Eagle of the Valley of Ice and Fire

Chapter 247 Survival and Wisdom

The Ironborn seem to have occupied the Moat Cailin, but they have no idea about everything around them and are completely unfamiliar with them.

Raff Kenning, who stayed behind in the three lonely towers of the Moat Cailin, thought to himself. He stood on the Son of the Forest Tower. The half-missing spire brought in the cold wind from the North and the swamp, and the wind also had a fishy smell from the black swamp in the south.

There must be the stench of several ironborn corpses mixed in there. Damn, they are all good sailors on the Kenning family's ship! Raff thought angrily in his heart.

Damn the Marshlanders, how did they pop up in the green swamp full of poisonous gas, pierce the ankles of the Ironborn with sharp short spears, and then drag them into the swamp to drown.

Even if Raff sent more scouts to search, he couldn't figure out the Marshlanders' fighting methods. Finally, after several teams of scouts disappeared, he came up with a way to deal with the Marshlanders' guerrilla warfare.

He stayed in the tower of the Moat Cailin and stayed indoors.

Rafe threw the axe in his hand to the wall of the tower and rubbed his eyes. He didn't know whether it was an illusion or something else, but he always felt that the poisonous gas of the black swamp south of the Cailin Bay would penetrate into his eyes, forcing people to bleed from all seven orifices and torture them to death.

Most of the iron soldiers around him collapsed on the ground, their heads swaying slightly to one side, eyes closed, and hungry.

Rafe looked at this scene and was worried.

Supply was a big problem. The villages in the north were all burned by Bolton's cavalry who had arrived earlier. The black smoke from the fire was clearly visible even on the tower of Cailin Bay, which forced the villagers to leave their hometown and go north to other lords' lands to make a living. The skinners' merciless fortification and clearing of the fields almost cut off the possibility of the iron people going north to find supplies, so they had to rely on hunting in the south to make a living.

It was smooth at first, until this group of marshlanders living deep in the neck suddenly appeared and caught them off guard.

"Flutter!" Over the sky above the Bay of Cailin, the raven raised its black wings, picked up a wooden beam of the tower and landed, and its pointed beak tidied its feathers.

The eyes of the ironborn beside him seemed to be shining, and he moved carefully, reached out and picked up the short bow, and aimed at the raven.

"Swish!" The arrow pierced the raven's body straight, and it just cried softly and fell to the ground. When it died, its body was completely curled up, and its head was buried in feathers.

"These are the most worthwhile things to walk the ancient road in this shabby place, this rotten land in the North!" The ironborn soldier cursed, picked up the raven directly, and pulled out the arrow. In the case of uncertainty about support, it really couldn't waste anything.

The raven's claws were obviously tied with a letter, "Captain, letter." The soldier handed the letter to Raffer.

The silver-gray wolf logo of the Stark family was printed on the surface of the envelope. Raffer frowned and opened the letter.

"Hua La La! ~" There was a sudden sound of wings flapping and flying on the tower.

The Ironborn stood up and looked up.

Countless ravens seemed to smell the strangeness and danger on this familiar tower, and they all spread their wings and flew away from this barren land, heading south.

This almost became a black curtain, hanging dazzlingly above the Ironborn, unwilling to give up a ray of light in the sky.

Raff opened his mouth, turned around, and looked to the south with fear.

"Send a letter to Pike," Raff told the people around him, "We need more support."


In the Twins, the blue and white falcon flag of the Arryns and the bridge twin city flags of the Freys fluttered in the wind.

Jon Grafson stood on the top of the North Castle, looking at the King's Road in the south, with an anxious look.

He didn't restrain his expression until the vibration of horse hooves on the dust came. Grafson took a deep breath, holding a thick report on the financial revenue and expenditure of the Twins in his hand.

Lord Artis Arryn entrusted such an important castle in the Riverlands to himself and the Grafson family for management. Jon Grafson vowed to treat this great trust with the most serious attitude and never relax.

"Open the city gate, I will go to meet the Duke in person." Jon Grafson shook the mail armor on his body, splashed water on his face from the basin held by the servant, and trotted towards the city.

The city gate was open, and the traces of the previous battle had long disappeared. The gate of the North Castle of the Twins was brand new, and the metal-carved falcons of the Arryns proudly spread their wings on both sides of the city gate. The oak components of the Frey family in the past have been completely removed and replaced by hard steel.

Artis Arryn took off his half helmet, turned over and dismounted, and walked straight towards the city gate.

Jon Grafson sighed, lowered his head and held a large stack of letters and reports, and bowed slightly.

"Lord Arryn, this is..." Seeing Artis approaching, he spoke softly.

"Where is Lady Frey?" Artis asked, avoiding the thick paper in Grafson's hand.

Jon Grafson was slightly stunned, and he pointed behind the city gate, "In the South Castle, Duke Arryn, these are the finances of the Twins..."

"We'll discuss it later." Artis waved his hand gently, and Ange brought the warhorse over again. Artis got on the horse and galloped towards the South Castle.

Jon Grafson held the thick paper, leaned against his chest, and stared at the back of Duke Artis leaving in a daze.

The blue robe beside the Duke looked at him with some amusement, nodded slightly and saluted, and then followed the Duke closely and left.

Jon Grafson shook his head slightly, and he complained, but not at the Duke.

"Damn, these things should be mentioned in the main hall," Grafson cursed and slapped his face, "How can these financial filth compare to..." He couldn't help but keep silent and looked at the South Castle.

Attis came to the door of Rosalin's bedroom, and the maid bowed to him.

"Is the lady here?"

The maid whispered: "The lady is resting in bed. If you need me, I will go..."

Attis waved his hand to refuse and slowly opened the door.

Rosalin was lying on the bed, wearing pajamas hanging down, and her eyes looked at him as if she was shining.

"You are here." Rosalin's face was quite pale and her voice was soft.

Attis sat on the bed and held her hand.

"It must be difficult to be the lady of the Twins." He smiled and said to Rosalin.

"It's not easy to give birth to Arryn's heir." Rosalin's mouth moved slightly, and there was some calmness in her tone.

Attis opened his mouth slightly, and the words he prepared before were useless in an instant.

Roslin shook her head gently, "I read a lot of books left by the former Frey family in the library, books about, about Frey's way of doing things," she looked at Artis with ripples in her eyes, "It took me a long time to understand my situation..."

"So," Roslin felt like a thousand-pound stone was pressing on her chest, "The child in my belly, he... or she, is the last name Hewen or Shidong..."

Her eyes were still pure, and her tone seemed to be that simple girl.

The look in Artis's eyes was no longer the pity of loving a girl, but a touch of respect.

He let go of his hand, and Artis knew that it was not because of Hewen or Shidong, but the last name was Frey or Arryn.

Roslin's chin trembled slightly, and Artis saw her uneasiness.

"Lady Frey," Attis' tone became serious. Rosalin's question just now was about political survival, which was not something that a simple girl could compare to. "This child will only have the surname Frey. Whether it is a boy or a girl, he or she will become the heir of the Twins."

Rosalin seemed to have pushed away a heavy stone in her heart, and she sighed with relief. Attis stretched out his arms and held her in his arms.

"God bless..." Rosalin closed her eyes and hid the tears in her eyes.

The girl was very weak and simple, until she became a mother. For the sake of her children, she seemed to become braver and wiser. Rosalin was protecting the fetus in her belly...

Attis immediately rejected the previous judgment in his heart. There was another wise mother on the mountain of the Eyrie.

"But he will be adopted by me, and I will educate him personally." Attis whispered to Rosalin, stroking her belly.

Rosalin nodded slightly. The things she had kept in her heart had been solved. She would not force the rest, including whether the child would stay with her.

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