Eagle of the Valley of Ice and Fire

Chapter 227 Battle of the Blackwater River (2)

Heat and cold, at this moment, merged into a ball. The heat came from the burst of flames, and the cold came from the inside of the flesh.

The taste of death, Barristan moved his fingers, which would make the body dull. He rarely fell into this situation, and all kinds of experiences in the past came to his mind.

The iron inlay in the city gate curled up like a piece of crumpled paper, which deflated with a light touch. Wildfires hardly need a combustible medium.

It felt like there was sand on the ground rubbing his face. He opened his eyes slightly and realized that it was ash. They were even floating in the air, like fireflies under the moonlight.

Barristan's head was a little dazed. There were collapsed houses and burning bodies all around him.

"Long live King Stannis!" There were thousands of troops ahead.

He listened carefully, and the sounds around him were very noisy. He could hear all the dying struggles, resistances, and hasty escapes.

Barristan Selmy stood up with force, and his gray white robe was incomplete.

Fortunately, the long sword in his hand was still upright, and he propped the tip of the sword against the ground.

He looked up again, and the view was strangely empty.

The high and low houses disappeared, leaving only ashes.

The tall and solid city walls disappeared, and the flags of various colors in the Stormland were flying in the air.

The wildfire seemed to have been calculated, and did not continue to burn as imagined until everything disappeared.

The knights and soldiers of the Stormland were obviously stunned when they saw Barristan, and a strange confrontation formed for a while.

"It's Sir Barristan the Fearless!"

Barristan's mouth corners rose slightly, which was a mockery of himself. In the blurred vision, the crown and stag flag of the Baratheon family loomed in the flying dust. At the Trident River, he also faced this flag like this and fought for the Targaryen king.

Mad King? For some reason, he thought of Joffrey in the Red Castle. Is this really fighting for honor?

The long sword stood on the ground. Barristan didn't have much time to think about this problem. If the wall of King's Landing collapsed, he would be the wall.

"Who will come first?" The white knight looked forward and looked at the enemy.

The golden cloaks behind him grasped their long swords and short spears one after another. Barristan Selmy gave them great courage.

"Long live King Joffrey!" The golden cloak shouted.

The Storm Knight suppressed his inner awe and rushed towards Barristan with a long sword.

Barristan shook off the knight's long sword and let his center of gravity fall backwards. Then he raised his steel sword to meet him.

"I am a knight of the Brown Hill family and a guard of the Wrath of Cape!"

The young knight shouted, and the long sword blocked Barristan's first attack, the second, the third, and the fourth time.

He was an old man, already old, and would be exhausted sooner or later.

But Barristan's increasingly fierce sword and shadow made his wish come to nothing, and he was the first to gasp for breath.

"Damn it!" he cried in his heart.

Barristan's long sword bit his armpit steadily, and a trace of blood flowed out.

Then there was another flash of sword light, and the young knight covered his neck and lay on the ground with his eyes open.

Barristan didn't care about his expression and threw himself into another battle.


There was a huge gap in the city wall, and the capital garrison and Stannis's army were fighting together. There was only the sound of fighting and the disgusting smell of blood in the air.

The green light was like a thorn, piercing from the conical bone sockets of the eyes and reaching the spine.

Tyrion stood there in a daze, his heart pounding.

"What happened?" Joffrey's voice was trembling, his mouth wide open, and fear in his eyes.

The king stepped forward and grabbed the leather armor at Tyrion's neck with his hand, "Tell me, uncle, what happened there!"

Tyrion did not look at the anxious king, but pushed his hand away. Inexplicable courage surged in his heart. He poked Meryn Trant, who was guarding the king, with his dwarf finger, "I order you to protect the king well."

Meryn Trant swallowed his saliva. He was still immersed in the fear brought by the green fire just now. He nodded slightly, as if frightened by Tyrion's tone, "As you command, sir."

"I want my dog!" Joffrey protested.

His uncle, the little devil, ignored this protest, "The Hound, the city gate needs you." Tyrion turned to look at Sandor Clegane, who was standing beside the king and staring at the green fire in the distance.

"Never." The Hound breathed heavily

"What?" Tyrion widened his eyes and looked at the Hound in disbelief, "You are the king's knight. It is your honor and duty to go to the city gate to stop Stannis's army from entering the city."

"Fuck honor!" The Hound yelled.

Joffrey frowned, he looked at the Hound, then at his uncle.

"A king should know where his knights are more needed, and you, King Joffrey, Robert will definitely give this order." Tyrion spoke immediately.

Joffrey turned his head to look at the Hound, "I order you, the king orders you, the Hound, to guard the city gate."

Sandor Clegane looked at the city gate, pursed his lips, hesitated for a moment, "My soldiers, follow me!"

Half of the golden cloaks in the Red Castle were missing, following the Hound to the Old Gate.

The same green fire, in Davos' eyes, was like a gift from the gods.

"In the direction of the Old Gate, our people broke through the Old Gate!" Mathos excitedly jumped out, shouting loudly in the rain of arrows and sparks.

"Come down!" Davos pulled his son back, "The rain of arrows in the Red Castle can't understand your passionate declaration!"

The defenders of King's Landing were not fools who didn't know how to adapt. They saw clearly that the flag command of the Dragonstone fleet was not from the largest Fury, but from the inconspicuous Black Bess next to it. Countless arrows and fire pots were thrown into the Black Bess. The deck of the Beth.

Dense holes were scattered on the deck, and Davos was breathing heavily. He turned to look at the Fury, which was gradually sinking to the bottom of the sea, knowing that its mission was basically completed.

"Mathos! Raise the flag, collect the ships and the soldiers who fell into the water, and land with one force!"

The bodies of a dozen flag-bearers from the Black Bess were no longer known where they fell in the Blackwater River, so others could only do it for them.

Mathos didn't waste any time and rushed out, the flagpole of the Black Bess falling firmly into his hands.

He waved the flagpole, and the only remaining oar officer on board immediately understood.

"Boom, boom! Boom, boom! Boom!" The sound of the drums changed immediately.

The transport ship moved closer to the shore from among the separated ships. The soldiers who had been waiting for a long time on the Black Bess, Fury and other battleships picked up the small boats and rushed towards the other shore with their oars.

"I need an explanation!"

Joffrey squatted behind the hidden battlements, and countless ships docked outside the Red Keep. The voice of "Long live King Stannis!" resounded throughout the Blackwater River.

Stormlanders soldiers in scale mail filed out from the deck, trampling the shallow sand and mud of the Blackwater River, dragging such terrible things as battering rams behind them.

Marin Tran pursed his lips tightly, and sweat had accumulated on his forehead.

"Ser Meryn, I want you to leave the city immediately to meet the enemy!" Joffrey poked Meryn Tran's beautiful silver breastplate with his index finger in a panic, "Push all these damn rebels into the Blackwater River and feed them. fish!"

"Ser Bronn has already led his men. My duty is to protect you, my king." Merlin Tran responded hastily.


Before Joffrey could react, the sparks flying from the asphalt tanks were already approaching the city wall where he was. The desire to survive forced him to suddenly lean back and his whole body rolled down the stone steps behind.

"Damn it! I'm going to kill Stannis! I'm going to see his head hanging on King's Landing with my own eyes! I'm going to kill all the traitors! ~" Blood oozed from Joffrey's arm, and his burgundy clothes were stained with blood. The sleeves are dyed darker.

"Your Majesty," Meryn Trant helped Joffrey up, "we need a safer place."

"The king only needs to stay behind the knight to be safe." Tyrion's face was covered with a layer of dust. He looked at the soldiers behind him who were still shouting "Long live King Joffrey" and using arrows and crossbows to meet the enemy. " These soldiers are fighting for your honor, Joffrey."

The hesitation could not cover up the panic in Joffrey's heart. His eyes evaded and occasionally moved towards his Kingsguard.

Another Kingsguard, Ser Mandon Moore, raised his eyebrows slightly, his light gray eyes moved, and he looked at the king, "The place where the Queen Mother and the ladies are staying is safe enough."

Finally, guarding the king's side, the masters in golden robes selected by Bronn all looked towards the king.

Tyrion frowned, Meryn Trant moved out of the way, and Mandon Moore stared ahead calmly.

Joffrey lowered his head and said, "Ser Mandon, stay here in place of the king. Ser Meryn, follow me to comfort your frightened mother."

"Yes!" Marin gasped slightly, and he followed Joffrey without looking back.

The crackle of burning asphalt tanks, the creak of moving catapults, the neighing of horses, the clang of clashing swords, and the rumble of collapsing houses were all mixed together and transmitted through the seven-star glass top of the Red Fort sanctuary.

"We're dead!" screamed Miss Norris.

The low cry of the war horn seemed to confirm her words, and it was like the accompaniment of death in the wails of countless tragic deaths.

Sans pulled up her hood and licked her lips with her tongue. The smell of raw meat eaten by a lady on the street seemed to still be in her mouth, but to her own surprise, she didn't feel sick.

"We should stay in Maegor's Tower, which is a city within a city," Sansa said to the Countess, who was looking after her daughter.

"We're going to sing hymns!" Miss Norris screamed again, tears filling her dull brown eyes.

The countess nodded reluctantly, and she gave Sansa an apologetic smile.

The women gain strength from singing, Sansa thought to herself. She looked around the entire church. The carefully carved seven-pointed star symbol was printed on the glass windows that revealed seven colors of light. The warrior held the long sword, and the Heavenly Father glanced majestically. Of all living beings, only the Holy Mother still looked at everyone with compassion.

"Tender Virgin, Source of Mercy," the maid sang first.

"Bless your son through the fierce battle," Sansa joined the chorus, as her mother had taught herself many times at Winterfell.

"Stand still the arrow, resist the sword,"

"Let them see a better tomorrow," Loris visibly cried, her sister patting her back slightly.

"Tender Virgin, Hope of Women,"

"Help your daughter not suffer."

There was an ill-timed stamping, and Joffrey's grumpy voice interrupted the chorus.

"What a woman who cries!" said Joffrey contemptuously.

Sansa looked at Joffrey, with obvious coldness in her eyes, "I thought you would personally go into battle to defend the enemy."

Joffrey frowned, "The king needs to comfort you women who are frightened by the rebels. The ones who go into battle to defend the enemy are the king's knights!"

"King Robert will not be like this," Sansa raised her head, proudly standing like a delicate rose in the south, "and you are his son."

"Sansa. You. Me." Joffrey stood there, "You are..." His face flushed, as if he couldn't think of the right words to say.

"Calm the wrath, tame the frenzy," Sansa continued to sing the hymn.

"Teach us to be tolerant of each other."

Joffrey stamped his feet, "You are being disrespectful to the king!"

But the women obviously ignored him, and the sound of the hymn resounded throughout the sept.

"Your Majesty, the queen mother is waiting for you at Maegor's Tower." Meryn Trant didn't care how much the king's face was lost along the way. The mercenaries inside and outside the Red Castle, the gold cloaks, and even the servants and women could see it clearly. He just wanted to get to the heavily guarded Maegor's Tower as soon as possible, which was the safest place in King's Landing.

Joffrey struggled and roared towards Maegor's Tower.

He was almost dragged away by Ser Meryn, Sansa noticed.

A huge crash came from the city gate. Bronn's golden robes retreated again and again. Fishermen's Square was in a mess. Stannis's army pushed forward.


The gate suddenly closed, and the sharp saw teeth rotated. The poor ghost who didn't have time to stop felt the instantaneous suction. The pain had not yet reached the nerves, but the numbness of the arms had already arrived first. The soldiers' bodies and limbs were rolled into the darkness deep in the gate, leaving the soldiers rolling on the spot.

"Battery ram!"

Sir Roland Storm, the bastard of Nightsong City, used a heavy broadsword to press against the thick city gate, bent down, held the battering ram with his big hands, and faced the mud gate.

"Clang! Clang!" Several loud noises came from behind the city gate. The seemingly indestructible steel material of the mud gate couldn't help but tremble. Bronn swallowed his saliva and turned his head to look at the golden robes under his command behind him. Most of them were mercenaries that Bronn was more familiar with.

"Open the gate." Bronn hesitated for a moment and said to the people around him.

The golden robe did not hesitate, "Open the gate!"

The enemy landed from the Blackwater River, and hiding behind the city wall could only wait for death. The only way to save the city gate was to take the initiative to fight and defeat the enemy who rushed to the beach hastily.

Sir Roland Storm felt that the battering ram suddenly lost its power. He looked up at the city gate that was opened again, spit, and held the broadsword in front of him in his hand.

"Kill! ~"

The mud gate that looked spacious on weekdays seemed so narrow when the two armies were mixed together. They pushed each other to squeeze in front, blood splattered on both sides of the wet stone wall, swords collided, steel clanged, and even sparks came out on the stone wall.


Tyrion collapsed behind the huge stone that collapsed from the city wall. The "Three Whores of King's Landing" twisted frequently, and the golden robes kept delivering the stored asphalt cans and stones. Every time the long arms on the catapults swung, the ground would tremble.

Many images emerged in his mind, and the green light of the wildfire lingered in his mind.

The little devil remembered the alchemist Harlin who drowned in the public spring water of Flea Bottom, the poison in the public waterway, and the riot in King's Landing...

This series of strange things all connected in a line, but there was no clear result.

However, the wildfire that appeared at the old city gate dispelled all the clouds that obscured the facts, pointing to the only person who played a key role in this series of events,

Lord Tywin handed over all the information about King's Landing to Varys, who had always been loyal to Lannister, as usual.

Tyrion's brain was working rapidly. He suddenly remembered the details of Stannis' victory over Renly. What reversed Renly's victory in the Battle of the Hills was not the complex mountain terrain, but the mysterious poisoning of Renly's army.

Like the public waterways in King's Landing, the running water was poisoned.

He clenched his fists and stood up.

"Where is the spider?" Tyrion's head was a little dizzy, and he couldn't even stand steadily. It was probably because he was shocked when the asphalt tank broke and burned.

Ser Mandon Moore frowned, "What?" He seemed not to hear clearly.

"I say, Lord Varys." Tyrion found himself gritting his teeth.

"Spider..." Mandon Moore sneered, "It's probably underground in the Red Castle, with reptiles and bats."

Tyrion didn't answer, he covered his mouth and nose, he had to get King's Landing out of trouble, he had to find a way...

The dwarf's hands were cold, as if they had been soaked in ice water. Tyrion looked at his wrinkled hands, he had never felt that his body had shamed him like today!


"For Stannis!"

Davos landed on the beach, his son Mathos couldn't wait to shout, even the arrows blew the wind beside his ears, he didn't care, he shouted loudly.

The sailor picked up the scimitar, the knight picked up the long sword, their heavy armor that didn't work on the ship had no other use except to be dipped in the salt water of sea salt, and finally found its original destination on the ground.

Davos looked at the army led by Sir Roland Storm, they were blocked outside the mud gate, entangled with a large number of golden robes.

He sighed and pointed to the north opposite to the Mud Gate, "Enter from the Old Gate. We must occupy King's Landing as soon as possible!"

The knights and squires under Stannis did not need Davos's guidance. They knew the enemy's weakness very well. The green fire that was tens of feet high had already revealed everything.

A large number of Stannis's troops had already poured into the city gate. The crowned stag flag of Baratheon, as well as the flags of most of the Stormland nobles and even the property knights were flying at the city gate.

"The enemy is resisting stubbornly. Charge!" Davos shouted loudly.

Our own war cry also sounded at the right time, "Woooooooooo!"

Countless knights rushed forward with shields in hand. Perhaps due to the influence of King Robert, a high proportion of the knights inside used hammers. They were swinging in the air, and the iron-colored shadows swayed in the air. Makes a cracking sound.

"Long live King Robert!"

Countless knights shouted.

Barristan looked at the influx of more and more Stormland soldiers. The golden robes under his command around him lost their fighting spirit. With a frown, he blocked the attack of another Stormland knight and chopped off his head. , gritted his teeth and moved forward.

The long sword of Sir Sandor Clegane beside him was broken into pieces, with bits and pieces on the verge of breaking, and blood stains covered the entire armor.


The formation of the golden robe was smashed to pieces, and the column of knights from the stormland penetrated deeply into it like a dagger piercing the golden robe.

Davos was behind the team. He saw the Lannister flag being pulled up, thrown away, and trampled on in mid-air, and the ecstasy in his heart surged to another third.

"Long live King Stannis!~" Behind him, countless knights shouted loudly.

It was over, Barristan let out a long sigh in his heart, and his sword broke as if hearing the whisper of fate.


The broken sword fell to the ground, and Ser Sandor Clegane also fell to the ground, with many scars on his breastplate.

call! ~

Barristan laughed out loud. He gritted his teeth and pulled out the blade from his thigh with pain. Blood overflowed.

Davos was almost pushing to the front of the team, "Stanni..." he was about to shout, announcing the outcome of the war.

But the whimpering in the distance showed the bankruptcy of his inner thoughts.


On the hillside in the distance, on the smooth road of the King's Road, a long blast of a war horn came from the back.

This was followed by the frequent sound of stirrups.

"Kick! Ta-ta! Kick! Ta-ta!"

The dust was stirred up by the sound and gradually rose.

The Knights of the Stormland heard this movement and turned to look.

The moonlight was weak and one could not see clearly behind the hillside, only the grass and trees swaying in the wind.

The brief silence shrouded the two armies like moonlight, and a strange tranquility filled the air.


Another wailing war cry, and a row of flags suddenly appeared from the hillside.

Even though the night was deep, there were sharp-eyed people shouting loudly.

"Crescent Falcon! The flag of House Arryn!"

Davos gasped, his lips opened involuntarily, and he looked into the distance.

"Deng Deng! Ta da!"

This time the sound of stirrups was even closer, and the neighing of the war horses was even within earshot.

"For the valley!~"

"Long live Duke Attis!~"

"For the Eagle's Nest!~"

Countless cavalrymen rushed out from behind the hillside, sweeping away clouds of dust. Blue and white flags waving behind them, lined up closely, roaring in the wind.


Davos saw it clearly, and the costumes of the Valemen were reflected directly in his eyes. With his eyes widened, he watched this trend pouring into Stannis's army...

Like an arrow that never looks back.

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