Eagle of the Valley of Ice and Fire

Chapter 134 Sweeping the Western Territory

"Lord Jaime?" The person who spoke was obviously the defender of the West. He watched the embarrassed Jaime fall into the mire, wearing the badge symbolizing the Lannister Lion on his chest.

"Finally, seven levels of hell." James crawled out of the quagmire and showed his barely recognizable face in front of the Western Knights.

"I've seen you!" The knight quickly dismounted, supported James, and protected him on his horse. "I'll take you back to Brand City!"

"Water" James' chapped lips were slightly open, and bright blood stains were hidden in the crack, which had obviously flowed out many times.

The knight quickly took off the wine bag and said, "The sunset red brewed just from Brand City, Sir James, will definitely satisfy you."

The sweet and slightly bitter wine entered his throat, and the long-lost cool touch made James raise his head up to the sky in relief, and a nervous laugh came from his mouth.

James thought of the eloquent Tyrion. If he were by his side, he would definitely remind himself to avoid the fangs of the direwolf.

The sunset red is so sweet. James felt his eyes blurred for a while, and there seemed to be tears in his eyes. Cersei, it had been too long since he had hugged Cersei. James desperately hoped to get a kiss from Cersei at this time. , and listened to her say, "It's okay, James."

He suddenly grabbed the reins handed over by the knight, looked at the knight's suspicious eyes, and said: "I can still ride a horse, Sir, let's go." James raised the reins and rode away.

Under the walls of Branded City, Davon Lannister was tied to his horse and closed his eyes.

Passing through the valley to the west of Brand City, there is a continuous drizzle. But in Brand City behind the valley, looking up at the sky, the fierce sun is burning my face, and there is a dull pain hidden in the skin and flesh of my face.

Stafford Lannister leaned against the battlement, his feet trembling slightly.

Of his newly trained 10,000 new troops, most of the main force followed Davon as he marched westward, and part of the force was guarding against Karstark's cavalry.

In Brand City, there are less than two hundred people guarding this half-large castle.

Holding a short spear, Greatjon Amber rode a horse and circled the front of the city wall, his face full of disdain for the defenders of Brand City.

He patted Davon on the back with a short spear and shouted to the castle, "Bastard Lion! Your army is vulnerable, and your son has become a prisoner of the Duke of the North. You can only surrender in exchange for your life, otherwise you will be a fool." The castle will only burn to ashes!"

Stafford looked at his embarrassed son with a sad smile on his face.

The guard behind him asked, "Master Stafford, we..."

"The lions of the West have been defeated one by one by this young boy. We can't let go of our last ambition. Lannister, you must pay your debts." Stafford pressed hard on the surface of the old and rough battlements, his short blond hair blowing in the wind. With a slight flicker in his hand, the guard saw the unyielding Lannister on Stafford's face.

"Archers, prepare!" Stafford looked at Davon not far away, as if he had made some kind of decision, "Full draw the bow!"

The sound of a bowstring tightening appeared, and Stafford drew out his sword and stared at the ground.

The head of the Amber family is indeed an uncivilized bastard, unable to detect even a hint of crisis.

Stafford raised his sword high and said, "Fire the arrow!"

Blood spurted out in his sight, but it was a little too close to him.

Greatjon Umber did not run away as he imagined, but stared at the city head calmly, frowning.

Blood gurgled out of his abdomen. Stave's right wrist was hit hard, the sword fell off the ground, and he collapsed to the ground.

Stafford Lannister raised his head sluggishly. His bodyguards were tragically killed by dozens of arrows, and the tail roots of many arrows appeared in his abdomen, with liquid gurgling from the bloody mouth.

He coughed violently, and blood bubbles appeared in his mouth like a scarlet fountain.

His vision became increasingly blurry. He couldn't hear his son Davon's heart-wrenching cry. He couldn't hear his sister Joanna's heart-warming comfort. He couldn't hear his cousin Tywin's harsh orders, and he couldn't hear them either. He could hear his own voice, and it was clear that he was choking, and he was shouting, but it seemed to be choked in his throat, and there was no sound.

Stafford completely relaxed his body. Maybe when he meets the stranger, he might be able to find a good place for fishing in the seven hells. Da Feng likes to go fishing the most.

Oh no, Davon will not go to hell, only he will. He should. Lannister has done all the evil things. In these years, Lord Tywin cannot go to the seven levels of hell, and his sister Joanna is even less likely. She is so To be kind, there must be someone who takes responsibility for the family's crimes, so choose him. No one will object to this.

The betrayed Western Soldier touched Stave's neck and found that the beating was indeed gone.

"Staver Lannister is dead!" the rebels shouted.

"Lannister is dead!" Someone said these words like a genius.

"Lannister is dead!" The northern cavalry below the city raised their swords and shouted, and the wave of celebration completely covered up Davon Lannister's roar.

Jaime Lannister saw the head of Branded City in the distance. The direwolf flag seemed to be waiting for him, slowly rising when it came into his sight.

"Branded City is gone, as are Lord Davon Lannister's ten thousand troops. Sir, it's time for you to return to your father." The knight behind him tightened his lips and said to James.

James turned the horse's head, and he resisted the discomfort in his stomach. This must be Summer Red's drink, damn it!

"Go to Casterly Rock!" Jaime shook the reins, knowing exactly what this meant.

Several gold mines in Brand City, Cliff City, and even various castles in the northern part of the West have all fallen into the hands of Robb Stark.

Davon Lannister's last army guarding the West has also disappeared, either becoming a lonely ghost waiting to go to hell, or turning into a bandit and becoming the enemy of the whole world, or surrendering to Robb Stark and becoming a traitor. In short, in the southern part of the Western Territory, there are no troops to defend along the way, and there are no troops available.

He could only speed up his riding whip and rush to Casterly Rock City as soon as possible, guarding the city tightly, fortifying the walls and clearing the fields to wait for the changes.

A sense of uncertainty appeared in James' mind, and an uneasiness and a frightening thought gradually grew.

Lannister will not really be destroyed at the hands of his father's generation who is decisive and murderous, right?

James ignored all the bad luck he encountered along the way, quickened his riding whip, and ran southwest.

"Going west along the River Road, all the castles, including Casterly Rock, are within our grasp." Greatjon's son, Little Jon Umber, pointed at the map with a happy face and told Robb explain.

Rickard Karstark arrived late, but it did not prevent him from joining the ecstatic team. "Duke Robb, Golden Tooth City, Cliff City and now Brand City are all in our hands. There is no one left in the Western Territory." The danger can be defended, but poor Tywin Lannister is still fighting against our Lord Yohn Royce in the Blackwater River, with an army of 20,000 being suppressed by a few thousand cavalry, hahahaha!"

"Of course the bastard useless lions in the south don't know how to fight. Can't you tell in the past few days? As soon as the direwolf flag appears, the bastard soldiers in the West can only flee!" Greatjon Umber curled up his fist and smashed it on the table. Go up and laugh.

Robb quietly listened to his vassals preaching about their achievements and belittling the vulnerable lions, and joy came to his lips unconsciously.

"I don't want to break the atmosphere, but Lannister is bound to lose. Correspondingly, Joffrey will surely climb off the iron chair sooner or later. It's time for us to choose a king. In the North, it's time to choose someone worthy of loyalty and trust. King." Willis Manderly, who had been silent in the military, suddenly spoke up on this occasion, dragging his fat body, just like his Earl father, "It's time to choose a king, otherwise, win. Who should you greet when you come to the king?"

The Greatjon quickly interrupted Willis Manderly, "You're always like this. You Manderlys are always like this."

"I am thinking about the lord. Sooner or later we have to choose a side." Willis Mandler didn't pay much attention to the ridicule of the Great Jon. Instead, he nodded politely and said to everyone.

"I think he's right," said Daisy Mormont, sitting to Robb's right. "This is something to be faced with."

"So." Rickard Karstark said hesitantly, "Stannis, or Renly?"

Robb looked at the crowd intently, and seemed to have an answer in his heart.

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