Eagle of the Valley of Ice and Fire

Chapter 120 The End of Stormland

"Dornish warriors are as dense as sand." Oberyn rode on a sand horse, a specialty of Dorne, and muttered softly.

Ellaria lay on the horse, holding Oberyn's waist, moving back and forth close to the horse's back, with a smile in her eyes and a pleasant song in her mouth.

Oberyn held Ellaria with his hands and listened to Ellaria's cry.

"Can you win?" Ellaria said in the gap with worry in her words.

"It was part of the plan, how could I lose, I've been waiting for a long time." Oberyn smiled and pushed forward, and Ellaria screamed.

After a storm, Ellaria jumped off the horse under Oberyn's crotch, stretched her body slightly, and chuckled, "I think you are not like before, and the time is shorter."

Oberyn smiled slightly, and seemed to be indifferent to this kind of teasing, "In a place like the Reach, most people can't get hard, hahahaha!" He waved the whip with disdain.

"You are a red viper, and you have a deadly poison underneath." Ellaria's hand reached for Oberyn's lower body, with a smile on her lips, but he held it with one hand.

"Notify the army behind, cross this mountain, and you will reach Horn Hill," Oberyn's eyes were no longer teasing, but he said seriously, "You know what this means."

Ellaria put away her smile, nodded slightly, jumped on her sand warhorse, and rode away with a valiant spirit.

Oberyn narrowed his eyes slightly and took out a glass medicine bottle from his pocket, which contained clear liquid.

"What a pity, maybe I should discuss this issue with Maester Marwyn, it's too little, four or five years of work, and it was used up by the stubborn king in one day." Oberyn put away the glass bottle and looked at the mountains in the distance.

To the east of the mountains, the dazzling red sun on the metal round shield flashed direct sunlight, which was very dazzling, and flashed with the golden scales on their bodies. Most Dornishmen had a brown-gray skin color, and their headscarves wrapped around their half helmets. This was one of the few large-scale collective expeditions of Dornishmen.

"The Dornish warriors are as dense as sand," Oberyn muttered softly, riding forward.

Timon's "Broken Sword" was already stained with blood. As far as the eye could see, countless bodies of Riverland soldiers collapsed on the exposed bare rocks.

"Have you seen the false king Renly?" Andrew Estermont walked forward and stabbed the Riverland soldier who asked for mercy with a short spear.

"Alister Florent's cavalry team slipped away very far, we couldn't catch up, we could only kill the lone soldiers along the way." Timon spit on the bloody "Broken Sword" and waved it brightly in the air.

"We have to hurry and chop off the false king Renly's head." Andrew Esmond looked into the distance anxiously.

Timon smiled slightly, "Don't talk nonsense, we have too few people, even if only Alister Florent's cavalry is left, we are no match."

"Just let it go?" Andrew asked puzzled.

Timon mentioned the "Broken Sword", "The cavalry of the Reach did not understand the terrain of the hills in the Stormlands, so the organization was loose and they were cut into pieces by the terrain, which dispersed the troops." He walked to the warhorse and jumped on the horse, "Secondly, if it weren't for Stannis's poisonous water, we wouldn't have won so easily."

Andrew frowned again. He didn't like Timon's words of calling "Stannis" directly, but Timon was right.

"Gather the scattered troops and gather quickly," Timon ordered, looking at Andrew who turned and left, and spoke again, "There is one more thing," Andrew turned his head to listen, "The people in the Reach don't know that we have captured Fallenwood. This is a very important point. Stannis is an excellent commander. He deceived Renly, deceived the guards of Storm's End, and even deceived Randyll Tarly."

Andrew looked at Timon's back as he rode away, relaxed his frown, and thought about something.

Randal Tarly looked at the letter written by King Renly himself, and looked at the distant Storm's End and the so-called "siege" Stannis army on the fleeing ship with reluctance.

Randal no longer evaluated the conservative Cortanay Penrose's behavior of retreating to Storm's End as "cautious", but as "cowardly" and missed the opportunity to fight.

He put down the letter in his hand and looked at the Dragonstone fleet outside Storm's End with a solemn expression.

His personal guard, Sir Hyle Hunter, came over, "Earl, we have all followed your instructions, replenished water, and are fully armed, just waiting for your order."

Randall nodded. He knew that most of the king's more than 10,000 cavalry had lost their combat effectiveness, and they might have been attacked by Stannis's army and had no fighting spirit and morale.

The king could only rely on his 8,000 cavalry, 8,000 knights from the Reach.

Randall's eyes moved slightly, looking at the map of the Stormlands, "Why did Stannis appear in the north?"

Hyle Hunter looked at the map blankly, "Stannis is familiar with the terrain of the Stormlands, and it is normal for him to march on unknown roads."

"No," Randol said, looking at the map firmly, "Stannis would not have come up with such a meticulous plan by temporarily stationing in the hills." He relaxed his hesitant look and no longer tensed his shoulders. Randol was immersed in Stannis's strategy at this moment, and he was extremely relaxed.

Hyle Hunt stopped talking, knowing that Lord Randyll was confident.

"We will attack Fallingwood with all our forces. Stannis must have taken it before us. He didn't want to fight us at Storm's End from the beginning, because he would surely lose." Randyll's expression became serious again, his shoulders tensed again, and he said firmly.

Hale Hunter never questioned Earl of Horn Hill's decision. He nodded and turned around to make arrangements.

The crowned stag flag and the Tully family's bow hunter flag were lit together, and the eight thousand cavalry were divided into several echelons and quickly marched northwest.

Alba Royce watched the ship on Tas Island raise its sails, exhaled slightly, and prepared to step on.

"Sir Albar!" The voice of the steward of Dulin Hall suddenly sounded behind him.

Alba turned around and saw that not only the manager, but also the owner of Tas Island was waving slightly.

"What's the matter?" Alba froze where he was, looking at the manager of Mulin Hall who hurried over with confusion.

The steward raised the envelope in his hand and said, "In the great battle in the Stormlands Hills, Stannis made a sneak attack midway. King Renly's army was mostly destroyed and suffered heavy losses. Lord Randyll led his army to capture Fallwood, cutting off Stannis's retreat. , and even nearly shot Stannis who wanted to enter the city."

Elbar didn't react for a while. He didn't believe that the situation had undergone such a big reversal. What did it mean that "Renly's army suffered heavy losses, and most of it was destroyed."

"What's even more terrible is that Dorne declared war on the Reach and attacked Horn Hill. Because of the storm a few days ago, all the news about Raven in those days has been received." The steward gasped and covered his waist.

Selwyn Tas walked behind the steward and patted his plump back slightly. The steward quickly stood up and thanked him.

Earl of Tarth shook his head, "Ser Albar, I never thought that the situation in the Stormlands would be so bad. We don't know where King Renly is. Alister Florent is Stannis's father-in-law. The king is here." In his hand."

"Do you think Allister would break his oath to King Renly because of this?" Elbar Royce frowned and asked.

"No," Selwyn shook his head, "I don't think Alister will betray the king he swore allegiance to, but the situation has changed, and the princes of the Stormlands will be wavering. If His Majesty Renly uses his power to overwhelm others, his martial virtue will They won't hesitate, but if the battle goes like this, some of the princes may choose to be loyal to King Stannis."

"What about you? Earl Selwyn." Alba became alert and asked.

Selwyn Tarth smiled, with a bitter smile, "Me? I choose my own daughter." He held Elbar's hand, "Ser Albar, if you go to Renly's army, please take care of me." My daughter, if she were still alive."

Alba nodded, "Even if the Stormlands are in this situation, I still have to complete the task assigned by Duke Attis. If I arrive at Duke Renly's military camp, I will help take care of your daughter."

Renly... Duke? Did Valley people's attitudes change so quickly? Selwyn forced a smile and said, "Thank you."

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