Eagle of the Valley of Ice and Fire

Chapter 186 Unexpected Disaster (5)

"My dearest love, my wish to always be by your side was abruptly shattered by the continuous rain in the Twins and the thick stone walls of Harrenhal. The pain in my heart is unbearable. I haven't seen you for a long time and I miss you very much. I write this letter to express my feelings. "

Artis read the words on the letter silently, and the graceful and elegant handwriting was very eye-catching. In the education of most nobles, due to the obligations and responsibilities of noble women, unmarried ladies naturally have to master the skills of writing before the wedding ceremony. , and the same goes for Roselyn, who obviously has a good handle on it.

Of course, families like the Umber family in the north, and even the Mormont family on Bear Island, have much more requirements for their female relatives in terms of martial arts, but less attention is paid to mastering letter skills.

The edge of the letter surface was inlaid with a platinum coat of arms, and the Frey family's blue twin towers emblem occupied the corners of the paper. Attis sniffed lightly, and the faint smell of ink spread to his nose, and the white paper surface It is not smooth, and some parts of the surface are wrinkled, but it does not affect the overall look and feel.

He put down the souvenir, "Pregnant", and the words "Marquise of Twins City" were quickly captured. Attis did not expect that the original love of fish and water would lead to such a result. The corners of his mouth rose slightly. He was disappointed with this result. Very satisfied.

"Countess. Master of the Twins," Attis murmured, looking out the window thoughtfully.

A map of the Riverlands appeared in his mind. The Twins, Harrenhal and even Riverrun were connected into a line, along with the main branches of the Trident River, connecting the entire Riverlands together. .

This connection was very weak. Attis silently opened the small-scale battle reports that the knights had encountered when they took over the Green Fork River territory. The number was so large that it was difficult for him to accept it for a while. The enemies were not only the retainers left by the knight family, but also the retainers left behind by the knight family. Some of the conscripted peasants seemed to have some attachment to the lord, and there were also some free riders who had sworn allegiance to the lord regardless of life or death.

Forced by this kind of counterattack, Attis had to make arrangements at Harrenhal, assigning multiple groups of cavalry to act as patrols, and repeatedly staying in the Green Fork River Basin. This reminded Attis of his stay in King's Landing and commanding the King. His experience as a robe guard.

But the Green Fork River is not a small King's Landing. It is a river area. The lack of information and the vastness of the space have made these valley cavalry useless and useless. They have even been attacked in complicated and difficult places. .

Attis led the Knights of the Canyon to defeat Tully and the Young Wolf Lord. He would never let his most important elite fall into the security of the Riverlands.

But the trouble is that this counterattack from the Green Fork River landed knights is obviously not disorderly. Artis looked at the battle report submitted by Jon Grafson, frowning, and analyzed the Twin Rivers at that time word by word. The situation facing the city.

What is even more frightening is that I have no idea how this kind of organization and information synchronization is achieved.

"Sir Isaac Stone went to the middle reaches of the Green Fork River to receive the knighthood designated by the Duke. He was attacked by the remnants of the Riverlands. The security team acted quickly and rushed there to support each other. The remnants quickly escaped. , repulsed the enemy, and successfully helped Sir Isaac Stone take over the territory. On the King's Road only a few miles away from the Twins, the remnants of the Riverlands appeared almost at the same time, and attacked Matthew who went to take over the territory. Sir Stone, the security forces are unable to defend themselves, so Sir Matthew rides back to the Twins to escape."

Attis closed the envelope. Both Sirs Isaac Stone and Matthew Stone were members of the heavy cavalry phalanx that finally defeated Robb Stark's army. They were originally members of the army. The best, otherwise it would be impossible to simply blend into the heavy cavalry phalanx composed mostly of nobles from the valley.

He rubbed his temples. His body responded to the uneasiness in his heart, and his temples felt a little swollen and painful.

The knights and nobles who were deprived of their territory in the Green Fork River touched upon the most fundamental point of difference between this generation of valley rulers and the ancestors of Aylin, and that was this group of upstart knights in the valley who exchanged military exploits for land.

Compared to this, the conflicts between the Alpine Clan and the Valley Knights in the Mingyue Mountains are insignificant. As long as the Alpine Clan still recognizes itself as the Red God's Chosen One and the red-robed woman remains loyal to him, these conflicts will not become too acute and endanger the people. rule, but the green fork river

The cold arrows in the dark are the hardest to guard against, and a wave of regret surged into his heart. His previous series of actions against the Green Fork River had finally suffered backlash.

"All debts must be paid," he murmured.

Inadvertently, the corner of the aristocratic order that has been passed down for thousands of years in Westeros was slightly disturbed by Attis' attack. The Frey family was in a miserable situation, and the Green Fork River's wealthy aristocrats were in a desperate situation. These are all things that are used to power games. For the nobles, it is an almost unbearable existence.

Attis was silent. He didn't know how many nobles were staring at him in the dark corners of the castle. This threat came from the hearts of the people and from the darkness. It was beyond the strength of the valley today.

He picked up his pen, dipped it in ink, and wrote a letter.

"Stark, Tully and other traitors to the Iron Throne have all been wiped out. All the noble families in the Riverlands are innocent of being tempted by Robb Stark, Edmure Tully and others to send troops. I, the Iron Throne Attis, the Minister of Justice, Governor of the Trident, Duke of the Eyrie, Warden of the East, and of House Arryn, held a banquet at Harrenhal and held a feast common to the riverlands and the valley, promoting the union of the two realms. , to maintain the peace of the seven countries"

Attis stopped writing and pondered the words carefully. This was not a sudden idea. As early as after taking Riverrun and capturing the Young Wolf Lord, he decided to include some of the river nobles who surrendered voluntarily into his decision-making center to balance the psychology of the river nobles who could not trust him under the shadow of the Green Fork River.

This is why Lynn Corbray's self-assertion made Attis particularly annoyed. He could indeed see that the heir of the Corbray family was making small moves, but Attis did not expect it to be so excessive. This forced him to negotiate with Tyrion, or the Iron Throne in advance, and once again use the legal endorsement of the Iron Throne to cover himself with a veil of shame.

This time, he could not be a chess player in the war, but had to return to the chessboard, follow the rules of the noble power game, and close the connection between the valley and the river.

There are very few ways to close it, nothing more than marriage and authorization.

Attis picked up the pen again, "At the same time as the banquet, the Harrenhal Tournament will also be held. We sincerely invite the ladies of the nobility, ladies and ladies to enter, and the knights of your choice to present the wreath of the Queen of Love and Beauty."

The tip of the pen stroked the paper, and Ange could only hear the "rustling" sound.

But then a loud shout made him quickly collect his thoughts, "Ange!"

He pushed open the door and rushed in, "Master?"

"Ask the maester to copy this letter and send it to the Twins and the Gates of the Moon respectively, and spread the news to the outside world. Let every knight in the city go to every known village and spread the news that Harrenhal is recruiting carpenters and masons. Say that Duke Arryn is going to prepare the most grand tourney in the history of the Seven Kingdoms in Harrenhal, and he needs a lot of craftsmen, the more the better."

Attis spoke very quickly, and Ange barely remembered it and nodded quickly.

He sat on the soft chair, watching Ange leave, his hands folded on the table, pondering in silence.

Friends will come to the tournament and banquet, those who compete for interests will come, those who flatter will come, and knights who fight for honor will come.

Attis thought of the knights of the Green Fork River, and kept saying: "Enemy will come too"

Since these knights who were forced into a desperate situation were hiding in the dark, connected in a way that Attis didn't know, to attack and try to destroy his deployment and arrangements in the Green Fork River, he would use himself as bait to lure the enemy who claimed to be fish to come to the door, and take the initiative to swim from the dark to the light.

It doesn't matter who is the fish and who is the bait. It has nothing to do with Attis. After all, he is an eagle.

One update today, probably resume two updates the day after tomorrow

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