Eagle of the Valley of Ice and Fire

Chapter 144: Free Falcon (2)

Tyrion's envoy looked around. The coldness of the Eagle's Nest was not only reflected in the loneliness at the peak, but also in the decoration of the buildings, which were more cold-toned. The pale marble bricks were winding under the feet, and the clouds were hanging on the side of the castle. , as if resting.

The messenger's legs were trembling slightly. Even though he had visited this castle before, the castles he passed were all towering towers and dangerous castles with steep climbs. When he arrived at the Eagle's Nest City, he felt tired and timid at the same time, and his arms Supporting his thighs, the messenger gasped slightly.

Evan Arryn stroked the dagger at his waist and glanced sideways at the panting messenger.

"Duke Arryn is discussing important matters in the hall," Evan relaxed his shoulders slightly and spoke in a soothing and relaxed tone, "I may not be able to see you in time."

"I have no problem, I have no problem, phew~" The messenger raised his head and looked at Evan Aylin, forcing a smile, "Sir Aylin can see me at any time, as long as he is willing."

Evan smiled slightly. He just saw the pale look on the messenger's face and tried to comfort him. In his opinion, the messenger of the dwarf prime minister had to lie down and rest for at least one night before he could go to see the Duke of the Eagle's Nest City soberly.

He straightened his back and looked at the half-open door of the main hall, waiting for news.

Attendant An Gai came out. He squinted at the envoy who was leaning against the pillar several times and said to Evan, "Place the envoy and have a good night's rest. I will see him tomorrow."

Evan nodded slightly and waved slightly, and the Eagle's Nest guards behind him led Tyrion's envoy away into the distance.

"Sir," Angai stopped Evan Aylin who wanted to accompany him, "I want to see you."

Evan followed An Gai and walked into the main hall of the Eagle's Nest City.

The sun shines through the gaps in the arched window, sweeping away some of the haze in the main hall. The faces of Duke Arryn, Ser Vardis and even Steward Nestor, and Maester Colmont are all reflected in the sunlight. Evan Arryn can be clearly seen. I can see everyone's expression.

There is anger, there is worry, there is also peace and composure.

"The noble Arryn family would not choose to embarrass weak women and children," Academician Ke Meng smiled helplessly, "but the actions of the Young Wolf Lord are indeed unforgivable."

"How would Count Royce react if he knew this news? Harrenhal has at least four thousand cavalry." Sir Vardis frowned and looked at Manager Nestor.

Nestor Royce noticed the arrival of Evan Arryn and did not say a word. Instead, he looked at Attis Arryn on the main seat.

Seeing Evan Arryn approaching slowly, Attis said: "Look at Caitlin, Arya, and the Braavos man. Robb broke the contract first. Strictly speaking, these people are not the Eagle's Nest." "Guests of the city, but we are not without honor." He stopped, paused slightly, and just shook his head, "Strictly watch and do it."

Seeing that Attis had no intention of continuing the conversation, Bachelor Colmont, Nestor, and Vardis nodded slightly and turned to leave.

Evan Arryn retreated into the shadow of the stone pillars in the main hall of Eagle's Nest City, stared at the floor, and listened to the footsteps of the three people leaving.

It wasn't until Duke Arryn and he were the only two people left in the main hall that he moved quickly, walked straight to the side of the moon door, and knelt down on one knee.

"Duke Arryn, according to your instructions, the food has been transported into King's Landing." Evan Arryn spoke very slowly, carefully considering what he needed to say.

Evan Aylin lowered his head, and Duke Aylin's voice sounded above his head, echoing slightly in the main hall.

"Did Roose Bolton find out?"

"Northern scouts spotted us but did nothing to stop us," Evan Arryn replied.

Attis nodded, walked off the throne, stood in front of Evan, raised his finger slightly, "Get up and talk."

Evan heard the words and stood up, staring at the young Duke.

"With such a large number of grain transporters entering King's Landing, I'm afraid the little bird of the eight-clawed spider has already come into contact with you," Attis lowered his voice, "Sooner or later, you will enter King's Landing, how should you deal with it?"

Evan Aylin pressed his lips tightly, sweat accumulated on his palms, and he didn't know how to answer.

Artis patted Evan Aylin on the shoulder, "You don't need to do better than the Octopus Spider," his eyes were calm, looking at the silent Evan, "Check it out, find out him Little bird, don’t be afraid of being exposed. You can’t hide the tricks in the dark from Varys, just make it clear.”

Evan didn't understand the significance of Attis's request, but he still nodded, "Understood."

When Evan Aylin stepped out of the steps of the main hall, he realized that the clothes on his back were already wet. The wind from the Eagle's Nest touched his hot face. He felt as if a heavy burden had been lifted. Very relaxed.

Attis's figure was still vaguely visible behind him. Evan Aylin swallowed his throat, slowly closed the door, and took a long breath.

"Robb Stark has no honor and no shame!"

Anda Royce's voice echoed in the huge main hall of Harrenhal, and the torn letters scattered in the air like flying snowflakes, falling gently.

"Originally, my father wanted to intercede with Duke Attis for Stark who claimed to be king. Now, this bastard! A bastard born to a trout whore!" Anda blushed and paced back and forth in front of the long table. , roaring loudly.

Wilmar Royce picked up a corner of the letter. The direwolf symbol came into his eyes coldly, and he clenched his fists heavily.

"Gather all the cavalry, hang the head of this northern king on the tip of the spear, and throw it to Riverrun," Weimar's lips trembled slightly, and he deliberately lowered his voice, but from the perspective of others, the uncontrollable anger was constantly brewing in Weimar's expression. "Kill Edmure Tully, kill Robb Stark, and bloodbath Riverrun!"

"We need to calm down." Robb was interrupted by Anda as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Calm down!" Anda threw the steel sword in his hand angrily, "Our Royce family is one of the oldest and noblest families in the valley. We and the damn Stark are both ancestral families. The friendship between our ancestors and in-laws has accumulated a deep foundation. This bastard king has mixed with the blood of the Tully family and has forgotten these friendships. He uses a westerly bitch to insult my sister, the daughter of the Royce family?"

"I can only fight!" Anda punched the table fiercely, and his roar resounded throughout the hall.

Weimar drew out his long sword and swept it along the table. The candle on the iron frame was cut in half, and the sparks fell to the ground dying.

"We can only fight! Let the people of the North know what will happen if they anger the Valley and Royce!" Weimar was still not satisfied, and kicked down the table and chair beside him.

"Don't worry." Robert held his forehead and bit the soft flesh of his lower lip tightly until the sweet smell of blood filled his mouth.

Anda Royce sat heavily on the bench, and the back of the chair was almost broken. "Where is the map? Weimar, you gather people for me. Robb Stark should still be in the Branded City and that Westerland bitch."

"Brother, calm down," Robert held Anda's right arm, ignoring Anda's abuse, "Father doesn't know yet! The Eyrie has not responded yet!"

"Fuck you" Anda's mouth suddenly stopped, as if choking, and he closed his mouth tangledly and sat in silence.

Royce's three brothers sat around the long table that was beaten into pieces, all in silence.

"So." Anda said helplessly, "Who will tell father?"

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