains. We must make a breakout appearance. As long as the troops in Golden Tooth City, the Valley and the Riverlands cooperate well, Davon will definitely defend to the end. I firmly believe that I will want to Breakout to the Riverlands."

"This confidence will end when news of Casterly Rock's crisis reaches him." Robb said firmly.

"But you don't want to take Casterly Rock." These words came from Theon, who looked at the confident Robb.

"Taking Casterly Rock City is always the last step. I can't attack Casterly Rock City with the risk of the cavalry being destroyed," Robb said.

"But Davon will think that he has been tricked, and he will do his best to make up for his mistakes." Xion smiled.

Robb nodded appreciatively, "He will lead his army back to Casterly Rock City and try to save it." Robb pointed to the mountain road from Branded City to Casterly Rock City on the map. "And our goal is not Casterly Rock City, but the return of Da Feng.”

"What if he hesitates and doesn't fall into the trap?" Theon asked this question.

"There is no problem. If Davon falls into the trap, it will naturally be the best result. If not," Robb smiled slightly, "Can the Western Army in Casterly Rock stop thousands of Northern Cavalry? No, he will only Huddled in the city, watching the northerners steal their food and supplies, and solve the northerners' own logistical problems. "

"We can live in the West until we die, and Davon will be completely passive." Robb told the whole plan.

Sion stood on the bow of the ship, feeling more and more that this strategy could completely bring the Western Territory under the control of the Northerners, and Davon would give up all the space to the Northern Cavalry due to his rigid defense.

They could even cut off the connection between Casterly Rock and Branded City, cutting off Davon's supplies.

In short, the Northern Cavalry will not fall into defeat.

"Hey, Northerner," the nun shouted roughly.

Theon turned around subconsciously, "I'm not an ordinary northerner. I'm from Winterfell. I am Duke Robb." He spoke fluently in Northern Common Tongue, and was slightly taken aback, "I'm not a northerner. , I am an ironborn, a pure ironborn, and a member of the noblest family among the ironborn."

The nun raised her eyebrows exaggeratedly, "Really? Then you are the ironborn bandit who looks most like a northerner."

"Damn it, I'm not." Xion shut up at his own expense. He didn't want to argue with the nun. He would only force her to hear him clearly at night, he swore.

"The art of knighthood requires a long time of training, for Master Robin, Duke Attis." Vardis Egan whispered to Attis solemnly.

Arya and Robin were shooting arrows together, and Nymeria was sitting next to them. Obviously, the little wolf girl's archery skills were much better than Robin's.

"The knight's dance of Westeros is not suitable for a noble lord." Syrio Forel's foreign accent made the Eyrie City coach quite dissatisfied.

"Do you know the way of knighthood, man of Braavos?" Vardis Egan said, "Master Robin is a member of the Arryn family, the younger brother of Duke Attis, and is destined to become a valley as high as glory. Knights, even if they are not suitable, they still have to practice.”

Silio disagreed, "Duke Attis, if you want your brother to receive a more suitable education, you should not let him be exposed to the martial arts of tin cans. He is suitable for flying. I can see that he is eager to fly. In this case, Qing Qing Ru Feiyan’s water dance is really suitable for him, and I am willing to be his dance teacher.”

"The martial arts of the tin can? Don't insult the swordsmanship of the Canyon Knight, Braavos man." Vardis Egan said dissatisfiedly.

Attis coughed twice, "This depends on Robin's own choice, and I don't want to get involved," he looked at Bachelor Colmont aside, "Sister Colmont, I'm more concerned about his studies."

Comon was slightly stunned, then said: "Master Robin's studies" He thought of the embarrassing incident that Robin confused the Lannister lion flag with the Baratheon crown stag flag, "It's going well, and he knows how to read very well."

"Good." Artis responded simply.

"Swoosh!" The arrow hit the bull's eye steadily, and Robin looked at Arya, who was proud on the side, worriedly.

"You are a girl, why are you so good at archery?" Robin asked puzzled.

"I'm not just a girl, I'm also a wolf, Robin." Arya glanced at the weak Robin, who was nothing like his brother, and couldn't even pull a bow.

"A wolf is so good at archery?" Robin said questioningly, he was not only questioning Arya, but also questioning himself.

"Of course." Arya gently threw the seedless fruit in her hand to Nymeria and stroked her hair.

Attis looked at the gap between Robin and Arya from behind them and said, "How long has Robin not had an epileptic seizure?"

"It's been nearly half a month. Since playing with Miss Arya, he rarely has an attack, and even if he does, it's not as severe as before." said Komon.

"Poor child." Syrio said with a sigh.

"Master Robin will not be pitied, he is the only one who pities the weak." said Vardis.

Artis smiled gently, "He and the little wolf girl are a perfect match."

Vadys and Komon looked at each other, and the coach of the Eyrie City showed a rare smile, "I agree with this, my Lord Duke."

Ange came from behind, "Master Artis, news from Harrenhal."

Artis picked up the letter and read it carefully, "Royce's cavalry stuck to Tywin's 20,000 troops so that Earl Roose could judge the best opportunity for a decisive battle, and at the same time sent thousands of cavalry to follow Eustace Hunter to the west."

"According to the current situation, Lannister will definitely lose," Komon said, "Perhaps after solving the Westerlands, we should make a choice in front of the two kings, sir."

Artis nodded. The defeat of Lannister is the most likely thing in the current situation of the Seven Kingdoms. Even if Davon Lannister is lucky enough to delay Robb's cavalry, it is impossible to expand the results of the battle. Tywin's movements are neither north nor south. The Wolf-Eagle Alliance of Harrenhal and the Southern Border Army of Bitterbridge are watching each other, as if they are waiting for the best time to advance.

For the Lannisters, the most dignified way to withdraw is to retreat to the West, hand over Joffrey, and surrender.

"Is there no news from Storm's End yet?" Artis asked.

"Unfortunately, the news from the Stormlands seems to have been swallowed by the storm, and no ravens have come from Storm's End." Komon waved his hand and said.

Artis held his breath. Stannis only had more than 5,000 troops, and most of them were sailors. Although there were not many defenders in Storm's End, it was Storm's End that had always created miracles. It was normal that Stannis did not capture it, and the tens of thousands of cavalry of Renly were the real threat.

The struggle between Stannis and Renly was ultimately a struggle for legal rights, and killing the other on the battlefield was not considered kinslaying. According to the current situation, Renly would probably win without a doubt.

The most likely situation at the moment is that Renly ascends the throne and the Southland climbs to the status of the original Fish, Deer, Wolf and Eagle Alliance.

Attis sighed slightly. In fact, no matter who sits on the Iron Throne, no one can ignore the power of the Vale. Renly looks gorgeous, but he does not believe that the consumption of a hundred thousand troops can allow Renly to continue delaying. Look at what he has done along the way, banquets, and tournaments. Even a rich country like the South cannot withstand the consumption. This long summer has been long enough, the weather has turned cold, and the long winter may come soon. By then, the South will pay for Renly's actions.

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