Eagle of the Valley of Ice and Fire

Chapter 121 Red-robed woman enters the valley

The sound of running water "gurgled" again surged from under the prison, and a foul smell quickly surged up. Maqiluo wrapped himself in a cloth robe and held his breath through his mouth and nose, but his stomach was still stimulated and twitched.

Another prisoner was hit by the lottery, a fool who was caught drunk yesterday. The damn smell of alcoholism coming from his vomit was really deadly.

Maqiluo's big hand reached into the red robe, and the lice were easily crushed to death by him. He had endured it for a long time, and it was time to send it to hell.

"Damn it, you have to vomit to the side!" Maqiluo stretched out his foot and kicked the drunkard to the ground. The others looked at the red-robed monk with a little fear and took a step back.

God, every place he went to, the villains there would be afraid of him, Maqiluo thought with a little disdain.

The drunkard was still vomiting towards the cracks in the floor, and the pungent smell of alcohol filled the prison like the smell of unwashed foot wraps.

The red-robed monk Maqiro leaned his head back slightly against the wall. The bumpy wall seemed to be massaging the back of his head. He was always good at finding joy in adversity, which was what the Supreme Priest Bennero often taught him to do.

He closed his eyes, his asphalt-like black face facing the top of the prison. Maqiro recalled how he was caught in this damn place, the damn prison of the Shet family in Seagull Town.

Maqiro remembered that he was doing what was right, just like he traveled to major city-states on the continent of Essos. He saw injustice and helped, but he never thought that whether it was the villain or the coerced person, seeing his red robe and asphalt-colored skin, they were scared and ran away.

In annoyance, the guards of the Shet family rushed there and sent him here.

The King of Light brought us to this valley that believed in the Seven Gods to the extreme. This canyon surrounded by mountains and stubborn thoughts was really incomprehensible.

The prison door was pushed open with a "click", bringing some sea salt smell to the wet and smelly prison.

Moqorro raised his head, and what he saw was not the familiar prison guard, but that damned toadworm.

Melisandre showed her beautiful heart-shaped face, with fair skin and red eyes that showed a look of scrutiny.

"Think of me?" Moqorro said with resentment.

The beauty of the red-robed woman formed a sharp contrast with the damp smell of the prison. The drunkard and other prisoners in the prison looked at the beauty in front of them in disbelief, and couldn't help swallowing.

"It's time to go, Moqorro of Volantis." Melisandre approached him, as if she couldn't smell the damp smell of the prison. She stretched out her hand, like a guide who saved all living beings. R'hllor really found the right person to find her.

Moqorro grabbed Melisandre's arm. Several days of torture had made his limbs stiff. His legs were shaking when he walked out of the prison.

In a trance, he followed Melisandre onto a carriage. The luxurious and exquisite interior of the carriage surprised Moqorro, but his attention was instantly focused on the eye-catching sign on the wall of the carriage, where the crescent falcon logo of the Arryn family was engraved.

Unlike the blue and white tones he saw in Seagull Town, the crescent falcon logo here was painted with golden paint, smooth and shiny.

"Golden falcon?" Moqorro asked, "How did you get on the branch of the Arryn family?" He slightly lifted the curtain and looked out, "I think I need to take a bath first."

Melisandre lifted the red hood, "Sir Evan Arryn will prepare it for you, Moqorro."

"Evan Arryn?" Moqorro frowned, "How did you get on the high branch?"

"Thank you for your interpretation of the prophecy. I must admit that you are better than me in interpreting the meaning of the prophecy of the Lord of Light." Melisandre raised the corners of her mouth and said to Moqorro in a relaxed tone.

Moqorro shrugged slightly, "Well, I've said it before, we have to regard the prophecy of the Lord of Light as the mumbling of a sleepless night." He looked at Melisandre's smiling expression and stopped talking immediately, "The Lord of Light has his own way of expressing himself, Melisandre."

The red-robed woman ignored his disrespectful words. She leaned her head against the curtain of the carriage. The sunlight through the gap shone on Melisandre's face little by little, as if she was in an ocean of light and shadow. The sunlight flowed on the fair face of the red-robed woman.

Moqorro knew that he was boring, and kneaded his sore muscles with his hands. The days in Shet Prison were too torturous. He suspected that most prisoners might go crazy before the day they were guillotined.

"I have to thank you, Moqorro," Melisandre said to herself, "If it weren't for your correction of the prophecy, we might not even be able to set foot in the Vale of Arryn, let alone meet Artis Arryn."

Moqorro smiled heartily, "It was all R'hllor's guidance. He assigned me here to accompany you. There must be a reason for him, just like you see the flying burning falcon in the flames. We all have our own missions."

"Yes." Melisandre's voice was very light, and I didn't know whether she was speaking to herself or responding to Moqorro.

Artis listened to the sound of the waterfall of Alessa's tears pouring down, and felt the coolness of the water drops hitting his cheeks.

He looked at the wonder of the Vale named after Alysha Arryn. Legend has it that six thousand years ago, Alysha Arryn witnessed the brutal murder of her husband, brothers, and children without shedding a tear. She presided over the overall situation of the Eyrie and the Vale, stabilized the situation, and took her only youngest son to suppress the Vale's ancient nobles who intended to rebel with iron-blooded means, punished the traitors of the Vale Kingdom, and resisted the invasion of the Iron Men and the Ancients.

These rumors and legends are all recorded in ballads, but they are definitely wrong, because six thousand years ago, the Eagle's Nest had not yet begun to be built, let alone the overall situation of the Eagle's Nest.

Compared with the fear brought by the towering peak of the Giant's Spear and the loneliness and coldness of "High as Glory", there is little noise here at the Alessa Tears Waterfall, and the roar of the waterfall is all in the ears.

This is a good place to think. Attis stood up and turned to walk towards the tree-lined avenue in the distance. Ange and the blue-robed guards who had been silently guarding the Lord followed him.

What came to him was the anxious look of Xiufu.

"Xiufu?" Ange frowned and looked at Xiufu, a little confused.

"Master Artis," Shufu adjusted the leather armor that had fallen off his body, "Excuse me for being so presumptuous, I rushed here from the Moon Gate."

Artis slightly supported Shufu's swaying body, "Calm down, Shufu, you are a knight."

Shufu gave an ugly smile, "I'm sorry, Master, I embarrassed myself in front of you, ahem," he straightened up, "Butler Nestor Royce asked me to give you the letter, Miss Mia led us to the Eyrie."

When Artis heard the word "Mia", his heart was slightly rippled. He took the letter and said to Shufu, "Take a hot bath in the Eyrie and then go back to the Moon Gate."

He ignored Shufu's response and walked straight towards the Eyrie.

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