The huge wolf head hung on the human body, opened its bloody mouth, and attacked Atis Aylin.

The whirlwind in the wilderness raised the sand and obscured Atis's sight, making him unable to see the figure of the newcomer. He could only feel the vague outline and the sound of blood dripping on the rocks.

The giant sword was held in his hand, as if it was burning and melting. The surface of the clear sword was covered with white mist, and sweat gathered in the palm of his hand.

Atis retreated to a protruding rock, rested his left hand on the exposed rock, and looked calmly at the approaching wolf head.

The bloody mouth finally approached Atis, and the giant sword was inserted into the body of the newcomer. The burning heat rose on the surface of the sword. The sword was burning red, and the condensed power seemed to be released at the moment of insertion into the body.

Atis collapsed in the wilderness, looked up, and the red light was like a trajectory. The whole world seemed to turn to an incomprehensible absurdity.

He woke up from his dream. Naked Melisandre blinked her beautiful red eyes and looked at Atis quietly, as if trying to interpret something from his expression.

Sweat stains climbed all over his body. Atis Arryn took a deep breath, and his whole body was as hot as charcoal.

Melisandre was not afraid of the hot body temperature, but reached out to hug Atis, "Rahlo will give hints in dreams, my true king," she guessed that Atis had a nightmare, and reached out to comfort him, "Tell me, I will help you." She kissed Atis' lips.

"Giant sword," the red-robed monk Moqorro held a wooden stick in his hand and pointed at something on the ground, "Wolf head," he shook his head, "The sword is melting." Moqorro took a deep breath and chuckled, "Just like ice."

Melisandre looked through the window, and the gloomy atmosphere of Harrenhal was permeated on every cracked dark wall. The dead souls were stranded under the cursed fortress, harassing the residents of the castle all the time.

"Ice?" The red-robed woman repeated the word with her eyes flashing, looking at the blue sky and shaking her head slightly.

Tyrion stretched lazily, yawned, touched his itchy nose, and looked at the documents piled on the table. The apology letter from the Graveson family and the corresponding taxes were sent over by the ship of Seagull Town. It was the first time that Tyrion had seen such a generous sum of money since Stannis led the Dragonstone fleet south.

Earl Renfrey Ryke of Duskendale, who was briefly promoted to the position of Minister of Finance, unwisely expressed his dissatisfaction with Seagull Town and even the Eyrie. He felt that Seagull Town should not only pay this month's customs duties, but also the customs taxes that had not been paid for several months because of the enemy of the Iron Throne.

Tyrion looked at the aggressive Earl Renfrey Ryke, expressed his sympathy for the loss of Duskendale in a rather pitiful way, and then decisively dismissed him from the position of Minister of Finance.

"Sad for your castle, old man, you are not suitable to deal with these numbers that need to be calculated carefully. For you, these are too difficult," Tyrion Lannister said with a smile in front of Renfrey that he decided to dismiss him from his position.

"You shouldn't" the Earl of Duskendale opened his eyes wide, "You shouldn't be so careless, I am just the acting Prime Minister, Lord Tywin"

"My father is fighting bravely for the peace of the kingdom," Tyrion raised his wine glass and smiled slightly, "Cheers to peace."

He watched the Earl who lost the castle leave, and asked Pod to move the large number of documents he left behind to the Prime Minister's Tower. He was most assured to handle it alone.

Tyrion recalled his previous actions. He believed that his decision was always right. The bronze luster of the King's Hand brooch became more and more dazzling in the sun. He took a deep breath and turned to walk to the door.

"Pod, go to the King's Council. We have too many things to deal with. Huh!" Tyrion whistled, patted Pod's chest as he passed by, and walked towards the Prime Minister's Tower.

The walls of the Red Castle were being repaired, and the painting of the Prime Minister's Tower was half completed. Tyrion passed by the masons and refugees he hired to work, and watched them eating sesame cakes and greeting him slightly. The smile on his face became more and more unconcealed, and the corners of his mouth showed an arc, "I saved them, I saved King's Landing, ha, they really should make a sculpture to worship me."

The meeting room of the Red Castle was chirping, and it seemed that they had already discussed the affairs of the country. Pod pushed the door, and Tyrion frowned slightly, wondering in his heart when the ministers of the King's Council were so eager for national affairs.

Pushing open the door, a familiar figure, a familiar voice.

Cersei crossed her legs and smiled at the approaching Tyrion Lannister.

Tywin sat in the Prime Minister's seat, staring at himself silently.

Tyrion's pace gradually slowed down, and he looked at Tywin, "You should have informed me first, so that I could be prepared."

"Father doesn't want to waste any more letter paper in King's Landing," Cersei looked at Tyrion proudly, her tone full of joy, "You are so powerful in King's Landing, aren't the frequent ravens and scouts annoying? If father wanted to return to King's Landing and told you, you don't know how many letters you would have to send to stop it. The gods know that you love the position of Prime Minister, but it doesn't belong to you."

Tyrion clenched his fists and shook his head, "No, Cersei," he walked past the ministers, approached Tywin, and tried to whisper, "You shouldn't"

"Speak louder, Tyrion," Tywin said in a deep voice, "Here are all loyal ministers of King Joffrey."

Tyrion looked over, and the Earl of Duskendale, who was originally dismissed by him, was holding a wine glass, smiling at him, his eyes full of mockery.

"You are just the acting Prime Minister," the Earl's words swept through Tyrion's mind.

Tyrion cleared his throat, "You should fight Riverrun with Artis Arryn. The Vale is our ally, and we must capture the Young Wolf without fail."

"The competition between the eagle and the wolf," Tywin said, without any emotion in his expression, "is insignificant compared to protecting King Joffrey and returning to King's Landing to preside over the overall situation of the Seven Kingdoms."

"Joffrey is back?" Tyrion looked at Cersei, "I thought you were in Casterly Rock."

"Jaime is in Casterly Rock," Cersei took a sip of wine and smiled, "and the queen mother of a country, Need to be with the king and assist him. "

Surging ecstasy appeared in Tyrion's heart, "Jaime? Jaime is back!"

"Yes," Cersei looked at the joyful Tyrion with a strange look, "He will take charge of the situation in Casterly Rock first."

Tyrion took a half step back, and it was difficult to suppress his joy in his heart. He picked up the wine glass on the table and drank it all. "It's really a family reunion, oh no," he hesitated for a moment, raised the wine glass, "Cheers to the tenacious Lannister!"

Tywin looked at him coldly, like a clown watching a show.

Cersei chuckled, her mouth full of sarcasm, "You are becoming more and more likable, little devil."

Tyrion put away the wine glass and forced a smile, "Then Myrcella. Our agreement with Atis is to take her to the Eyrie. Did you bring her?"

"Myrcella Baratheon and Atis Arryn's marriage should be held in King's Landing. Myrcella is just a child, and Atis is an important minister of the king. He must have a seat in the royal meeting. Unmarried couples, if they don't stay together in King's Landing, where else can they stay." Tywin Lannister replied coldly, seemingly unkind.

Tyrion looked at his indifferent father, his heart full of confusion and worry, "But."

Tywin stretched out his hand and pointed to Tyrion's chest.

"What?" Tyrion looked at his father hesitantly.

"I will discuss this matter with Atis Arryn and make him understand that the game of playing the Prime Minister should end," Tywin pointed to the brooch, "You are no longer the acting Prime Minister."

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