Eagle of the Valley of Ice and Fire

Chapter 219 The Calm Before the Storm (3)

"You should have known that your death was coming," Loras Tyrell raised his sword to Lomas Ismon's neck after scaling the walls of Greenstone City.

The latter was not afraid, with a smile on his lips, "You won't kill me. House Ismon is Renly Baratheon's mother's family, and is it a relative of the king you are loyal to?" His thick brown eyebrows slightly Yang raised, "Unless you take off the fancy clothes you are wearing and turn your head to bow to the child on the Iron Throne."

Loras's face turned red instantly, and he threw away the rainbow cloak behind him. He had never been willing to throw away the rainbow cloak since he learned that Renly was not dead. He firmly believed that Renly would return to Highgarden, and his own The family will continue to support him in taking over King's Landing.

But in his grandmother's plan, King Renly, whom he longed for, didn't seem to be included in it.

He moved his sword away, "Stannis is still King Renly's brother. Wait until I chop off his head and then come and take yours!" Loras shook off the harsh words, turned around and walked straight out, "Take him to prison. , keep a close watch!”

"I'm waiting for that moment!" Lomas shouted loudly as he looked at his leaving back.

The Tyrell knight took a step forward and said, "Shut up!" The iron sword hilt slammed on Lomas' lips, and half of his teeth fell to the ground.

"Bah!" Lomas spit out blood, suppressed the burning pain of tearing the corner of his lower lip, and whispered to himself, "Wait for the moment I take your head off."

The maester of Ismon stood timidly beside Lord Paxter Redwin, accepting the earl's cross-examination.

"Ser Elton and his knights followed Stannis to Storm's End?" Paxter rubbed his drooping shoulders with his big hands, trying to relieve the dull pain.

The bachelor nodded slightly, "Yes, sir."

As if he thought his response was too brief, the maester then added, "Lord Ismon was over ninety years old and bedridden. He did not follow Lord Stannis, King Stannis, to King's Landing, but his eldest son and heir Elton The sergeant is staying at Storm's End for Stannis."

Paxter snorted softly, put down the hand that was rubbing his shoulders, and placed it on the stone table in front of him. "We will not interfere with the Ismon family's sacred rule over Greenstone Castle. They are all lords witnessed by the Seven Gods," he said. To the maester, "But I ask you to do something. Write a letter for me in the name of Lord Ysmond to his eldest son at Storm's End, persuading him to surrender to King Joffrey. Everything in the past is fine. Don’t pursue it.”

"This" the bachelor raised his head hesitantly, met Paxter's stern eyes, and immediately withdrew his gaze and lowered his head, "I will do it, Lord Paxter."

Paxter nodded with satisfaction, stretched out his hand to indicate to the maester that he could leave, stared at his back, and let out a long sigh.

The sound of heavy and rapid footsteps came from outside the hall. Compared to Qingting Island, the main hall of Greenstone Castle was pitifully small and much shabby. The stones paving the floor were so rugged that I almost tripped before entering the room. fall.

Paxter raised his head, and the young and handsome face of the youngest Tyrell son came into view.

"Ismond Island has been captured, why don't you continue to lead the fleet forward? Are you going to let the ships in the Reach eat sand in this small port?"

Loras Tyrell lost all respect for himself and was shouting almost hysterically.

Paxter put down the stone cup in his hand. Even the drinking cups on the poor Ismon Island were made of stones that felt gritty when entering.

He tightened his lips and said sullenly, "What you see is the fleet of Qingting Island, the fleet of the Redwin family. It is up to me to decide when to set sail and when to dock."

"Stannis's army is eyeing King's Landing. If our ships can attack his Dragonstone fleet from behind, victory will definitely belong to us!" Loras was young after all. He frowned, his purpose and emotions all written in face.

"Victory has always been ours, Loras Tyrell, you are not the Queen of Thorns, show some respect! Standing in front of you is the commander of the fleet and your uncle." Paxter said to the man who cares about Renly. The youngest son of Tyrell was unceremonious and pointed out his corrections.

"But..." Loras wanted to argue, but was immediately interrupted by Paxter.

"If I remember correctly, you attended the report on the sentinel ship ahead. There was a storm blowing in the strait overlooking Storm's End, and you rashly let the fleet in. Maybe we didn't even see the face of Stannis, who you hate so much. It’s already buried in the fish’s belly.”

Loras pursed his lips. He didn't understand the battle of naval ships. He just wanted to defeat Stannis quickly, and even took down Storm's End Castle and Dragonstone to rescue Renly who fell into the enemy's hands.

Paxter looked at the unwilling Loras Tyrell and sighed slightly in his heart. According to the instructions of his aunt, the Queen of Thorns, the goal of the Arbor Fleet's march was only to force Stannis to evacuate. , As for defeat or even elimination, her aunt kept silent, but Paxter knew clearly what she was thinking in her heart.

The seemingly strong lion, the ambitious eagle, and the rose trying to find balance can only maintain superficial unity when they jointly defend the enemy. The river has no intention of becoming an enemy of the Eagle family, which has just annexed the river and increased its strength. , completely tied to the lion, and unwilling to abandon the position of queen that is just around the corner.

Therefore, building prestige and soy sauce have become the stated goals of the Redwin fleet.

But Paxter didn't understand. He only felt that his aunt was over-interpreting the Eagle family's ambitions. Duke Attis Arryn had married the royal family, and the Riverland territory had been recognized by the Iron Throne's legal principles. What do you think of the current situation? Now is the time when the relationship between griffons and eagles is the closest. What kind of ambition can Attis have to conflict with the Lannister or even the Reach?

Paxter clearly remembered his aunt's hesitation when he raised this issue in High Court.

Lady Olenna Redwin herself didn't know where such intuition and knowledge came from, but she still insisted on this order.

Paxter drank the bitter wine, and as expected, he felt a few grains of gravel in his throat and swallowed it with difficulty.

In any case, as long as Stannis is prevented from setting foot in King's Landing, the River Bend will still be invincible. Maybe caution has its benefits, Paxter can only convince himself this way.

"'Regicide', dismount!"

Waymar Royce's jousting lance struck Jaime's half-helmet, nearly knocking it off.

"Damn it!" Jaime Lannister stabilized his leaning body, kicked the horse hard, and rushed over quickly.

"Regicide! Regicide! Regicide!"

The crowd of onlookers shouted loudly, and the martial arts competition seemed to have reached its climax.

Weimar stopped suddenly, turned around quickly, swung the whip again, and the horse galloped towards James.

Jaime saw the spear of the youngest son of the Royce family getting closer and closer, and couldn't help but think of his own experience of shooting down Barristan Selmy.

Same young, same quick, same reaction

Just a few years later, has he fallen to this? James asked himself, looking calmly at the galloping Weimar, lightly kicking the horse with both legs, slowly increasing its speed.

A gust of wind hit the side of his face. Before he could feel the pain, he was already hanging in the air. The suffocating weightlessness suddenly surged into his chest. Jaime Lannister hit the ground heavily, and Weimar's spear hit him. He was hit in the breastplate, causing his whole body to fall back and break away from the horse's reins.

"Ugh~!" boos broke out all over the scene, and the audience's expectations for this competition were reduced to the lowest.

"Boom!" James looked up and saw that Weimar, who had knocked him off the horse, also fell from the horse in embarrassment and stood up with a face covered in gray.

"Fighting!" the referee shouted loudly.

The audience cheered suddenly.

At the top of the stand, Attis quietly watched the performance of the people in the audience. He could clearly see that the Kingslayer, at least in this joust, was far inferior to his performance in the previous two tourneys.

A warmth wrapped around the back of her hand. Myrcella inadvertently put her palm on the back of her hand and looked at the audience with some worry.

James was retreating steadily, and the long sword he held seemed unable to withstand Weimar's continuous attacks, and was even gradually forced to the other corner of the field.

"Quickly surrender!" Weimar's long sword slashed at him. James took advantage of the gap to dodge deftly. The sparks that hit the wall with the sword's edge jumped out. Weimar's broad sword was stuck in the gap in the wall. When he pulled it out, it was already there. Half a beat slower.

The cold touch touched Weimar's neck, and James' tired breathing surrounded his ears.

"You are very weak, Regicide." Weimar did not continue, but raised his left hand high to signal surrender.

The corners of James' mouth raised slightly, "You still lost."

There was a hint of unwillingness in Weimar's eyes, but he still retracted his sword and strode towards the outside.

James was still panting, his lower back pressed against the wall, and he looked up at Attis Arryn, who was watching him.

The competition ended with cheers from the audience.

Attis remained silent, and Angei behind him gently leaned close to him and whispered in his ear.

The Duke nodded, and Earl Corbray's army gathered on the east bank of the Green Fork River was already taking shape, just waiting for the final order.

He turned his head to one side and stared at the faint hint of failure in Myrcella's carefully bleached black hair, with a few strands of gold strands faintly visible.

Attis reached out and took Myrcella into his arms, tangled his fingers in her hair, "There is no need to put too much pressure, Myrcella," the latter looked up at him in confusion, "You are my fiancée. "Princess of Baratheon, whether you are black or blonde, you are my fiancée, the princess of the royal family. We are on the same side, and this will not change."

Myrcella's clear eyes were a little more throbbing. She swallowed and moved closer to Attis.

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