Eagle of the Valley of Ice and Fire

Chapter 115: Deer in the Deep Forest

Ghost kissed the exposed hand of the blacksmith, Donald Noy, and licked his palm with his warm tongue.

"He likes you very much." Jon Snow placed the Commander-in-Chief's Valyrian steel sword "Longclaw" on the blacksmith's wooden table. There were faint traces of fire on it.

Donal Noy looked at "Longclaw" thoughtfully, "The bear's head sword hilt on it is burned, but Valyrian steel is real steel, and real steel is not afraid of fire."

Jon Snow didn't respond. He thought about the pale and cold face of Brother Oath who came back from the dead last night. If Ghost hadn't reminded him, he might have died there long ago.

"I believe you are worthy of it." Donal Noy stroked the sword blade of "Long Claw" and murmured softly.

"What?" Jon Snow asked, not hearing clearly.

"Nothing," Donal Noy took the Valyrian steel sword into the house. "I feel your heart, boy."

When he first arrived at Castle Black, Jon Snow would definitely have retorted. He didn't want to hear words like "brat", "boy" and "bastard" and couldn't even listen to them for a moment.

But at this time, he was already a sworn brother of the Night Watch.

"What heart?" Jon Snow asked.

"Focus on Castle Black, focus on the Night's Watch," Donal Noy turned his back and manipulated something. "You are a man of the Night's Watch, Jon Snow."

Jon Snow stood by the stove, feeling its scorching temperature, not wanting to think about the meaning of Donal Noy's words.

"You are much more mature now than when you first came here," Donal Noy stopped. "Unlike me, when I first came to the Great Wall, I was already paunchy and became an old man who didn't care about anything."

Jon Snow frowned slightly, "I heard that you used to be a blacksmith at Storm's End?"

"Not a blacksmith," Donal Noy said with a slight curve on his lips, "but a serious soldier, a soldier loyal to King Robert."

Donald Noy turned around, holding the hammer in his hand, and hit something with a "Cang!" sound.

"A nobody who fights with Stannis, but Stannis does remember my name," Donal Noy waved his arm up and down, his strong arm muscles tense at this time, and the hammer smashed against the deformed object.

"He remembered everyone's name at the siege of Storm's End, even the jester who was carrying stones to the walls, when the whole castle was mobilized," said Donal Noy. "There was no food in the city. It wasn't until Ser Davos sent a shipment of food that we survived."

"I remember Stannis watching the soldiers fill their bellies before he picked up the food on the ship, and he was the last one to eat, God forbid," Donal Noy said. "He was fighting for Robert at that time. , now he fights for himself."

"I heard," Jon Snow read many letters from the Lord Commander, "that Stannis went to Storm's End and made an enemy of his brother."

"Yes, brothers turned against each other for an iron chair," Donal Noy shrugged. He looked at the Valyrian steel sword and chuckled. "If Robert is real steel, then Stannis is pure steel." Iron is black, hard, and strong, but it is also easily damaged. Like iron, it breaks before it bends.”

"What about Renly?" Jon Snow asked.

"As for Renly, he is like gleaming bright copper. He looks beautiful, but in fact he is not worth much." Donal Noy put down the hammer, took out a piece of dried meat from his side, and threw it to Ghost .

"Renly doesn't understand military warfare, but Randyll Tarly beside him knows everything." Stannis stood at the top of Fallwood City (Felwood Castle), looking at the endless Kingswood.

He deployed suspicious troops and fleets at Storm's End, and led an army to attack Fallwood City at night to gain a foothold.

Davos Seaworth stood beside him, "Scouts have come to report that Renly's tens of thousands of troops, all mounted, have bypassed Summerhall and are climbing over the mountains of the Stormlands."

"The reason why Storm's End is fearless," Stannis looked at the night sky in the distance, with the stars shining brightly, "in addition to the tall and solid city walls, the storms that sweep over the sea from time to time, the forests that cover the fields, and the mountains behind it ”

"I originally hoped that Renly could lead the cavalry through the forest, but it seems that it doesn't work." Davos said regretfully.

"I said," Stannis's lips were quite chapped, "Renly doesn't understand military matters, but his men do."

"Tens of thousands of cavalry, stretching on the mountains, during this time, he is weak," Davos said, "They must pass quickly."

"The Dothraki's barbaric cavalry would each bring more than ten kilograms of dried meat to fight. Coupled with the plundering along the way, this group of unarmored barbarians doesn't know why they have survived so long in the Eastern Continent," Stannis said. , "But in the chivalry system of Westeros, even Randyll Tarly has never led a cavalry force of this size. There are more than 20,000 cavalry, and the baggage must be at least 6,000. Renly must Where are they hiding?"

"No single vassal in the Stormlands can bear the expense," said Stannis. "They must march quickly indeed."

Davos looked at Stannis with firm eyes, and his originally suspenseful heart calmed down under this inspiration. Stannis has never failed, whether it was Robert's Rebellion or the Iron Islands Rebellion, or later. Led the royal fleet to attack the pirates, and the siege of Storm's End allowed Davos to see Stannis's tenacity, and the attack on the pirates showed him Stannis's accurate calculation of the war.

From inducing the pirates, to encircling them, to the final blow, Stannis has nailed every opportunity.

"Ser Davos Seaworth." Stannis said.

Davos bowed his head respectfully, "Your Majesty."

"I need you to return to the fleet left at Storm's End and evacuate at any time." Stannis said.

Davos looked at the calm Stannis. His king was obviously aware of the gap in strength between the two sides, and he had to be prepared to retreat after all.

"As you command, Your Majesty," Davos glanced at Lord Haywood Fell, who was still not recovered from the shock, "Excuse me, Your Majesty."

"Your Majesty," Lord Haywood held his breath, "I am loyal to Renly because..."

"I know, Lord Haywood," Stannis did not look at Lord Haywood who spoke, "You are loyal to him because you are a vassal of Storm's End, and Renly is, from beginning to end, the Duke of Storm's End, there is no problem with your loyalty."

Haywood Fell breathed a sigh of relief, but Stannis's next words made him hang his heart in his throat again.

"Although King Robert's fiefdom was extremely unfair and irrational, and he never loved a brother who fought for him," Stannis said, "he is the legitimate king. Even if Renly no longer deserves to own Storm's End, it is still a legitimate fiefdom, and you are Renly's vassal." Stannis's tone was extremely low, and Earl Heywood didn't even dare to breathe.

"But the old king is dead, and the new fake king Joffrey was born of Queen Cersei's incest. I, Stannis Baratheon, am the legitimate monarch of the Seven Kingdoms. You should be loyal to your duke, but the obligation to be loyal to the king is greater than being loyal to your own lord. You should know this, Earl Heywood." Stannis even stroked the hilt of the sword at his waist after he finished speaking.

"Your Majesty, I, I have no choice but to do this." Earl Heywood is not a strong person. He is extremely nervous at this time. Sweat beads slide from his forehead to his neck, and cold sweat stains his hair.

"You didn't guard the castle at night, and Fallingwood was defenseless. This is a fault as a guardian of the people. You have no sense of responsibility." Stannis said in a very calm tone.

Earl Heywood had never expected that this would be a crime. He suddenly felt as if thousands of words were stuck in his throat and couldn't say a complete sentence.

"But I will forgive you," Stannis said, "Forgiveness does not mean forgetting. Remember your obligations, Earl Heywood. No matter how small the crime is, you must not commit it lightly. You can't always rely on the mercy of the monarch for your own destiny."

The stone in Heywood's heart finally fell to the ground. He showed a bitter smile, "Follow your teachings, Your Majesty." He slowly turned around and left the top of the city.

Stannis watched Earl Heywood walk down the tower. He stroked his chapped lips. The most important supply for Renly's army was not food reserves. Randyll Tarly must be very clear about this. He will control the logistics very well.

The Stormlands are like three worlds. One side is full of thunder and lightning, wind and rain. One side is full of hills and gullies, but there is no grass or trees. It is dry. The other side is the Royal Forest and the Rainforest, where there is plenty of water.

Storm's End is close to the border of Dorne, and facing the hills is bare rock without water.

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