Eagle of the Valley of Ice and Fire

Chapter 185 Unexpected Disaster (4)

Yohn Royce stood on the high stone platform of Harrenhal's school grounds, raising his head and staring at the red figure wandering on the wall of Harrenhal, with indifference hidden in his eyes.

The figure of the red-robed woman disappeared at the top of the city, but Jon did not relax his gaze. He still kept his head held high. The fingers of his right hand that were lightly resting on the hilt of the sword bent and he held the hilt tightly.


The clash of swords rang in his ears, and Jon lowered his eyes slightly to look down. Harold Haddon was waving his long sword, constantly approaching Robert, who was confronting him, and the latter could only barely use the sword. Parrying, although his eyes were very focused, they still couldn't stop Harold's increasing strength in swinging his arms.

Luo Ba continued to retreat, and it became increasingly difficult to block with his long sword, and the rhythm of his footsteps gradually became disordered.

Harold calmed down and feinted with his sword. Robert quickly raised his sword to deal with it, but the long sword stretched and retracted freely like the core of a poisonous snake. In an instant, his right calf started to feel pain. The back of Harold's sword hit Robert's calf. , he suddenly felt weak and sore in his legs and fell to the ground.

Harold put back his sword and reached out to pull up Robert.

A trace of annoyance flashed across Robert's face, but he soon restrained himself, "Lost because of arm strength."

He smiled, a slightly forced smile. No one wanted to embarrass himself in front of his father, let alone his father, Bronze John, a father who was extremely strict with his children's education.

"Pah! Pah!"

Jon stepped off the platform and looked at Harold with approval, "Excellent knight, Harold," he commented, "I'm waiting for you to shine in the tourney and on the battlefield."

Harold raised his head, looked at Jon, and nodded gently, unable to hide the proud smile on his face.

Robert sighed, "Sir Harold has proven himself on the Red Fork River," he shrugged slightly, "Twenty-seven Yankees died under his sword."

"Really?" There was no doubt in Yon's tone, but full of surprise, "Sooner or later you will be Duke Attis's right-hand man."

"It's a great honor." Harold raised his head proudly and looked at Yorn, who was full of admiration for him. "I swear to become a knight of the Blood Gate and guard the gate of the Arryn Valley."

John nodded gently. There were many outstanding knights in the valley, and they were not afraid of any threats. He once again thought of the surrendered mountain clan and the red-robed woman who somehow climbed onto the Duke's bed, and his face became stiff.

He is not a believer of the Seven Gods, nor does he belong to the Andals who came across the sea by blood. The Royce family has always been a believer of the old gods, and has always followed the traditions of their ancestors in many aspects, such as executions and weddings. Ceremonial activities such as customs still maintain the habits of the ancestors, but under the rule of the Aylin family for thousands of years, they have been integrated in blood and customs for a long time.

What Jon respects has always been the tradition of the valley. Externally, the nobles of the valley ancestors and the Andal people rarely distinguish each other, and they are all represented by the nobles of the valley.

Therefore, some etiquette and customs of the Seven Gods' faith are actually accepted by the Royce family. However, Jon has always been proud and has always avoided expressing it in religious terms. Instead, he used the traditions of the valley people to blur the distinction between religions. What he adheres to is also the tradition of the valley, although it has more elements of the Seven Gods and Andal culture.

What’s even more interesting is that the church where the seven sacred oils are applied to confer knights in Runestone City is actually the most magnificent and covers a large area. Many attendants in the valley are proud to be knighted in Runestone City. The Royce family happily accepted the knightly tradition in Andal culture, and even stood out in the valley. In this regard, it overshadowed many Andal nobles, and all generations of Royce family owners were proud of it.

"We defeated Robb Stark on the battlefield," Jon said to himself, his tone sullen, "but the wolf cub who insulted me still lies in the prison of Harrenhal, Harrenhal. It is simply unreasonable that the kitchen of the castle should be opened for him alone.”

Harold frowned slightly, not knowing what to say, but after thinking about it, he still felt that he should support Duke Arryn's decision, "I'm afraid the reason why Young Wolf Master is temporarily unavailable has something to do with Jeyne Westerling."

"That bitch of the West?" Jon looked at her disdainfully. "The children of merchants are destined to have some untouchable habits. The noble Westerling family is destined to be humiliated because of this. It's sad. I heard that the two of them are blessed by the old gods. People actually get married in the church of the Seven Gods. They really disregard tradition and leave everything behind. He has no influence on Duke Stark's honor and responsibility! A wedding that desecrates two noble families is shameful! The sorrow of the people!”

Robert glanced at Harold Haddon, his eyes showing reproach. Harold Haddon was sent to Runestone City by Mrs. Waywood to receive a military aristocratic education since he was a child. He was very close to his father, but he It was not pleasant to touch some of my father's inverse scales at this time.

He said: "Robb Stark is destined to perish if he doesn't keep his promise. Duke Attis is the leader of the knights in the valley, so he will naturally take the lead and become a role model for the people of the valley. When it is time to kill the Young Wolf Lord, he will naturally do so. "

Jon's expression softened slightly. He also believed that Attis would not abandon some of the traditional ideas of the valley, and that Arryn, who was as high as his glory, would not fail to safeguard the dignity and honor of his vassals.

He walked off the high platform and said, "I hope that day will come soon. I promised the knights and attendants up and down the Runestone City that I will cut off Stark's head and hang it on the Runestone City."

Harold still frowned, and Robb remained silent. He knew that Duke Artis might agree to behead Robb, but he would never use such an insulting practice. After all, they were both guardians. The Duke always upheld his honor and had fought too many battles for the honor of the Vale.

Artis was still in the tower of Harrenhal, and his desk was already piled with reports and letters from the Eyrie submitted by scholars from various castles.

Anguy stayed quietly outside the door of the study. The former captain of the guard, Marvin Belmore, was arranged by the Duke to guard the gate of Harrenhal, and Anguy temporarily took on this position as a personal guard. This was well deserved. Anguy's archery had already convinced most of the blue robe guards who regarded themselves as knights, and his performance on the battlefield of the Red Fork River was also quite good.

As for the identity of still being a squire, it didn't matter. The key was to see the knights the squires served. Just like the young generation in the Westerlands all hoped to become the squires of the Kingslayer, the worship of knights played a big role here.

Anguy had been Attis's attendant for a long time, and Attis had publicly promised to take him to the top of the Moonspear Mountain to be knighted. This honor was enough to make other unnecessary criticisms disappear.

Attis was also very particular about selecting blue robe guards. Many of his personal guards followed Marvin Belmore and left Attis's side when Marvin followed Bronze John to the war. Therefore, there was a large vacancy in the blue robe guards. It happened that many new knights who accepted the Green Fork River fiefdom gathered in the Twin River City at that time. These knights even had to sell their ancestral armor and horses, and even weapons for money when they had not made any achievements in the valley. After the Green Fork River War, they were granted a large amount of land and became new nobles in one fell swoop.

And the emotional bond and respect between these knights and the lords was the deepest. The younger generation of the great nobles of the valley may only win glory from the war, but these knights at the bottom of the nobility not only got honor, but also actually got land, which was a richer and more fertile field than the land that served as scraps in the valley.

Artis Arryn brought them honor and benefits, so they would naturally return his loyalty.

So, some Eyrie guards of humble origins were formed.

Anger's hearing was very sensitive. Even through the thick wooden door, he could still hear the sound of pages turning in the study, and even the Duke's emotions. He found that Artis seemed very impatient, and the sound of pages turning was very fast.

In the study, books were piled up in a mess. Artis threw down the letter, rubbed his sore eyes, and looked out the window.

He ordered the maesters serving the Green Fork Castle to submit the information of the original owner of the castle to Harrenhal, including the surname and name, and even the appearance.

Artis tried his best to collect intelligence and information from the old knights of the Green Fork, but the maesters obviously carried out the work in a perfunctory manner. There was not much information about the whereabouts in these complicated materials.

He noticed the presence of the Green Fork River Knights in Robb's Wolffish Army, but he didn't find too many during the process of counting the captives in Harrenhal, which proved that these potential hidden dangers still existed in the Riverlands, always watching the Vale Knights in the war. When they were tired and defeated, they might rush again.

In fact, it is more likely that these knights would hide in the Red Fork River and the Tengshi River under the command of those riverland lords who he had no time to take care of, and become their knights or retainers. There are so many nobles in the Riverlands who are dissatisfied with the Vale, and it is probably needless to say that such hidden dangers may erupt at any time in areas that he does not know.

Moreover, the situation in the Vale is not stable. The thousands of years of grievances between the mountain clans and the valley knights are not declared over by surrender, and such conflicts are not conducive to the stability of the Vale.

A sigh came from Atis's mouth. He knew very well that the expansion of the Vale had almost reached its limit. This was something his ancestors had never done, and he could not get any reference from the so-called works on the governance of the Vale.

He must explore it himself. Attis stared at the blue sky outside the window for a long time.

Updated in the evening depending on the situation. Recently updated every day, but the number of words cannot be guaranteed. After about two or three days, I will confirm that it should be around the 18th to stabilize the time and word count. Let me talk about it first.

These few pictures are to relieve the contradictions and prepare for the subsequent layout of Attis.

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