Eagle of the Valley of Ice and Fire

Chapter 159 Return and Loneliness

The sludge dried into mottled spots on the torn skirt. The original indigo-dyed skirt bottom was already filthy. The long skirt with flat edges removed the redundant part, leaving only the part that makes movement easier. Wrap yourself around.

Margaery Tyrell stood by the river. The fatigue from the long journey and the mud covering half of her body had already made her put down her queenly attitude. She watched Brienne step into the water, fill the bucket with water, and carry it ashore. .

"You can drink it after a while, Your Majesty the Queen." Brainy nodded slightly to Margaery, just like all the knights the latter saw. However, none of these knights actually fought bravely. After seeing the history of night attacks, Tanis' army seemed to be frightened and fled for their lives, none of them followed the spirit of chivalry.

But it was the unfeminine female knight in front of her. Margaery held the clear river water and smeared it on her face. The coolness dispelled the clouds of sadness. She looked at Brienne and held her iron gloves, "I really admire you. "Ser Brienne," the queen said cautiously, tentatively.

Brienne just lowered her head and chuckled. In Sir Albar Royce's eyes, this smile was like a little piggy rolling around in the fields. He quickly lowered his head and fiddled with the loose pieces of his armor.

"This is my duty, to protect the king, and the king's family, I have sworn, queen," Brienne said to Margaery, she put the barrel in the shade, "but you, your majesty, you are more... I'm surprised."

Margaery smiled and looked at Brienne with charming elk-like eyes, "This is a great honor for me. What surprises you, Ser Brienne."

"Just like Brienne, I'm not a knight, I'm just a woman like you," Brienne responded. "Your strength, my queen, your strength surprises me," she said, looking at the sky. , "It's getting very late and we've been stuck here for a long time."

"Queen Margaery!" Sir Alba Royce came over and threw the somewhat loose armor to the attendant. "Maybe I can go hunting and offer you delicious meat."

"It couldn't be better, Sir Alba." Margaery smiled. Even in such a difficult environment and without dressing up to welcome the queen, the queen's temperament was clearly visible.

To the south of the Stormlands hills, the river was hidden among sparse trees and exposed hills. Going further to the lower south, they could reach the mountainous lowlands at the mouth of the Dorne Sea. They were already very close.

Dusk gradually disappears in the mountains, and the shrill screams of elegant birds returning to their nests are heard in the mountains and forests. The night falls low, and the moon embellishes the night sky with stars.

Bursts of horse hooves broke into the silent night. Brienne held the sword tightly, and Margaery hid behind her, resting her hands on her armor. Her lips were so nervous that they trembled, but she didn't make a sound.

Alba Royce put out the bonfire, stuffed the cooked meat into his mouth, and looked warily out of the woods.

The flames of torches flickered, the horses' hooves clattered, and there was the faint sound of sergeants talking.

Margaery looked into the distance by the light of the fire, "It's Tully, Lord Randyll's army." She no longer had the nervousness before, and her eyes were as calm as water.

"I still don't understand," Tyrion frowned. Only he and Tywin were left in the royal council. He frowned and looked at his father, "The princes in the riverlands seem to be in harmony, but we were together with Attis before." You can see the clues by attacking the Riverlands."

The little devil clenched his fists and leaned on the long table of the Royal Council. "Father, Lord Tywin," he said carefully, "we do not have the capital to negotiate with the Valley."

Tywin tapped his fingers on the table, making a soft sound, "Cersei is the lion of Lannister, and Joffrey is her son."

Tyrion raised his eyebrows slightly, he was not sure why Tywin said these unclear words.

"The Royal Council," Tywin turned around, "I believe your big head is smart enough not to tell the public about military information."

"Of course not, they just heard some rumors and don't know the details." Tyrion replied, with a bit of surprise in his tone.

Tywin stood up, turned sideways to Tyrion, and stared at the red tapestry behind him, which was embroidered with a crowned stag.

"In the next few days, I will lead the Western Army into the city." Tywin said calmly.

"Entering the city?" Tyrion almost jumped onto the long table, "The army can't even stay in the king's territory for too long, here."

"Let the whole city know," Tywin said, without any wavering in his tone. "This city still belongs to Lannister, and it still belongs to the family. No matter who is our friend," he turned to look at the stunned Tilly. Ang, "The queen mother of this country is a Lannister, the king accepts the blessing of Lannister, and the hand of the king of this country is also a Lannister!"

"It is Attis Arryn's duty as a vassal to let the valley go to suppress the rebellion of the Wolf family." Tywin's face was tense and very stiff. "They did not cooperate with my actions in the siege of Riverrun before. If it weren't for me, He can't take the Twins even with his mercenaries," he looked at the silent Tyrion, "Lannister, you must pay your debts."

Tyrion let out a slight breath. He saw a trace of unyieldingness on Tywin's tense face, and also smelled weakness and weakness. He raised his head and looked directly into Tywin's eyes, "Father, I know you don't like me. What does the dwarf son suggest?"

Tyrion raised his head with a hint of stubbornness, "We have gold mines and the indestructible Casterly Rock. Just because Lannister must repay its debts does not mean that it is short-sighted." He looked at Tywin with burning eyes, and he seemed to notice that his father was looking at him. There is a fatal weakness behind the seemingly tough behavior.

In order to maintain the family's reputation, he marched out of the Golden Tooth and sent troops to the Riverlands, but he did not make good use of the various nobles in the Riverlands who were already in a state of disunity. Instead, he indulged his men in burning, killing and looting, completely offending many nobles in the Riverlands who could have been won over, and forged a deep hatred that destroyed the family. For example, many castles east of the Red Fork River could have been treated with both kindness and force, but they made enemies everywhere.

Tywin lowered his head and stared at Tyrion, his sharp eyes showing more disgust, "Are you blaming your father?"

Tyrion pursed his lips tightly, "For Lannister, I can give everything, father." He slowly retreated, ignoring Tywin's eyes that wanted to penetrate his flesh and blood like arrows, and left the royal meeting.

He walked far away, leaned against a somewhat damaged wall, supported himself slightly, and gasped.

Pod followed behind him, "Prime Minister?" He asked worriedly.

"Don't call me Prime Minister, Pod," Tyrion bit his lower lip and licked his cracked lips a few times, "I'm just a dwarf, a noble dwarf from the Lannister family." He looked lonely and walked forward gloomily.

"Your residence is not there, Lord Tyrion," Varys' voice came from behind him. Tyrion opened his lips slightly in annoyance and turned to look at Varys, who had no smile on his face, "That is the Prime Minister's Tower, the residence of Lord Tywin."

"Thank you for reminding me, dear damn Varys." Tyrion took a deep breath and forced a smile.

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