Eagle of the Valley of Ice and Fire

Chapter 124 The purpose of the red-robed woman’s visit

"The night is long and dangerous everywhere," Melisandre's voice hovered in the main hall, and her shadow stretched very long under the weak candlelight, as if an evil spirit had expanded from her body to fill one side of the main hall.

"Attis Arryn, the long summer is about to end, the stars are about to cry blood, and all the fights in the world at this moment will be meaningless. If the long night covers the earth, the bones of wolves and lions are both dead, and deer skins hang on the branches of the blood pool. , the sea monster will die on the dry seabed, the rose will wither, no matter how beautiful it is, the vast desert will become an endless glacier, and the eagle."

Melisandre approached Attis, "The eagle will also lose its wings and fall to the bottom of the valley."

Attis looked at Melisandre very coldly, "The Legend of the Long Night?"

"Legends are the history that people have forgotten, Attis Arryn," Melisandre's body indeed had an unusual warmth, and Attis felt a warm current wrapping around him as the red-robed woman approached. "The throne you desire in your heart, if the long night falls, will be just a burial in the human grave."

Attis looked at the flames jumping behind Melisandre. The main hall was obviously very warm, but a chill penetrated his chest and hit his heart.

"I never asked for anything extravagantly." Attis Aylin said firmly as he looked at the red-robed woman who was gradually approaching.

"Don't force it, Attis Arryn," Melisandre pressed her head against Attis's chest, looking at Attis with her red eyes, "Face your own desires, after all. Melisandre thought of the words on the stone pillar at the top of the mountain in the flames, or the family motto, "High as glory"

Attis pushed away Melisandre who was leaning against him, "The valley is the habitat of the Seven Gods, especially the Eagle's Nest. I am the guardian of the valley. I will uphold the dignity of the Seven Gods and will not allow heresy to spread." Come and desecrate this land.”

He looked at the beautiful heart-shaped face of the red-robed woman with lingering fear, and revealed his hidden thoughts in one sentence, especially after the sentence "high as glory".

Melisandre fell to the ground, but she seemed to have no emotion, "You don't have to regard me as an enemy, Attis Arryn, I will help you, the Lord of Light guided me to help you, just like he once did The flame guides you, you are the prophesied prince, Aelin.”

Attis looked at Melisandre with a determined look on her face, "You said that I was guided by the red god in the flames."

"Of course," Melisandre got up from the ground, "You are the prophesied prince, and the King of Light will guide you in the flames, as long as you..." She lightly opened her burgundy lips, "Be pious and godly."

A chuckle came from Attis's mouth, with disdain in the laughter, "Do you know what I got from the flames?" Attis said, he looked at the red-robed woman sarcastically, "Father's death, Judging from the results of Bran's fall, I can't see that the Red God was helping me. I even felt," he paused slightly, "that he was harming me."

Melisandre walked around the high platform of the main hall of the Eyrie, "Do you think he is harming you, Attis Arryn."

Attis looked at the woman in red robe who showed no fear or panic, and felt a little doubtful in his heart.

"Azor Ahai, the prophesied prince, the end of the Long Summer, his 'Lightbringer', the flaming sword, forged from the flesh and blood of the one he loves most," Melisandre's voice sounded like With magic, those with weak wills will inadvertently fall into her words, "On the road to the true king, one is always alone."

The red-robed woman stepped onto the Falcon Throne, and the weirwood trees became so hot that they seemed to be burning.

She bent down in front of Attis, knelt at the bottom of the throne, and looked up at Attis, "You are the only true king, Attis Aylin, your country is no longer just canyons and mountains, the rich Plains, endless deserts, the glaciers and snow country at the end of the world, swamps, jungles, wherever the King of Light sets his eyes, it is your kingdom.”

She lowered her head, as if the coronation of the king had actually happened.

Attis looked at the prostrate woman in red robe. The corner of the seven-pointed star pattern on the floor was covered by Melisandre's red robe. He stood up and restrained the ambition hidden in his eyes.

"The Aelin family will not do anything that goes against their honor." Attis stepped down from the throne and left the main hall.

Melisandre listened to Attis's departure and stood up slowly. The shadow behind her gradually shrank, and the flames on the fire pillar gradually subsided. The darkness was like a web, gradually covering the weirwood throne behind her. The red-robed woman Keeping a smile on his face, he looked at the empty main hall.

The Eagle's Nest City is surrounded by the rock walls of the mountains, with winding marble stairs. You can go down to the school grounds where the boys of the Eagle's Nest City usually train. Mia Shidong sat on the stairs and looked at Robin at the bottom of the mountain. He strenuously pulled the bow string and aimed it at the distant target, but none of the arrows hit the target. There were several arrows scattered on the ground.

Mia noticed that Ser Vardis Egan, who was in charge of the training, touched his forehead helplessly, while the Braavos swordsman who was famous in the valley next to him had a look of disdain.

When she saw this scene, she couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Robin obviously noticed her and ran towards her as fast as possible, "Sister Mia!" he shouted loudly.

Mia reached out and let Robin jump on her, hugging each other lovingly.

"Have you missed me?" Mia said with a smile, stroking Robin's hair.

Vardis looked here and frowned. He was very dissatisfied with Robin hooking up with a woman of commoner origin. He had expressed his dissatisfaction to Nestor many times at the Gates of the Moon. Robin was a noble and a How could the Duke's brother just hang out with an illegitimate daughter? The people of the Gates of the Moon still regarded this as normal.

"Master Robin! Your archery lessons are not over yet." Vardis frowned and muttered dissatisfiedly.

"Come on!" Syrio said with an exaggerated expression, "Sir Vardis, to be honest, keeping a bitter face all day will make you grow old earlier than ordinary people."

"I don't care about the people of Braavos who don't understand etiquette." Vardis said disdainfully and stepped forward.

Syrio followed and was about to retort when he saw the figure of Duke Attis appearing on the stairs. He quickly made the etiquette of a Braavos swordsman, "Dear Duke," he shouted loudly.

Vardis stopped and nodded to the Duke.

Mia's smile stayed in place and gradually faded away. She put down Robin and forced a smile, "Go and play, Robin."

Attis nodded to Vardis and Syrio, looking at Mia, "Miss, thank you for bringing the guests of the Eyrie safely."

"This is my duty, Your Majesty the Duke." Mia Shidong's tone seemed to be emotionless, she pursed her lips slightly and said to Attis.

Attis nodded and motioned for Vardis to take Robin away. The instructor also understood what the Duke meant and walked toward the castle with the noisy Robin.

"You brought a mistress? From outside the Twin Blood Gate." Mia swallowed and asked uncertainly.

"You should have seen the Frey girl, in the main hall of the Eagle's Nest City." Attis said.

"More than one?" Mia thought about it and asked in disbelief.

Attis laughed helplessly, "Girl from the Frey family, I brought the Eyrie to a noble game, Mia."

"The game of the nobles," Mia said with some unconfidence in her tone, "I don't understand the games of the gentlemen. I only know that I..." She surrounded him, her tone became hesitant, "Don't let me down, Attis." ,I"

Attis sealed Mia's lips, "I know, Mia." He caressed Mia's hair. The only way to live up to you is to keep you away from the noble games, Mia. Attis's heart The remaining softness is responding to his childhood playmate.

The softness in Attis's heart gradually disappeared, and the smile on his face was no longer pure. He thought of the words of the woman in red robe.

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