In the bachelor's tower of the Eyrie City, the raven fluttered and flew, landing by the window despite the strong wind, crowing non-stop.

"The wind doesn't stop, it's so cold." Bachelor Kemen opened the window, and the strong wind from the tower suddenly poured in, raising his robes.

"A letter from the Young Wolf Lord, it must be another victory, one victory after another, ha." Kemen led the raven into the cage, fed him some water and food, and saw the eye-catching direwolf on the sealing wax of the envelope. imprint.

Ke Meng opened the sealing wax, spread the letter on the table, rubbed his hands, and breathed. The heat from the stove was not dissipated by the cold wind that had just poured in.

Ke Meng read carefully, and his moving body suddenly stopped in place. The bachelor opened his mouth, "This and this?"

He staggered to pick up the letter and almost fell to the ground, "Spicer! Spicer!"

The young bachelor's assistant ran over and saw a somewhat panicked Ke Meng.

"Quick, help me down." Ke Meng clutched the letter tightly and walked downstairs.

Attis's study still retains Roslin's previous arrangements. The Duke of the Eagle's Nest did not disturb these arrangements. Bright yellow flowers decorated the cool-toned windowsill, and some warm-toned ornaments and cloths decorated the study room. Everywhere, the deserted Eagle's Nest City feels a little warmer.

He thought about the dragon egg obtained in the Burning Man cave and the dragon resting in the Mingyue Mountains.

"Blood and Fire", "The History of Dragons", "The Sheep Thief and the Dragon Seed".

The table was filled with such books, and Attis flipped through the pages, with the edges glowing slightly yellow, looking for clues about the dragon in the valley.

"Sir, Bachelor Ke Meng." An Gai's voice stopped suddenly, but the door was pushed open violently.

Kemen stood behind Attis, looking uneasy, "The letter from the Branded City was written by Robb Stark."

The bachelor reached out and handed over the letter. The supposedly smooth and smooth letter paper now became wrinkled, as if it had been ravaged.

Attis took the letter and the words above appeared in front of his eyes.

The study fell into a dead silence. No one dared to make a sound. Ke Meng did not even dare to move his long sleeves, even though his arms were itchy.

Attis closed the letter and put it on the table. After a long time, Kemen didn't get any response.

"Sir, if Master Royce knew about it, I'm afraid the situation would get out of control." Ke Meng shook his head, a little panicked.

Attis was not as rude as the maester had imagined. The master stood up calmly and took a long breath, "Eyrie City has changed again."

He pointed out the window, just like the storm brewing in the clouds on the day Attis was born, there was faint thunder emerging, dormant, just waiting for the moment to burst out.

"Master" Ke Meng's tone was a little confused, and he even suspected that he had misread the content of the letter and made a mistake.

"Angai, Kemen," Attis picked up the coat on the hanger. The inner fur was very soft, leaving only bursts of warmth when wrapped around his body. "While it's not raining heavily, go out for a walk."

They walked down the moon tower, the rumble of thunder was still in the distance, and there was even a high-pitched eagle scream.

"Does Mrs. Caitlin know about this?" Attis asked, looking at the endless clouds in the sky.

Ke Meng shook his head, "The Bachelor's Tower is the first place in the Eagle's Nest City to receive news. I rushed to you without stopping, and no one knew about it on the way." He hesitated and looked at Arti, who had no expression on his face. Si, as if he was infected, the previous panic gradually calmed down, and his mood returned to soothing and peaceful.

"Look at the eagles soaring in the sky," Attis took out his hand and pointed at the source of the eagle's roar. There was a black spot on the clouds, even higher than the top of the Giant's Spear, overlooking the mountains and rivers, and even Overlooking the Eagle's Nest City, overlooking the entire valley. "That's called the Eagle of Freedom."

Ke Meng looked at the master and seemed to be awakened by these words, "Master Attis, you are the valley eagle that the bards sang about."

"Really?" Attis pondered, his eyes falling on the sky where there might be heavy rain in an instant.

"At least it wasn't before," the raindrops fell on Attis's cheek, spreading quickly and becoming torrential. "There are too many things that bind me."

"Boom!" Thunder fell from the sky, reflecting in Attis' eyes. The black spots in the distance gradually came closer, revealing the soaring wings of an eagle. The wings were stained with rain, but they were still wandering in the sky, looking for shelter.

"Please let me go back to Robb, and I will convince him that he is just a child and is acting irrationally."

Caitlin stood in the main hall of the Eagle's Nest City, looking up at Attis Arryn who was sitting on the Falcon Throne, her tone was sincere and anxious.

"He is a child, a child with tens of thousands of troops and no honor, and a king." Nestor Royce said through gritted teeth.

Vardis Egan shook his head, "I'm sorry, madam, your son has no integrity and is not worthy of being a king or a friend of the valley!"

Kemen took out a handwritten letter, raised it slightly above his head, and said to everyone, "This is the agreement between the Twins City, the Arryn family and the Stark family. Both parties will compile a document and keep a copy, and the subsequent agreement will be The terms were signed at the Eyrie by Lady Catelyn on behalf of Lord Robb and Lord Attis."

"Let me pick a paragraph, ahem, the most important paragraph," Kemon followed the text and read aloud, "In the name of Baratheon, the late king of Baratheon, the best friend of Robert I, and the former king. Lord Eddard Stark, Duke of Winterfell, Warden of the North, and father of Lord Robb Stark, clears his name, takes revenge, and eradicates the traitors."

"And this," Kemon said, counting the terms. These were signed by Robb Stark on his behalf by Roose Bolton and Catelyn. At that time, the Young Wolf Lord confidently handed over the rear to the valley, and himself Then he led his army to Riverrun.

"The Tully family of Riverrun had framed Duke Attis Arryn's legal inheritance rights and insulted the honor of the Arryn family. However, considering that he was the mother of Duke Stark, the traitor to the Iron Throne has not been eliminated. For Baila Considering the overall interests of the Theon Dynasty, the Tully family is allowed to voluntarily give up the territory of the Green Fork River Basin to extinguish the anger of the valley and restore the Eagle, Wolf and Fish Alliance."

Caitlin's hands unconsciously tugged on her sleeves, and she felt cold all over.

"This is the supplementary condition of the Eyrie City." Kemen looked at the crescent falcon whose tail symbolizes the Arryn family and the Stark family intertwined with the dire wolf head mark, and sighed slightly, "This is also an agreement that Lady Catelyn made very clear. Robert Arryn and Arya Stark entered into a marriage contract, Jasina Royce and Robb Stark entered into a marriage contract, and Bran Stark was sent to the Eyrie to become Attis Ayre. Duke Lin’s attendant.”

"Tearing up one agreement is equivalent to tearing up all agreements," Vardis Egan looked at Caitlin with fear, "So, the Twins still belong to the Tully family, so does Harrenhal, and even more so the Green Fork? So the feud between the Ospreys will continue?"

"That's not what I meant, Ser Vardis!" Caitlin retorted loudly, but her trembling hands proved that she was just pretending to be calm, "Believe me, Duke Attis Arryn, let me go to the West. He will persuade Robb to change his mind. The Arryn family and the Stark family have a deep relationship. They are both one family. He is just an arrogant child."

"An arrogant king is really terrible." Nestor Royce said disdainfully.

Caitlin stared at Attis Arryn sitting on the Falcon Throne, her psychological defenses crumbling little by little.

"Evan Arryn asks for an audience, Master Attis," Ange stood at the door of the hall and said to Attis, "He has arrived in the Eagle's Nest City."

Artis glanced at Caitlin and said loudly, "Stay here, Mrs. Caitlin. Staying here will make your son change his mind." He waved his hand and said, "Let Evan come in."

Caitlin only felt that everything in front of her was spinning, her legs were paralyzed on the ground, and she sat down silently.

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